Page 70 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 70

44                          POPULATION'

                              That part of the last cen:,>us of Canada which relates to the percen-
                         tage of population, per province, shows that the Province of Ontario
                         with 33.38% holds the first rank and Quebec with 26.87% the second;
                         these two provinces together had 60 percent of the total population,
                         in 1921, as against 71, in 1901.

                               2-Census of Population of Canada, by Provinces and Territories, 1901-1921.
                                                            POfliL",rION       PUOPOR 'i~JON pp Cl:NT
                                                      IIIQI   1911     1921   11101  1911  11121
                                                                                   --_.'- ---
                           }~incc 1~llw8rù l~lanù ....•..  IO:.l·1l~9  \l.'.7~~ ,  ~~,I)15  l. 92  1.30  1.01.
                            i\UY8.~('ul,ia ....      159.754  4il'.3llB  5'. Xl?  8.56  6.S:1  5.96
                            l\cw Brunswick.        1  3~1,I20  351.    3;''7.S76  6 .16  4.1\"  ·L41
                            quebcr..               1,fi+:-:,~f)S  2,00.-'.776(1)  2,301,1!19  30.70  27.83  26.B7
                            Ont.;).I'Îo.•.         2.11S2;fH7  2JJ2i~,2!l2 (1)  2,933,01.2  40 64  :1:,.07  33 .:J~
                            :M.'mil(,ha         _..  2;i5.211  4(,) ,:394 (1)  HI0.118  4.75  1\.40  6.()4
                            S:i81{atel1(."wnn  , .....•...  ~'1 ;2ï9  ·1!l2. ,,2  707,::'10  1.70  6.1H  8.H2
                            ~\lbcrb . .   . . . .. .. ..  73,()22  :l14.~· (2)  5· "S ,4.)·t  1.36  5.19  6.70
                            Hriti."!-h Cc>IIHllbi:1  .  178,HS7  3!!2.,jfiO  52·1,0'<2  3.:33  5.40  5 97
                           )'ukon.. . .  . .  ..  .  27,219   8,512     -t, ];;7  O.~l  0.12  0.05
                            NorthWe."t.'Tcrrj tories...  20,129 3)  ti,.i()7 (1)  7,9K8  0.37  0.0'1  O.O~
                                                                         ..-  ------
                            Ln)1~ldian N~wy ....                         4S..1  ...  .  ....... ' - ~ ......
                                                   5,371,315  7,206.643  8.788,483  100.00  100.00  100.00
                                (1) A~ corrt'l:teJ by L.lw Act, oC tne ExtocJ1J1iol1 C'r I>ounrl 'ri  .lU12.
                                (2) Ali r.l)n"'l:if~d' hy tne tr::tll...fcr c.-r tf1(~ population of Ii'ort Sudth (:m~) 1:.0 t,hf! ~;(}r1.b W(~st  Territorj~.
                                (3) n("pr('~r.nta the PU;Julrl-t.ion :J,CCQ1'lllrlg t,a of UI(t prOVin(~0JS üf S:lsl~.:Jtclww:l:n a.nd Alberta..
                              The growth of the Prairie Province:,; is quite remarkable; Alberta,
                         Manitoba and 8[l:'>1.;atche\van together contained 22 hundredths of the
                         total population, in 1921, whereas in 1901, they contained les:'> than 8%.
                              The grmvth of the populü,tion in the Canadian Provinces, as shown
                         by table 3, is not equally rapid.  In Prince Edward Island and the
                         Yukon there was a decrease of population in the last decade (1911-1921).
                         On the other hand, some provinces show a large increase, such as Alberta
                         and Saskatchewan. The proportion for the whole Dominion amounted
                         to 21.9, as against 34.1, 7 in 1911 and 11.13 in 1901. During the period
                         187'1-1921 the population of Canada was increased by 5,099,226 inhab-
                         tants, equivalent to 138%.

                                               3-lnnease of Population. by Provinces.
                                                                    l'ERCENTAO'B OF  Populo  (rom
                                   PROVINCES                          INCR~ASF..   in     1871
                                                                                  1871     to
                                                   1901tu1911 1911to192l' IllOlto1911191lto1921  1921
                            ------------1"----'1·----- --~·--I·----!,-----i---·-
                            Pri nec Edwn rd 1&9 nd..  •. i  -(),5:n  -[,113        04.021
                            )[ov~ Scctia , ..        32,764  31,400               3i:l7,i:lOO
                            :lew Bru wrwick. . . . . ... ., .....  2lJ.71\9  :J:" O.~7  28.1,594
                            C1uohoo..               3[)ti.H71!  ;J;}5.42a        \,191.016
                   , , . , .     3H,:Wi  40fi,370             1,020,851
                            )"lanÎ lbb" .  . .... , ,. '.  20ll,lb3  ~4~,72'1      25.228
                            ::l\~k:ltr.howan. , . .  . .•.•..•..  401,103  2ô.~,07H
                            Alberla.. ·. .  . .. "  ,.  301,27:1  214 .Im
                            Hri t,i~h (;01\1 mbia...  213,S23  132,102            .36.247'
                            YU~L  ...............•...  -1~,707  -~,355
                            ~onh West Terri tori""  .  -13,fi22  1,4~1.            48,000
                            Canadian Nevy   .                 4~6
                                   CANADA.         1,835,328  1,511,140  34.17  21.95  3,619,257  5,099,228
                                NOTB:.-Tb••ian (-) indioaLe... demoa••.
                              Extraot [rom C....... oi Ca1l<ldo,IOJ/; Vol. /. OUawa.
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75