Page 11 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 11

         22. La.nguage 8poken by the population of Canada, la of age and ovel', by provinces,
                in 1931..  .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  . ..          76
         23. Wage earners at wOl'k or idle on ,fwle 1st, 1931, :md causes of unemployment. .  77
         24. Number of dwelling houses, in Canada, by provinces                 78
         25. Structurally separate uuits in Canada, by provinces, in 1931. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  79
         26. Dwelling houses, structurally separate units and houseLolds, by provinces, in 1931.  79

                               B-MOVEMENT OF THE POPULATION
         27. ::\Iarriages, births and deaths registered in the Province of Quebec.  80
         28. Marriage, birth and death l's,tes pel' 1,000 population .... '     82
         29. Marriages, births and deaths recorde<hn the Province, by counties, in 1935.  83
         30. Vital statistics of Canada, by provincC'S, in 1935, . , , , , , , , , . , . .  84
         31. MalTiages, births and deaths in cities and towns of the Province l in 1935.  84
         32. Birth rates, pel' 1,000 population, of the Canadian provinces. ..  85
         33. Crude birth rate of various foreign countries. ',' , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8.5
         34. Total number of deaths in the Province, by age pcriods, in 1934 and 1935.  86
         35. Crude death rate of various foreigh countries.                     86
         36. Number of deaths recorded in the Province of Quebec.               87
         37. Death rate, pel' 1,000 population, of thc Canadian provinces...    87
         38. Number and rate per 1,000 living hirths, of deaths wlder 1 year of age.  88
         39. Deaths under 1 year of age and ratc pel' 1,000 living births in cities and towns, in 1935. ..  88
         40. Number and rate pel' 1,000 living births of deaths under 1 yeal' of age, by counties, in 1935  89

                                    C-HEALTH CONDITIONS
         41. Deaths causoo hy certain diseases, in Canada, by provinces, in 1935.  91
         42. Death rate from ccrtain diseases in cities and towns.  . ... . .... . .  91
         43. Certain causes of death in the Province of Quebec.                 92
         44. Death raws from diseases by counties, in 1934 and 1935. . .... . ...  94
         45. Numoor of deaths cRllsed by tuberclllosis in Canada, by provinces, in 1935... . . ... . . ...  95
         46. Summary of cxaminations made by the Provincial Bureau of Health, in 1935-36.  97

         47. Destination, by provinces, of immigrants registered in Canada..    98
         48. Occupation of immigrants into Canada, in 1935 and 1936.. ...  . .. . . .... . . . ... .  99
         49. Classification of immigrants into Canada, according to port of alTinù, l'rom 1930 to 1936  99


          1. Development of education in the Province of Quebec.               lOI
          2. Summary of educational sts,tistics.                               102
          3. b'tatistics of elementary primal'y schools.                       103
          4. Statistics of complementa.ry and intermediate schools  .          104
          5. Statistics of superiOl' primary schools and of high schools  .    105
          6. Statistics of aU primaI}' schools         .                       106
          7. Number of primary schools by electorul districts.                 108
          8. Pupils enrolled in primary schoolB by elcctoral districts.        109
          9. Teachers in primary schools by electoral districts .... ' .       110
          10. Infant-schools.-Pupils enrolled and average attend.3.nce.        111
          Il. Average salary of lay teachem                  .                 111
         12. Average number of pupils pcr primary school under onc teacher  .  111
         13. Male and female tes,chers and pupib of normal schools.~Diplomasawarded ..  112
         14. Nllmber of pupils enrolled in norma.lschools. -  _  '   .         113
          15. Provincial Government grants to normal schools.                  113
         16. Catholic elementary diplomas   .                                  114
         17. Catholic superiol' diplomas  '  .'        ' ..                    114
         18. Diplornn.s awa,rded by Macdonald Protestant ~onnalSchool. .....   114
         19. Diplomas awarded by the Central Board of Catholie Examiners..     115
         20. Number of professors and pupilB in clussical colleges ...         116
         21. Value of immovable property, expenses, etc., of clarls!cal coUeges.  117
         22. Independent non-subsidized institutions  .                        118
         23. Number of pl'Ofessors and students ut ulÙyersities  .             119
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