Page 300 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 300

258                          FINANCES

                                                         SCHOOL LOANS (1).

                                  School municipalities cannot contract loans without the sanction
                              of the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, on a report of the Ministel' of
                              Municipal Affairs and the recommendation of the Superintendent of
                              Public Instruction. The loan resolution prepared bY,the school trustees
                              or commissioners must mention the object, the amount, the term, the
                              rate of interest and the mode of reimbursement of such loan.     School
                              commissioners, however, cannot obtain the authority to make a loan
                              without having called, by public notice, a special meeting of the tax
                              payers for the pm·pose. In cities and towns the required notice must
                              be published in the newspapers. An annual tax is levied on the assessable
                              property sufficient to meet the yearly interest and to form a sinking
                              fund of at least one pel' cent of the amount of the loan. The Lieutenant-
                              Governor-in-Council may, on the recommendation of the Superintendent,
                              authorize a school commission to defer, for the two first years, the
                              payment of the tax to cover the sinking fund.
                                  The secretary-treasurer is bound to make each year a special
                              collection roll and to levy on the assessable property a tax sufficient
                              to redeem the debentures or loan within the specified period.      The
                              amounts intended for the sinking fund are deposited yearly with the
                              Treasurer of the Province in accordance with the act concerning muni-
                              cipal debts and loans.  When this deposit is compulsory and has not
                              been made as prescribed, any interested person, (trustees, bearers of
                              debentures or taxpayers) may, tbrough judicial proceedings, compel
                              the corporation to make such deposit.
                                  Each debenture must bear the certificate of the Minister of Muni-
                              cipal Affairs that the resolution authorizing sueh issue has been approved
                              by the Executive Counci!.
                                  The following table indicates the amount of the loans authorized
                              by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, but does not take into account
                              short term loans or loans autborized by the Legislative Assembly. To
                              ascertain the actual amount of annual loans, it is necessary to refer to
                              the Financial Statement of School Corporations. The fiscal year ends on the
                              30th June.

                                    45-Amount of School Loons authorized by the Government from 1917 to 1927.
                                                          YEARS                             Amount.
                                l{127·27                                           .       2,036,493.20
                                HI2.:;·20..  . .. ..  .. ....,  .. ..  . ..  .. ..         3,215,800.00
                                IU24-~!).. . . . . . . ..       •            . ...•... o ••••  2,OH,3i4..00
                               ,}::~~~~1:::::::::::::::::::.::.:::::::::::: ::. ':::':::::::::::::. ::::.:::::::  2,sa:;,;120.00
                                                                                           l,(\sa.076. 00
                                1U21-22        , .    .    ,  , . . . .  . .. ,  .         2,875,575.00
                                1020-21.. . . . . . . . . . ..  ,   . . . . . . . .. ".' '  ,  .  2,;,49,250.00
                                1i119-2D  ,.,. , ••..•.. ,.,' •.... ,.' •. ,...  . ..• ,  , ...•.•..•.•. , •...•..  1.3H,715.00
                                ]911>-19................  .        .  ,           ..       l,Or..')l,150.00
                                H1I7·H! .. ,  .                                            6.171,078.00
                                lU16-17  .                                                 ],641,187.00
                                  (1) ReviaedSlatutea o[ Qucboc, 1923, Vol. lI, ch, 133. art•. 242 to 2-19.
   295   296   297   298   299   300   301   302   303   304   305