Page 67 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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CHRONOLOGY                              37

                at St. Malo, France, and of the sarne dimeILSions as th&t which Cartier erected (August
                25th). Laying and blessing of the corner stone of the future cathedral of Christ King
                at Gaspé (August 26th). Arrivai in Quebcc of the French, English and American
                delegates to the Gaspé celebrations. Opening of the Conference of French-apeaking
                Physicians and of the Prel3s Conference. Mr. Pierre Etienne Flandin, official repre-
                sentative of tbe French Republic, decorates thirteen Quebecers, among whom: H. E.
                Cardinal ViUeneuve and Honourable L. A. Taschereau, created Knights with the
                grand cross of the Legion of Honour. Celebration of the 3rd eentenary of the founding
                of Beauport (Septernber 2nd). Mx. Gregor Barcl.n.y, K.C., of Montrea.\, appoinwd
                judge of the Court of Appeal (September 4th).  Several Canadians bonoured by
                 France following Jacques Cartier celebrations (Septernber 4th). of Mgr F.-X.
                 Cloutier, Bishop of Three Rivers (September 18th). Death of Dr. J.-Arthur Denis,
                 rnember of Parliament for St. Denie-Montreal (October 2nd). ArrivaI at Ottll.wa of
                 M. Raymond Brugère, minister of Francc to Ca.nada (October 6th). Inaugurn.tion
                 of a colonization congress at the Partiament Buildings, Quebec (Oct.ober 17th). A new
                !Lccord is signed with the Federal Governrnent conceming unemployment assistance
                 (October 24th). Homage is paid to the memory of the late Honoré Mercier, former
                 Prime Minister of the Province (November 4th). National Conference on Tourism
                 held !Lt Ottawa (November 5th). Organization of diocesan societies for the recruiting
                 of colonists (November 22nd). Irnportll.nt modifications concerning secondary cdU(~a­
                 tion adopted at congress of superiors of colleges and seminaries affiJiated to Laval
                 University (December 14th). Conference of ma,yom and aldermen of principo.! cities
                 and towns of the Province held in Quehec, to study the unemployment situation and
                 the means to be used to creaw new sources of revenue (December 18th). Conference
                 hetween the Prime Minister, Hon. L. A. Taschereau, and representutivell of the prin-
                 cipal paper companies with regard to stabilizing the price of paper (December 19!-h).
                 Mgr Comtois appointed Bishop of Three Rivers (December 24th). Death of Captllin
                 J. Elzéar Bernier, famous Canadian Arctic explorer, at the agc of 82 yeam (December
        1935.-0pening of the fourth session of the 18th Legislature (Janunry 8th). The report of the
                Electricity Commission is handed to the Prime Minister (January 21st). Agreement
                between the governrnents of Onta,rio and Quebec relative to industrial companies
                desirous of estabtishing themselves in either province (February Ilth).  Death of M.
                Armand Lavergne, Deputy Speaker of the Houee of Commons and memher for
                Montmagny (Marcb 5th).  The mayors of Ilbout a hundred Canadian cities and
                other municipalities hold a meeting in Montreal (March 25tl;1). Thc Frencb Academy
                tenders a gold medal to Laval University in grateful recognition of signal sel"ViCel3
                rendered to the French langUi1ge (March 29th). Death of the Hon. Walter Mitchell,
                former Provincial Treusurer (ApriI3rd). Mr. Arthur Eustll.ce Morgan, M.A.) appointed
                Principal of McGill University (April 12th). Death of the Hon, Eugene Lafontll.ine,
                former Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal (April 22nd),  Death of Senator Henri S,
                Bela.nd (April 22nd). In London, the Silver Jubilee of the acce.!!sion to the Tbrone
                of Their Majesties King George and Queen Mary is celebrated witb great pornpi
                impre.!!sive ceremonies are also held in a,U the cities of Canada (May 6th). Death of
                the Hon. J, Eugene Roherge, Legislative Councillor (May 7th).  Deatb of M. J.
                Maurice Gabias, member for the St. Henry-Montrea.\ division in the Legisl:1tive
                A.ssembly (May 15th). The 4tb session of the 18th Legislature is prorogued (May
                18th). Great ra\ly of Boys Scouts and Girl Guides on the occasion of the viait of
                Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, chiefs of these organizations throughout the world
                (May 21st). His Majesty the King confers bonours on several Canadians on the
                occasion of the Royal Jubilee (June 3rd). Death of Mr. J. J. Power, member for
                Quebec West in the Legislative Assembly (June 1st). Swearing in of the Hon. T.
                Damien Bouchard as Minister of Municipal Affairs, Trade and Commerce (June 6tb),
                The Reverend Philip Carrington elected Lord Bishop of the Anglicnn diocese of
                Quebee (June llth).  Deatb of the Hon. Louis Tellier, former Justice of the Superior
                Court (June 17th),
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