Page 101 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 101

1tTAT CIVIlr-CONJUGAL CONDITION                      71
         17-itat civil de la population du Canada, par provinces et par sexes, 1911, 1921, 1931.
         17--conJugalCondition of the Population ofCanada,byProvincesand Sex, 1911, 1911, 1931.

                            1      1911              1921              1931
              PROVINCES       HOIDIDe6  Femmes  Bommes  FemmlllJ  Ho""",,, r=
                                -       -        -        -        -
                               Male    Fema.le  Mll.le  Female    Male    Fema1e
                            1        1

        Ue-du-Pce·li:....P. E. I. ..... ,  30,216  28,162  27,634  24,717  27,820  23,611
        Nouv.-Ec0S98... Nova SootÏa..  156,643  139,\)58  162,835  144,859  160.044  138,027
        N.-BrunlIwiak................  113,015  101,288  121,428  109,670  129,407  115,368
        ~t~:·:::::::::::::::::::::  637,932  609,029  828,538  759,901  910,618  877,075
        Manitoba.•.•..... ..........  161,846  120,157  196,072  1{i2,928  221,183  184,410
        SukatchewaD•...... .... ....  192,352  112,387  263,186  196,499  315,196  242,039
        AlberLa., .....•.•...........  147,473  82,939  199,741  143,958  242,542  179,961
        Co1ombi&-Brit. BrU. Columbia.  160,218  71,585  15D,629  114,199  204,9<i1  148,909
        yukon....• , •••.....•..•..••  4,672  834  1,808    582     1,857     699
        Territoues du N.-o. N.-W. T••  1,859  1,531  1,460  1,169   3,026   2,275
              CANADA.•.•••••.•••  2,369,766  1,941,886 (ll2,S'B,S64  2,371,728  3,179,444  ~771.96B
                                    MARltS -  MARRIED
        De-du~Pe&-t....P. E. I. .... "  15,266  15,138  1  15.668  15,616  15,886  15,695
        NoUV.-EaOSS8...Nova Scotia..  86,277  84.008  94,808  93,384  94.181  92,807
        N._Brunswic:k.• , •..••........  61,131  60,069  69.674  68,860  72,577  71,699
        Québec........ ... . ..........  343,386  335,026  406.442  399,173  494,136  478,694•.. ... ..........  493.344  1  4G8,881  607,186  589.518  731,191  703,232
        Manitobll., ..... .........  85,009  79,770  117,480  113,795  137,568  131,07B
        Sukatchewan.,., •...........  90,765  82,189  142.431  136,270  173,610  164,779
        Alberta... , , ••... , •.........  70,63.1  62,637  117.D!l1  110.190  147,549  137,810
        Colombi&-Brit. Brit. Columbia.  83,096  61,359  125,656  103,433  163,730  139,655
        yukon.. , •.. , ..•............  1,623  1,012  735  576     807      618
        Territoires du N.-O. N.-W. T ..  1,323  1,379  935  848    2,005    1,883
             CA.."'IADA .•••••. " ..•  1,331,853  1,251,.468 1(1)1,698.297  1,631,6&1  ~O33,240  1,837.950
                                EN VEUVAGE-WIDOWED
        Ile-du-Pce-~.... P. E.l .......  1,513  3,279  1,549  3,358  1,667  1  3,327
        Nouv,-EcoBSEI, .. Novll. Seotia.•  6,891  16.4~0  1  8,440  18,752  8,638  18,764
        N.-BnlllBwick........ , •......  4,978  10,380  5,918  11,676  6,453  12,422
        Québec.•.... ......  ......  26.104  46.764  32,899  57,791  41,538  70,909
        Ontario. , , •..... .. .........  33.628  78,654  42,954  99.259  1  52,223  118,840
        Mll.Ditoba•.....  ....  4.003    7,541   6,472    12,349   8,671   16,264
        Saskatchewan., ..• : : : : : : .....  4.291  5,556  7,456  1O,5G7  10,024  14,747
        Alberta...• , .•...... , .......  3,375  4,498  6,667  9,607  8,807  13,234
        Colombi&-Brit.-Brit. Columbia.  4,079  6,178  7,118  12,846  10,615  19,701
        yukon, .• , .....•.•........•.  16.  135   152      78      140       85
       Territoires-du N.-o. N.-W. T •.  123  231   66      221      17.      348
             CANADA .... , ....••.  89,154  179,666  1")  U9,695  236,504  954  288,641
                                    1                            148,  1
                                   DIVORCtS -  DIVORCED
        I1e-du~Pce-~  P. E. 1.  .  12     18       24       18       15       13
        Nouv.-Ecosse  Nova Scotia..  75   Dl      211      210      170  1   138
        N.-Brunswiek.....  . ....  .1     79      12.")    106      140      109
       8~~:i~·.::"::·.:..        536     680  1  1,135    1,369    1,071    1,015
       Manitoba......  .  .      100      120     245      260      344      309
       Baskatchewü.Il....  .  .  167      8!l     337      233      394      273
       AJboo-ta      _    .      159      97      413      289      021      393
       Colombie-Brit..Brit. Columbia  215  156    547      483      921      731
       yukon              .      38       22       22        4       17       3
       Territoires du N.~O. N.-W. T ..  2  2        1        1       5        3
             CANADA ..•........ 1  2,125  2,275  3,670    3,731    4,049    3,192
          (1) Comprend les membrœ de la IllB.rine roynJe canadienne.-Including memberB of the Royal Canadian Ka,,-y.
          NOTE.-A l'exclUflion des pet'15Olll1eB dont l'état civil eBt inconnu.-Exeiusive of penions whoee coniupl OOIl·
       dition is Ilot Gated.
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