Page 65 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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CHRONOLOGY                              35
                 November). A judgment of the Privy Council connrms the right of the Provincial
                 Govemment to appoint commissionB such as the Public Service and Workmen's
                 Compensation Commissions and others (24th November). Mgr J. M. Rodrigue Ville-
                 neuve appointed Archbisbop of Quebec (16th December).  Death of Honourable
                Sir George Foster, senator, a subscriber to the l'reaty of Versailles and promoter
                of tbe work of tqe League of Nations in Canada (30th December).
        1932.-Legislative Assembly adopts a resolution against canalization of the St. Lawrence (14th
                January). Privy Council rules that communication by radio is within the jurisdic-
                 tion of the Dominion Government (10th February). Hon. L. A. Taschereau disousBes
                 tbe project of canalizing the St. Lawrence with the Prime Minister of Canada (14th
                March). Conference between the Canadian Provinces, at Ottawa, respecting unem-
                ployment (9th April). Bill to nationalize the radio voted by the Commons (18th May).
                Municipal Commission appointed (18th May). Provincial Cabinet accepts the Domin-
                ion Government's plan to place 0. thousand unemployed on land (30th June). Signing
                of trea.ty for cano.lization of the St. Lawrence (19th Ju\y). ArrivaI at Quebec of Car-
                dinal Verdier, Sulpician and Archbishop of Paris (18th JuIy).  Imperial Economic
                Conference opened at Ottawa (21Bt July). Signing of twenty-four commercial agree-
                ments and closing of the Imperial Economic Conference (20th August). Total ecLipse
                of sun, visible in the Province of Quebec (31st August). Death of Honourable Narcisse
                Pérodeau, former Lieutenant-Governor of the Province (18th November).
        1933.-St. Louis de France Church, one of the most beautiful Roman Catholic churches in
                Montreal, is destroyed by fue (Janllll.ry 12th). The House passes the Unemployed
                Aid Act of 1933 (March 10th).  His Grace Mgr Villeneuve, Archbishop of Quebec,
                is created Cardinal (Mo.rch 13th). St. James Church, Montreal, is destroyed by tire
                (March 26th). Valcartier Camp is used to concentrate 2,000 unemployed. Removal
                from Boston to Montreal of the ashes of Calixa Lavallée, composer of thc music of
                the national anthem "0 Canada", who died in 1891. An Italian squadron of 24
                hydroplanes, from OrbeteUo, Italy, on fligbt to Chicago, stops at Montreal (Ju\y 14th).
                Celebration of second centellB.ry of Beaumont church (August 6th).  Valleyfield
                cathedral and convent burned (September 22nd). Death of Hon. Pascal Poirier, the
                last of the senatorB appointed by Sir John A. MacDonald (September 25th). Inau-
                guration of North Channel of St. Lawrence, East of Island Orleans (September 29th).
                Plenary meeting at Quebec of the arcilbishops and hishops of the CathoLic dioceses of
                Canada (October 4th). Death of l\{gr Ovide Charlebois, Vicar Apostolic for Keewatin
                (November 20th). Death of Sir Arthur Currie, commandant the Co.nadian Army in
                the Great War and, since 1920, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of McGill University
                (November 30tb).  Interprovincio.l Conference on tranBportation, held at Ottawa
                (December 14th).

        1934.-Gift of $100,000 to Montreal University hy ML P. V. Rougier, president of the finn of
                Rougier Frères, of Paris, and Mrs. Rougier, to establish laboratorics for the FacuIty
                of Medicine (Jo.nuary 8th). Operùng of 3rd session of 18th Legislature (January 9th).
                Interprovincial conference on unemployment held at Ottawa (Januo.ry 17th). CongresB
                at Quebec of delegates of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (ApriI3rd).
                Prorogation of 3rd Session of 18tb Legislature (April 20th). Swearing-in of Honourable
                E. L. Patenaude as Lieutenant-Governor (May 3rd).  Mgr Anastase Forget, tirst
                bishop of the Diocese of St. John (May 16th). Meeting in Quehec of the Royal Society
                of Canada (May 22nd). Inauguration of the new cathedral of St. Anne de Beaupré
                (May 27th). Appointment of the members of the new Dairy Commission (May 31st.)
                French-Canadian delega.tion leaves for France to attend celebration of 4th centenary
                of Cartier (June 23rd). Three Rivers celebrates tcrcentcnary of its founding (JuIy 3rd)
                Interprovincial conference on unemployment held at Ottawa (July 30th). Appoint-
                ment of the Electricity Investigation Commission.  Celebration nt Gaspé of the
                4th centennial of the discovery of CMnda by Jacques Cartier. France, Great Britain
                and tbe lJnited States are officially represented. Unveiling of cross of granite quarried
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