Page 13 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 13


         24. Classification, by faculties, of the student-s enrolled at the universities.  120
         25. Statisties of the 8chool fol' Higher Commercial Studies  .        122
         26. Students enrolled in the 8chool for Higher Oommercial Studies ..  122
         27. Students enrolled in the 8choo16 of fine·ll.rts, in 1934-35.      123
         28. Statistics of the schaols of fine arts, from 1923-24 ta 1934-35.  12.3
         29. Pupîls enrolled in the Pol:vtechnie School, in 19a4-35.           124
         30. Statistics of the Polvtechnic 80hoo1.                             124
         31. Students enrolled in'the technical 8chool8.  .  .                 125
         32. Schools of arts and manufactures and schools for deaf-mute.'3 and the blind.  125
         33. Statistic.'3 of schools of agriculture.                           126
         34. Statistics of the intermediate ugriculturaI Ilchoob.              126
         35. Stat:iBtics of the clairy 8chool.                                 127
         36. Statistics of domestic science school8.                           127
         37. Statistics of night schoolB.                                      128
         38. Statistics of dress-rnaking 8chools.                              128
                                    B-----eOST OF EDUCi\.TION
         39. Amount of contributions for schoom.                               129
         40. Average cost of education, pel' pupil           '..               130
         41. Contributions by the Quebec Government for educational purposes   131
                                    e---SCHOOL BUILDINGS
         42. Number of schooœ constructed or repaired and cost of oonstruction.  132
         43. Number of schoolhouses built or repaired.                         133
         44. Cost of schoolhouses built or repaired                            134

                          VI - ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROVINCE
                             A-CONSTITUTION OF THE GOVERNMENT
          L List of Lieutenant-govemors and date of appointment.               135
          2. Members of Executive Council in November, 1936...                 136
          3. List of members of Executive Council of the Province of Quebec, since 1867.  136
          4. Duratîon of legislatUl'es and of sessions, sinee 1867. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  142
          5. General elections for the Legislative Assembly of th(" Province, since Confederation.  1«
          6. Members of the Legislative CouncU, in November 1936. . . . . . . . .  1«
          7. Electol's and polling: in each electoral division at the General Election of 1935  14.5
          S. Members of the Legislative Assembly, in 1936  "                   147
          9. List of the Speakers of the Legislative Council, sinee 1867, and date of their swearing in .. 148
         10. List of the Speakers of the Legislative A8sembly, since 1867, and date of their sweal'Îng: in 148
         Il. Members of the House of Commons for the Province of Quebec, in 1936.  .  149
         12. Representatives of the Province of Quebec in the Senate of Canada, in 1936.  149

                                      B-<::ROWN LANDS
         13. OrO\ n lands sold or granted and lands not allott.ed  .           150
         14-. Number of lettera patent iSBued and of sales effected, from 1917 to 1935 ..  151
         15. Number of farm lots sold in the Province, in 1934-35.             152

         16. Coloni,.tion premium, pBid colonis".     .        .               155
         17. '~/ol'k done on colonization roads since the month of July, 1902..  156
         18. Vi.Tork done on colonization roads, by countieB, in 1934-35  .    157
         19. SubBidics fol' colonization l'oads, by counties, llince 1900  .   158

         20. Convictions for indicta.ble and non-indict.uble offences. in 1933 and 1934. .  161
         21. Convictions for indictabJe offences, by ciasBes, in the Provinces of Quebec. . . . . . . . . .. '. 162
         22. Convictions for indictable offeneeB. by classeB and offences in the Pl'ovince of Quebec .... 163
         23. Oharges, convictionll and acquittaL" for indictahle offences, by province.<:.) in 1933 and 1934 164
         24. Femaie offenders in Canada by                         164
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18