Page 45 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 45

OF THE PROVINCE                               19

                                 City of Quebee, the shield bearing the Arms of the King of France which General
                                 Murmy had taken Crom the gates of Quebec in 1759. The City of Hnstings, the
                                 depository of this trophy since the conquest, having consent.ed to retlll'TI it in
                                 recognition of services rendered by Canadian soldiers during the great Wll.r
                                 (9th September).-Official reception at Quebee of the delegates of the inter-
                                 parliumentary Union (Odober 113th).--Federal elections, libernls retain power,
                                 (Odober 29th).-Judgment of the l'rivy COllneil defining the rights and privileges
                                 of federal and provincial governments to the beds of rivers. The Province of
                                 Quebec retains o,vnership of beds of rivers and beach lots, (.:{ovember 25th).-
                                 lleception at Quebec of 300 Frencb-Canadians l'rom the Prairie Provinces, (De-
                                 cernber 24th).
                        192G.-The llew system of registering births, marringe, and deaths in the Province of Quebee
                                 is put into force, (January Ist).-R.evisud Sta,tutes of the Province of Quebec
                                 published, (Janual'y lst).-Opening of the third session of the 1ôth Legislature,
                                 (January 7th).-8anction of the law porhibiting the export of eleetric energy
                                 developed in the Province of Quebec, (l\fo,rch 22nd).--Prorogation of the Legis-
                                 lature, ('\Iarch 24th).-Congress of the Kationai Council on Education held
                                 in Montreal, (April 6th) .-The governrnent of the Province orgu,nizes an expedi-
                                 tion to  ng va ta determine the potential forces of MeCleau Falls, (Ma,y 18th).
                                 -ConAagration at R.ivière du Loup, 57 buildings destroyed entailing loss of
                                 $1,000,000, (June 2nd).-Confel'ence of Prime i'vIinistel's of the Canadial1 pro-
                                 viuees in Ottawa, (.June 7th).-Lord \Villiltgdon appointed Governor General
                                 of Canada, (June Sth).-Encha.ristic Congl'ess held in Chicago, thousa,nds of
                                 Co.nl1.diaus ta.Jting part, the Proyinee offieially represeuted by His Honour Hon.
                                 N. Pérodeau, Lieutenant-Governor and the Hon. L. A. Tl1.scheren,u, Prime
                                 Minister (June 16th).-Unveiling of an historieal tablet to the memory of the
                                 patriots of 1837, at "La plaee des Patriotes", l'I'Iontreal, (June 24th).-l\igr
                                 Raymond Marie Rouleau, Bishop of Valleyfield, appointed Arehbishop of Que-
                                 bec (July 13th).-The leader (lf the oppositioJl in Ottawa" el1.11ed by Lord Byng,
                                 Governor Geueral, to l'orm a Cabinet. (July 13th).-Death anIon. 1. O. Dnvid,
                                 Senator and historil1.n, (August 24th).-fedel'al elections, liherals returned to
                                 power, (September 14th).-Congress of French Medical men of North America
                                 held in Montrea,l, (September 21st).-Swearing in of Lord \villingdon as Gover-
                                 nor GeneroJ of Canada, (2nd October).-Opening of the Imperial Conference in
                                 London, Cfltl.ada is rcpresented by the Rt. Hon. \V. 1. Mackenzie King, Prime
                                 IVlinister and the Hon, Ernest Lapointe, Minister of Justice, (19 October).-
                                 Inauguration of the Canadian Students' Home, in Paris, by H. n. H. the Ptince
                                 of \Vales, the Hon. L. A. Taschereau, Prime Minister, repl'esentmg the Province,
                                 (30th October).-·Installation of His Grace Raymond Marie llouleau as Arch-
                                 bishop of Qll('llee, (8th November).-Mr. Donat Raymond, appointed Senator
                                 for La Vallière, (20th December).

                                        12lh Governor G'eneTa/, Lord WiUingdon (192710 .... )
                        J927.~Destruction by fire of the Lauricr-l\\lace t,p.eatre in Montrel1.1, causing the of
                                 77 childl'en, (9th Jo nuary).-opening of the 4th session of the lGtb. LegisJa.ture,
                                 (llth Jl1.nuary). 'Appointemnt of MI'. J. H. Dillon, as Minister without port-
                                 folio in the TasC\llel'eaU Cnbinet, (lOth .Ianuary).-Death of )tir. Arthur Plante,
                                 member of tlle Legislative Asscmbly fol' Beauharnois, (31st Janul1.ry).-The
                                 Privy Couneil dehvers judgrnent definitely granting Ne\doundlulld the terri-
                                 torr under dispnte which reduees the area of the province by about 112,000 square
                                 miles.(lst l\Ial'ch).-Proroll;:ltion of the Legislature, (1st April).-Centenaryofthe
                                 birth of the Canadinn PO(~1 Octave CrnllIlzie, (16th April).-DissoJution of the
                                 Legislature, generalclections fixed for the 16th May, (l9th May) .-The Mercier
                                 da-m on the Gatineau, the third largest in the World, commenced in 1926, is
                                 completed, (20th April).-ML Alfred Leduc, 3,ppointed l'I'Iiruster without port-
                                 folio in the Taschereau Cabinet, (25th April) .-Liberals returned to power in
                                 general cieetionR, (16th May).-Death of Mf. ~érée Morin, representing Ka-
                                ,mouraska, in the Legislative Assembly, (9th June).-Jubilee of the Canadian
                                 Confederation eaused elaborate celebration tbroughout aH the Provinces (lst
                                 July).-Departure of the xCUl'sionists of the Universityofl\:fontrealto the West-
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