Page 105 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 105

DEGR8 D'INSTRUCTION-LITERACY                         75
           La. classification, selon le degré d'instruction  The classifica.tion, according ta lit.eracy and
         et par groupes d'âge, de la population âgée de  age, of the population of ten years of age and
         dix ans et. plus est donn~e dan,q le vohune III  over iB given in Volume III of the census of
         du recensement de 193H A cette date, 94.52%  1931. At that date, 94.52% of the population
         de la populstiun de la. province, âgée d'a.u  of the Province, of 10 of age and over,
         moins 10 ans, savait lire et ~cril'e alors que ce  could l'Bad and write as against only 93.04%
         pourcentage n'~tait que de 93.04 en }021. Par  in 1921. On the other haud, the illiterate
         contre, la. proportion des illettms n'était que  represented only 4.76% at the last census
         de 4.76% lors du dernier recensement alors  whereas they constituted 6.19% ten yeats
         qu'elle a'élevait à 6.19% dix ans lluparavant.  previously.

         21-Deg,r6 d'instruction de la population. Ag,6e de 10 ans et plus, au Canada, en 1931.
             21-Literacy of the Populati<Jn, 10 Yeara of Age and over, in Canada, in 1931.
                                        Nombre-Nuwber             Proportion
                          âgée de 10  Baehant  Bacbll.Dt  N, sachant  Sacbant  Saobant  1 Ne Nl,(lhll.Dt
                         ans et plus  lire et  lU.  ni lire ni  lire et  lire
            PROVINCES       -       écrire  seulement  écrire  écrire  BeUletnent  1 ni.~~;;,ni
                          P18~~~~n  Able to  Able  Unable  Able to  Able    Unable
                          and o'Ver  Read and  '0  Road  to Road  Read and  to Read  to Read
                                   Write    only   Ol' Write  Write  only  or Write
                            POPULATION TOTALE -  TOTAL POPULATION
         I1e-du.PA~. P. E.I..... 1  59,333  1;)6,g96  502  1  1,835  96.63  0.72  2.65
         N.-liioosse.... Nova Scotia  402.401  382,472  2,790  17,139  P5.05  1  0.69  4.26
         N.-BrunsW1ok.......... ,  310,316  286,675  2.200  21,440  92.3:>1  0.71  6.91
         Québec................ 1 2,11;)7,:117  2,048,778  15.527  1  103,212  94.52  1 1  0.72  4.76
         Ontario... ,. . . . . . .  '  2,791,072  2,719,:1:18  7.357  64,157  97.44  0.26  2.30
         Manitoba.......... '" .J  557,806  530,779  2,151  24,876  95.1:1  0.39  4.46
         Saskatcbewan......  705,350  672,812  3,441  29,097  9:1.39  1  0.49  4.13
         Alberta, ...............  572,129  549,789  2,671  Hl,6fi9  96.10  0.47  3.44
         Colombie-Brit. B. C.....  583,135  558,417  1,630  23,088  95.76  1  0.28  3.96
         yukon ............••••  3,542  2,710  3      802    76.51    0.85   22.64
         Terr. du N.-D. N.W.T.•  7,021  2,832  108   4,081   40.34    1. 54  58.12
                                                °1  309,398  95.74    0.47    3.79
               CAJU.DA·······I 8,169,622  7,821.B1S ,
                                       BOMMES -  MALE
         IJ.e-d,u-P.~t.P. E. 1.. •. '1 1  35,907  34,584  2]3  1,110 1  96.32  0.59  3.09
         N.-~cOSBe.:.Nova. Scotia  207,098  195,465  1  1,438  10,195  94.38  0.6!l  4.92
         N.-Bl'uIl9W1Ck...... , ...  159,102  143,996  1,181  13,925  90.51  0.74  8.75
         Québec..•............. i  1,091,418  1,014,259  9,399  07,760  92.93  0.86  1  6.21
         Ontario................ !  1,423,989  1,381,104  4,341  38,544  90.<:19  0..30  2.71
         Saskatchewan..........i  296,095  374,025  1,040  11,~192  95.88  0.35  4.05
         Manitoba.............. i
         yukon ...•.........1  328,983  .308,619  1,468  1.3,753  96.49  0.46  3.05
         Colombie-B.rit. B. C.....
         Tel'r.du N.-o. N,W.T..  3,850  2,063 5  10  2,103   83.35    0.77   54.62
                                                                      1. 35
                                     1'6t:l  1
               CANAD4......•  4,258,862  4,053,007  22,028  183,827  95.17  0.52  4.32
                                                 1       1
                                     FEMMES - FEMALE
         I1e-tlu-P.•:J!;. P. E. 1.... "  33,426  32,412  289  725  96.97  0.86  1  2.17
         N.-~oos!je,.. NovaScotia  Hl5,303  187,007  1,352  6,944  95.75  0.69  3.56
         N.-Brunswick....... ...  151,214  1  142,680  1.019  7,515  94.36  0.67  4.97
         Québec., ... ...........  1,076,009  1,034,519  6.128  35,452  90.14  0.57  3.29
         Ontario.....     1,367,083  1,338,454  3,016  25,613  97.91  0.22    1, 87
         Manitoba.... ::::::::: :  261,711  247,716  1,111  12,884  04.05  0.42  4.92
         Saskatchewan........ ..  315.245  298,787  1,650  14,808  94.78  0.52  4.70
         Alberta...............  252,289  241,170  1,213  9,906  95.59  0.48  3.93
         Colombie-Brit. B. C.....  254,152  244,2B3  534  9,335  96.12  0.21  3.67
         yukon .......•. , •...••  1,067  647  11     409    60.64    1.~~   38.33
         Ten. du N,·O. N.W.T. ,  3,171  1,137  56    1,978   35.86   1."     62.37
              CANAD4.•••....  3,910,760  3,768,812  18,379  125,589  96.37  0.42  3.21
   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110