Page 196 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 196

JUSTICE                               169

                          CHTMIKAL JT.:STICe

                            44-Courls of the Sessions of [he Peace. Police Magistrllles and Ju\'eniJe Delinquenls.

                                          CLA..881VJC.\.1'\ON  Quebec  Tolal

                                              Î Char:J; ~.           8.150      1,033      9.183
                             NUJUoer of   .   { \Vern.lllt.~ of o.rre,l  2.493  440        2.933
                                              1 ~'Til.l:i or ~Um!lIOnS ..  900   297       1,107
                                              JO ml  .  juse pubJlC order.
                                              1 CriminaJ Code, Tille n,
                                                sectioJU:i 65-130...  ..  39     Il
                                              [Offen('('~ n~uins!. t.he o.lLmin-
                                                i~t.ralj()n of law~ and jq::;t.icc 1
                                                CcimillHI Code, Tille ru.
                                                section 131-169.  . ...  22       9          31
                                              1 Offf'nc('.A ILgrt.i-nsl tf·ligion mo·
                                              1  ra)!! rmd puhJic convpnien·
                             :-Io.ture of offcncce .....  ~  r:c. Cril,:t1inn~ Cede,Title n;.
                                              !  set·Uorl.... 170-20l1..  46                HO
                                               OffeJll:c"  llgamst the  pe(SOIJ
                                                a:1cl reputo1ion.  Cl'imitlai
                                                Code. T,tle V. sectIon. 209·
                                                302...               1,819       303       2.122
                                               Ofi'en~  :lJ.,!flinst  ricllts  of
                                                PTCpf"T Y.  cOllt,tnr.  and
                                                0," .lIl"l~ reiatinp;  t:o (·rade
                                              1  CrjnJu~ 1 Code, Tillc VI,
                                              l  ",,"Li '" 303'.;32  2,039       394       2.433
                                               Convictions.          2,830      415        3,245
                             Summnry con"irt,ions..
                                              640        \l0        759
                                              (Sent t.o Iri,,1                              499
                             PrelilUinary j[}Y~st,igat.ions.. ~
                                              ( Di:"{f'''~lI·.~t'd    374        10         3B4
                                              rCIHlVicl,ions.         823        IB!l      \,012
                                              l.<l.eQu itt"ls.        320                   384
                                              [ Convict,ions_                    27          27
                            Speedy trial"
                                              lAeQuit.~als                        8           8
                                               Convictions.                      26          26
                             Ju\·eniJ<:,clelin(}1.Icnts ..
                            (}ffcnCt''i  flII ..ajtu~f. pru\'in('illJ rConyictions..  I,G.3\}  I.S2  1,791
                              !!i(,o,tutptl; or mUliif'ljl:l) hy- )
                              law..           l ACQuittals.           273        62         335
                                    Ref'cipts of nffif~f'                    15.306 12  15,306.12
                                   ExpenQPo;; of office 11) ..               19.525.22  19,525.22

                                 (I) Including salari...
   191   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201