Page 164 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 164
7-List of members of the Legislative Assembly of the Province, by elecloral dislricts,
showing the party they belonged to, together with their majorities at each
eJection since 1867. -(Continued).
------,-------;-,-------- -----~--
D~te 1 Majo- Dole :\>[";0-
of pa,rwi of 1Party
election ritY eleGLIOO dly
1867 c.l
Brigh~m.JOBi"h Sundford .. 729 Cauchon, Jos.-Edouard ..... 1867 C. Aecl.
1871 399 1871
Balter, Gco. Darnord .. 1875 1873*
1876* J.. IA,,?,1.18 Angers, Augu8(.e~RêHI. 1874* 624
Rackol., Ernest ","." ~ : : : 1878 1874· Accl., Edmu nd E 1881 C. 323 1875
1886 105 Lflngelier, Charles. 1878 L. 14
ISSS· 1 91 De~jaT(lina,Le-Georges. 1881 C. 34
1890 161 1880 63
1892 4.47 Ln.ngelier, Charles. 1890 L. 121
McCori<ili, John Chna. Jn•. S 1897 J,. 405 1890· Acel.
CoU.on, Cedric Lemoino . 18913· L3 Cnsgmin, Thom""-Ch~~~.·: : 1892 C. 212
Go lin, Joo.-J.-Bte . 1900 243 Bouffard, Edouard. 1896· 129
" " 1904 AC<'1. 1897 54
1008 186 Taschcre.flll i LH-Alexandre... 1900 L. 611
1912 44 1904 Accl.
1916 Acel. 1907· 840
Sa.ureHe, AJexandl'e 1019 327 1908 531
1923 998 1912 239
1927 704 1916 940
1919 Accl.
1923 604
~ONTCALII1 1927 Aocl.
Dugas, .Firmin.". 1867 C. 295 ~1ONTRE}\ L-CE:-<TRE
1871 Accl.
MQ..rti n, L.s-G uaL.<'l\re ... 1874· 229 Carter, Ed wnrd .. 1867 C. A.ccl.
1875 346 Holton, Lutber Homilloo. 1871 L. Il
Magnnn, 1878 150 Alexfi.oder, Charle:!.....•... 1874* Acol.
Rich~d, J.-Bt.e-Treffié. 188[ 218 O~'ilvie, Alexander Walker.. 1873 C. 61
1880 403 Nelaon. H. AdmiraI. , 1!>7!> L. 172
Taillon, Ls-Olivier .... 1886· 567 Stephens, Ceo. )\'a.ahington. 1881 98
Martin, Jo.'l.-Alcide. 1890 403 McShaoe. James.. 1886 408
l\·[llgnull. Octave.. . .. 1892 Accl. 1887'" -\cel.
BissonneUc. P.-J.-Uo .. 18V7 L. 86 (13.0: MONTr,&AL ","os. 2. 6)
1900 203
SYIY~lre,Jo:.cph '. 19ü5 C. 22
1912 141 Carlier, Geo.-Etieuoe... 1867 c. 353
Dupuis, JOIloph-AJcide . 1916 L. 423 David, Ferdinand... 1871 747
D~,niel, Joecph-Ferdinnnd... 1017· Accl. Tll.i~~o.u, L9~liv'er.. 1875 357
1919 942 1:>78 130
192.3 1.139 1~81 724-
1927 1,626 [,-;81· ,\cel.
David, LrIu·rent-Olivier ..... 1886 L. 186
(~ec: MONTnE.\L ~os.I.2, 31
Dla.iB. Ls·Henri 1867 L. Accl.
Fournier, Télesphore . Ilnl 288 O"l'lvie. Alexander Wnlker. 1867 c. Accl.
J.nn.gelier, François . 1873* 189 iStdy, Frnllcj~ . 1871
Landry, puilipp" .. , .. ,. 1875 C. 8 ~1oG~~\"rnn. Jol~~ '" . 1873" 40S
]'or~in,L.-NapoI6on. 187ü· L. 37 1875 403
1878 42 McSh"ne. Jarne. . 1878 L, 323
Bernatchez, Nnzo.i rc... 1881 23 18~1 98
1886 178 fL.ll. Jobn Smythe. I~~ C. 127
18VO 207 1 (Se-e: ~io~ ïRF.AI.r Noa. 4, 5)
1892 110
Li.lois. Joseph-C.... 1897
Roy,Erlle~t..... 1900 Acel. MONTREAL No 1
" 1904 (St. J\'l",'Y) .
1908 N. 27.
1912 107 (Pur'Md of .,,,,rl of Montrea'I_,1
Maseoo, Jos,-Edoua,rd. . 1 1916 L. 735 Ea.')
P"qnet, Ch:1.Tle.-A . 1919 190
1923 1,728 R~lond, Joseph. , •. , 1890 80
1927 1,331 i ~l11rLlnean, T(),nçol~ . 1892 456