Page 44 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 44
The Provincial Gm:emment Itrallts $25,000. to hel p the fllrmers who were
victirns of drougllt, (lst August). Death of the eminent Cnnadian Historian,
Benjamin Sult,e, (Gth AUj!;llst). Appohlbnl'nt of a Civil Service Commission,
(Aug. 15th. 1\l2;i).;,uehal'ist.ic Cong('~s !l·ld in Quehee (1:3 to 16 Sept.). Swear-
ing in of Honoum' ,\t" L. P. Brodeur as Lieutenant-Goyernor of the Province of
Quebl't, (31st Od bar). School for pa8er-making inaugllTRt'c.d at Three
Rivel's (~ov. 15th). Presentation by the onsul Gcneral of Franee, of a vase
de Sèvre:; a gift frl'm t'he French Republic to the Goyernment of Quebec (N01'em-
ber 23rd). Opening of the tirst :-;ussion of the "'ixteenth Legislature (Dec. ïth).
131.'H L1EU1'1~!,;,At\'1' GOVERNOR: HONOURADLEl L. P. BUOOEUR (1923 TO 1924)
;L924.-Deat.h of Ole Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Qnebec. Honoumble L. P.
Brodeur (.Jalluary 2nd), Mcrgt'l' of the BanlŒ of Hocheh!,Il;1. Imd Nationa,l
announeed. (2nd .JI1Purry). HonoUrfiule :-\arcisse Pérocleau. is named Lieutenant-
Governor of the Provincc (.TalilIary kth). The .Provincial Government votes
a bill gl'flllting a IOlln of $15,000,000. to the Hoehelaga and National Banks
(.1anuary 18th). Tll(~ Legislature ~rant~ an alderman's seat to the English
ProtcRt.ants of the Cily of Quebec (M:\fCh 8th). Prorogation of the Legislature
(Mareh 15th). The park of Mount Trcmbbnt and Laurentides Katioll'd Parle
erected inêo fon',-! reserves. The Af'sociation of Canr,clian Authors holds a
Congress, in Quebec (19th and 20th May). The Royal Society of Canada mcet.s
in Quchec undel' the presiclelil'Y of ~~cr~a.tor Th. Chapais. General Prc:>idûnt of the
Society (20th May). Government grant.8 01 $150.000 to the Genera.! Hospital of
Hbel'bl'ooke and of $100,000 to Notre Damc of ~\Jontrûal (L'jtlt June).-
Dl'pl'lrture for London of 30 jud!!-,es and 150 baITisters the Canadian
Bal' (Sth .July). --·Appointment of three account:mts to audit the books of
municip:lhties (lst AIl.!!;.)-COIl~T('~S of French Physicians of Nort.h America
{)pened in Quebec (IOt.h ScpLernbcr).-·Official reccption to H. R. H. the Prin(:e of
Wales 011 arrivai iu Canada (Wth October). Official visit to (~uebec of the Earl
J3jrng of Vimy, Governor Geueral of Canada (21sr October).~·Mr. P. R. du Trom-
blay, K.C., appointcd member of lhe Legi~lativeCouneil (31st December).
lL925.-opening of the seeond l'c:,sion of the 16th Legi,.;lature (7th .January).-Visitof deleg-ate-
of "Bonne Entente", the Lieut,ûnant-Governor, the Prime Milli,.;tcr and 300
citiz(~lls of the Province of Ontario are gucst~ of the Lieutenant-Governor of the
Province of Quebec (29th Janu11ly).-·:'3urious seismie disturbance originating
near the mouth 01 trIC f1aguenay felt through the Province and thnJ, of
(28th Joebruary). Prorogation of the Legislature (3rd Apl'il).-HOllournble Lau-
réat L:Lpierre, repre;;ents the Province of Quebee at th" Inter, 'onal Labour
Congre;:" held at Genova (20t.h April).-Consccration of Mgr. ',. A.. Deschamps,
Auxiliary Bi,~hop of Montreal (23rd April).-Dr L. J. Lemieux, sberiff of tbe dis-
trict of Muntrral, appojnted Agent General of the ProYinee, ut London (llth
June).·· Vote of S3,OOO.OOO by the :Federa1 Govel'llment fOl' Hw Harbour of
Quebee (19th June).· - The Provineial Cabinet approves of the project of Messrs.
Duke and Priee l'or Ole pmpMe of buiLding muminum works and founding a
wwn of 25,000 inhabitants in the Sll~uenay regioTl, entai!ing an expencliture of
$75,000,000 (19th June). ·-Beatifieation of eight Jesuit Martyrs of New France,
The Province of Quebee is officinlly represent.ed at the Holy See by the Honour-
aule Honoré Mer,cier: Roman Count and of Land~ and Fore,:;ts in the
Taschereau Cabinet. The lian E]liseopate delegated Mgr. E. A. D(~sehal1lps,
Auxili:u'Y Di,.;hop of Ivlontreal {21Rt June).-Field M.ll,r:::hal Sil' Douglas Haig
visits Canada (2ôth June).-Death of His Emiu(mec Cnnlina.l L. N. Bégin,
lith Bishop and 7th Archuishop of Quebee who is succeeded by Mgr P. E. Roy,
Co-Adjutor ArchLish0P (lRth July).-Award of 15 seholarships by the Provincp
of Quebee (22nd .July).-The Lieutona,ut-Governors of the Canadian Provinces
are otricially entcrtailled at Spencer Wood, by the Honoura.ble NurCisse Pérodeau,
Lieutcnant-Goyernor of ~he Provincc of Quebee (7th September).-The Honour-
able P. C. Larkin, II.igh Comrnissioner for Canada, at London, retul'ns to the