Page 162 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 162

'FORM OF GOVERNMENT                             135

                            7-Lisl of members of the Legislative Assembly of lhe Province, by eleciorol dislrîcls,
                                 showing lhe [larl)' lhey belonged to, logether wilh lheir majorilies at eoeh
                                                election Binee 1867.  (Continlled).
                                                         Mnjo-                   Dut.e     'Mojo-
                                                               COUN'TIE8 ~\ND lVIEJl.1BER8  01  PlJ.Tt)-'
                                                         rity                   elcction   rity
                                                             '1 L ;\SSOMPTlON-(Conl'd) 1
                            Stein, Allolpbe  .  1912  L.  108  \f>H1on. Jo'eph .....  1881  C.  Accl.
                                               1916       'n3  l?orest, Ludger..  1. Il  L.  145
                                               1919     .\ccl.                   1  8*       20
                            Morin, Néréo..     1920·      224:  \-forioo. Joseph  .  1  0  C.  21
                                               1923     1  Ml.                   1l!lY~     279
                                               1927      1.1!"lo'1               1897       215
                                                              D\ùtr-l1neJ, J02.-E~?un·rd."  1900  L.  85
                                 LADELLE                                         1904     (\ccl.
                                                              G'luLhier. Ls·Joseph.......  1900·
                            (Vormd of "art of Oll,av;a)       tteed, Wal"er...   1908        83
                                                                                 J912       305
                            Fortipr, l-!YD.eint.he-Adélarli.  1912  796          1910     Acel.
                                             .1  1916   "'cc!.                   1919       914
                            Achim l Jœcp]l·l~-)Dnoré....  I!J\ 7·                1923       963
                                               1919       1:\03                  1927       844
                            Lahaie, Dffiiré.   1922·      .131
                            Lonie. Pierre ....  19113     861       LAVAL
                                               1927      1,398
                                                              (P"r~ of Hochelo.Jo o.,.'Oo".d
                               LATŒ ST. JOHN                        in 1912)
                            (Formed of 'Po.r! of Chico,"-     Rellero~e,los .-fIy~(',inthe ..  1807  C.  Accl.
                                timi-SafU·may                                    1871
                                                              LorangeT, Le-Oné~,imo....  1875  139
                            :Morcollc, Pierre Léandre..  1890  l,.  5U           1878     Ace!.
                            Gi ra rd. Josepb.  1892  C.    55                    1879+
                                               1897       343                    1881
                            Tunguay, G.?org:es.  1900  L.  Ace!.  LeRlanc,Pierre-EY;.lriBtc ..  1882+  208
                                               1904       172  Gahoury , Arnédée.  1883+  L.  43
                            Broet, ThéodDro·I••·Ant..  1908  723  LeRlnnc, Picrre-EvBri9te...  IR84·  C.  107
                            CBrbonne$).u, .]eun-~?,Pt,iBlo.  I~·  Aec!.          Ii">SIl     76
                                               1012       &12                    l~H"'·     107
                            'l'ureoLle, Joo -Sylvio-Nare..  1910  C.  493        Ib90        91
                            MoC'e(lu, Em)Je."  .  1919  L.  2,0143               1892     Ace!.
                                               1923      1,814                   1897       185
                                               1927      J,819                   1900       305
                                                                                 1904       283
                                LAPHAIRIE                                        1908  r..    4
                                                                                 1908--     132
                            ThéTien. C6f!aire..  1867  C.  466                   1912       234
                            Es'nb11.rl., Andrew. ,-  1871  342                   1916      1,877
                            Charleboi•• Llion~~eno~~.-Al  1875  Accl.  Re~~ud ,J0geph.~lior.  19H1  C.  424
                                               1 78       246                    1923      1,730
                            Charloboi •• L60.?-Beno;~~J\lf.  1  1  C.  176       1027       869
                                               1&U         23
                            GoyeLLe, Odiloo.   1&>7+  N.   88
                                               1BS\)'      72       LEVIS
                            Dub~mel. Georges  .  IS90      18
                            Doyon. Cyrille.    1892  C.   226  llIDn~hel.,Jo•..Co~eric..  11167  C.  664
                            Cherrier, Côme-Sér8.phin.  1897  10.  106            1871       335
                                               1900       J71  Pll.~~et.ELienne.T~&lùoro.  1875  L.  1~7
                                               )\101    Acc!.                    1878       183
                            Po.tenaude, Eaiofî-~60n.  1008  C.                   1879·      507
                                               1912        ~                     1881        50
                            CélIilot, Wilfrid  .  19J6  L.  iil1  J.emieu::.:, Frs-Xavior.  1883*  36
                                               1919       250                    1886       121
                                                                                 1890       228
                              (See: N AP{F.R VJLLJ'.-         Baker, Ignace-Angus .. , .  1892  C.  295
                                 LAPRAUHe:)                  1 Le.mieux,Frs-Xavier ...  1897  -lo.  1,074
                                                              Olivier. !'Ta.~aïre·Nicolaa...  1897"  469
                               L'ASSOMPTION                   Langelier. Charle•.  1898*     98
                                                                                 1900     Aoc!.
                            l\'Je,thieu, EUenne.  1867  c.  Ace!.                1901~
                            Peltier, Onuphe....  1871                            1904
                                               1875       346                    1968       830
                                               1878       1!)2  Roy, La.elare....  1911"    578
                            Marion, Joooph     1880·      257  Boroier, AlphooBe..  1912  C.  376
   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167