Page 257 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 257
rntcrcst on sinkin~ fnnd nnder 60 Viel., ch. 2, SeC. 5. :H,i>'20.S2 38,.;11.0:3 :l7,95~.72 38,054.14 33,01,).16
Refund, ndlw~lY suh."irlies funn. . 1O.271l.0l:i 8,~04. !YI 10,20'2.613 19,252.55 lS,:'S,9. 09
Municipal contributions und€:r the Goorl noe,de .:'\d, !seC. 20 . 8,(11)1.05 11,942. ~1 74,~79 .O(j 372,776. GO 101 ,3f)9. 39
~ 160.30 211.00
c.n Approprialion Ivr Public neuL und".T thA Act. 7 Ed. VlI, cb. 2. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 1'1.:3.00 )48.95 155.50
CODtrjl)UtiuIJ~frulll cheœe and butter f~\C~.oTies unrlcr the Act.:i Geu. V, ch. 31. 27,2'10.00 25,f175.00 46.20
Municipnl contribut.ions uoder t.he Ad 7 Oco. V. ch. 10, s. 2. 18,8(\7.92 25,094.07 47,4:l7.92 'Ü)';',7'79 79 97,264.39
Quebec fiTe 109n ' . 600.00 020.00 .............. . ........... 240.00
21,609,396.10 21,634,541.5.2 23,170,733.11 24,896,328.81 27,20b,335.48
St. Ann and &vanner)vera water ~torage. 50,000.00
St., FralldsriveTwater5toraJil::€ .... 5.5.00 400.00 f:rj
St. Maurice river l"o.tcr stoni~c.. 1,000.00 ,," "6:00 H
Lake Kcnogo.nü \\o°o.tcr :;loraR~ 175.00 3,~:,0. 33 3,821.82 ~
Good R.onde j\~t, 1912 ..... ' .. 505,181. 2'1 1,244 ,226.42 2.042,100,17 7R6,711.65 310,078.14 ~
New Jacques Cartier N onnl\l&hool, 1I10ntreal. 5,000.00
Montrea! Court HOU!::lell.Dt:œ1•.............. 2,000.00 'Z
CourLHou.e.tAmœ, .\bi lib; disLricL. 23,797.54 o
Gourt Rous(~at SL.l erOmt 00,000.00
PuhlioChnritiMr~nd.,.. , . . 5S1>':~0:27 .1,2'02',7iJùi . 1,Oro.&I8. 97 1,3Ot)A~8.98 1,361,(li,)S.-" t.1:j
ToJlsonRltI..,.n!>rit\,«c . 1,636.40 11 .6ï7. 68 13.01'\11).00 21,000.00 27,0(11), m
Tolle on no Perrot. brin!!..,.. '" . . . ..... 29,000.00 60,000.
Couetru(':tlon and mninLeDRnce. of brirlge-.'3 on De Perrot. '125',000:ou. 150,100.1110 ê'I
Delerretl jJ~Ylll~uL.-Hvd.'elogaBank, 14 Oeo. V, ch. 3 13] ,:lW.OO ~
Tm.t. FunM... s08,709.90 1,076,742.98 l ,04:1 ,'·G8. 10 966,1\11.07 1,106.2-14 .98
23,533,257.49 25,170,044.67 27,402,725.35 28,134,U6.84 30,405,843.28 l:,1:j
Dominion lnnn fûr workingmcn's hou~cs . 1.262,199.00 J ,835,:"17. C6 2.!l71.172. II(; t-U
L03n8- ta mULnir.ipahtl(:8 for wor1,iDgmen's houses. 6,900.00 .1,200.00 1.2~5.00 12',096 02 ~
Tempornry 10&1)5 .' . . . . .. •. . .•... ::>,OQO,OoO 00 4,.500,000.00 15,000,000 00 o
Lo~n under thft Ar·t 3 G~o. ". 0b. 6, "n!.urity, Ill. .J1l.p,\O, L9i6.. .. .. 1'-22,471.70
Loan undcJ thc Act 6 Gco. V, ch. 2 (Quchcc Nortl1 Sbore Turnpike Trout deb~l- ~
Lure».. . . . . . . . . . .. . ... :l,JOni 300 00 H
Loan und.r the AcL 10 Ceo. V, ch. 3. maturity, Jot. Dco., 19:1(;. 3,{l(H.NIO.OO Z
Loan ulide. lhe Act 11 Geo. V, oh. 3 .. 3110,1)00.00 o
L01ln undcr t.h(: AC't 10 Geo. V. ch. 6. . . . . . .. .. . '4,9"16',750.00 .
LaRn under the Act 13 Gr·o. V, r:h 34-Good road" 1~,~22,8;;0.00 l:,1:j On band on tt", let .Iu.!)· of c"eh ycar . Ln ',32i:29' ·2:8~1':i.'!07. ;0' 2,69\1,571.35 2,4:l);,044. 7S ..i ,(1.;'3,720:74' .
30,642,017 .18! 34,845,619.73 1 38,076,669.66 SO,n8,7(,E.32 47,on,260.04
Extr::lct [rom the lludQct Speech deli.fl6rw ùy the Trr;turu,reT of i.he PTo'Ûnce on t.he ,:-V;th JruHJ<lll"J!, 1927.