Page 100 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 100

70                             POPULATION
                      t'rAT CIVIL                      CONJUGAL COND [TIaN
           Les différents termes usités sous cette rubri-  The terme used refer t 0 the matrimonial
         que désignent l'état matrimonia.l de la. popula-  st8.tus ùf persons at the tim e of the ceIlBUB. In
         tion à la date du recensement. Dans la province  the Provinee of Quebee, 0  n the lst of June,
         de Qu~becJ au 1er juin 1931, les c~libato.ires  1931, the un.m.auied num bered 1,787,693 or
         étaient a.u nombre de 1,787,693 ou 62.19% det;  62.19% of the persons enum erated but it must
         personnes receJ1Hées; il convient de remarquer
         eependant que la population de moins de 15 ans  he noted, that the populùtio n undcr 15 years of
         s'élevait à 1,022,547 J soit 35.57% de la popula-  age was 1,022,547 or 35.57% o of the total popu..
         tion totale et 57.19% des personnes non ma-  lation and 57.19% of th e unmarried. This
         riées. Ce groupe se composait de 513,855 gar~  group consisted ûf 513,855  bûys and 508,692
         çoDB et 508,692 filles.               giriB.
                  16 - ttat clvil de la population du Canada, par provinces, en  1931.
              16--Conju~alCondJtJon of the Population of Canada, by ProvIn ces, ln 1931.
                              Célib~,,;,"1  Mariéo                  ~~u
               PROVINCES                       En veu"""" 1 Divo","  \  In  1  Tolal
                               Single   Married  Widowed  Divoroed  No t Sta,ted
                             1                1
                            POPULATION TOTALE-TOTAL POPULATION

         n&-du-pce-~....P. E. I. ......  51,431  81,581  4,994  28     4     88.038
         Nouv.~Ellœse...Nova Sllotill. ..  298.071  186,988  27,402  308  77  512,846
          N .~Brunswick......   24.4,775  144.,276  18,875   255       '8   408.219
          Québeo.. , .         1,787,693  972,830  112,447   750      535  2.874,255
         Ontario.....          1,822,384  1,4.34,423  171,063  2,086  1,727  3,431.883
          Manitoba.•...... , ..........  40.],593  268,646  24,935  05'  312  700,139
         SlI.ùll.tebewan... , .  557,23:5  338,389  24,771   ••7      72'   g21,785
         Albertll.......•..............  422,503  285.359  22,041  1,014  6S8  731,fl05
         Colombîe--B,jt .. Brit, Columbill.  353.870  303,385  30,316  1,652  5,040  694,263
         yukon......• ,.,.,., ••......  2,536  1,425  225     20       4      4,230
          Territoire.a du N,-Q, N.-W. T ..  5,301  3,888  52.  a   ........   9,723
               CANADA. .. .,,, .....  5,951,412  S,971,190  437,595  7,441  _,148  10,376,788
                            POPULATION RURALE-RURAL POPULATION
         Ile-du-Pce-É, ...P. E. 1. ......  38,M4  23,747  3,604  15          65,913
         NOUV.-EllO!iS8, .. Nova SlloUa ..  163,367  101,6B.'i  15,962  Hi8  10  281,192
         N.-Brunswick...        171,035   ÇJO,033  12,028    152       Il   279,279
         Québeo......  ..........  695,825  329,317  35,357  ...       45  1,060,649
         Ontario..•....         737,94.4  538,360  58,693             148  1,335,691
         MlI.nitobll.......     233,082  139,225   11,635    192            384,170
         SII.~kll.tcbewan................  394,506  220,653  15,151  353  127  630,880
         Alberta.•. , •.•..............  272,918  167,777  11,815  527  .0  453,097
         Colombie-Brlt ..Brit. Columbia  158,713  127,984  11,550  571  •••  2!Xl,524
         Yukon, .••....•... , •• , .•.. ,.  1,780  944  137   a        1      2,870
         Territoires du N.-Q, N,-W. T ..  5,301  3,888  526   a    ...... "   9,723
               CAXAnA.•••....... , .  2,S73,105  1,749,OS  176,468  2,645  1,137  4,802,988
                           POPULATION URBAINE - UR::ElAN POPULATION
         Ile-du~Poe-~ .... P. E. 1. ......  12,887  7,834.  1,390  13  1     22,125
         Nouv.-Eoo9!Jll ... Nova Bootill. .•  134,704  85,303  11,440  140  67  231,604,
         N.-BruJl/:lwick.......... , .....  73,740  48,223  0,847  103  27  12~,9-lQ
         Québec.................... ,'  1,mn ,868  643,513  77,090  .45  400  1,813,1)06
         Ontario.... , ... "., .... , ....  1,084,440  896,063  112,370  1,540  1,579  2,09S,f!92
         Manitoba.•• , .' .. , .•........  172,511  129,4.21  13,300  4.1  27.  315,969
         Saùatchewan................  162,639  117,736  9,620  314    596   290,005
         Alberta.....• , " •.••••.•....  149,585  117,582  10,226  487  .28  278,508
         Colombie-Brit ..Brit, Columbia  195,157  175,4.01  18,756  1,081  4,34.4  394,739
         yukon... , ... , .•..•.•...... ,  77.  481  88       12       3      1,360
         Territoires du N.-Q. N.-W. T ••                           ..... " . ............
               CANADA ..•.•. " .•..  S.078t3D7  """557  261,127  4,796  ",OU  5,571,798
   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105