Page 162 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 162
7-Lisl of members of the Legislative Assembly of lhe Province, by eleciorol dislrîcls,
showing lhe [larl)' lhey belonged to, logether wilh lheir majorilies at eoeh
election Binee 1867. (Continlled).
Mnjo- Dut.e 'Mojo-
COUN'TIE8 ~\ND lVIEJl.1BER8 01 PlJ.Tt)-'
rity elcction rity
'1 L ;\SSOMPTlON-(Conl'd) 1
Stein, Allolpbe . 1912 L. 108 \f>H1on. Jo'eph ..... 1881 C. Accl.
1916 'n3 l?orest, Ludger.. 1. Il L. 145
1919 .\ccl. 1 8* 20
Morin, Néréo.. 1920· 224: \-forioo. Joseph . 1 0 C. 21
1923 1 Ml. 1l!lY~ 279
1927 1.1!"lo'1 1897 215
D\ùtr-l1neJ, J02.-E~?un·rd." 1900 L. 85
LADELLE 1904 (\ccl.
G'luLhier. Ls·Joseph....... 1900·
(Vormd of "art of Oll,av;a) tteed, Wal"er... 1908 83
J912 305
Fortipr, l-!YD.eint.he-Adélarli. 1912 796 1910 Acel.
.1 1916 "'cc!. 1919 914
Achim l Jœcp]l·l~-)Dnoré.... I!J\ 7· 1923 963
1919 1:\03 1927 844
Lahaie, Dffiiré. 1922· .131
Lonie. Pierre .... 19113 861 LAVAL
1927 1,398
(P"r~ of Hochelo.Jo o.,.'Oo".d
LATŒ ST. JOHN in 1912)
(Formed of 'Po.r! of Chico,"- Rellero~e,los .-fIy~(',inthe .. 1807 C. Accl.
timi-SafU·may 1871
LorangeT, Le-Oné~,imo.... 1875 139
:Morcollc, Pierre Léandre.. 1890 l,. 5U 1878 Ace!.
Gi ra rd. Josepb. 1892 C. 55 1879+
1897 343 1881
Tunguay, G.?org:es. 1900 L. Ace!. LeRlanc,Pierre-EY;.lriBtc .. 1882+ 208
1904 172 Gahoury , Arnédée. 1883+ L. 43
Broet, ThéodDro·I••·Ant.. 1908 723 LeRlnnc, Picrre-EvBri9te... IR84· C. 107
CBrbonne$).u, .]eun-~?,Pt,iBlo. I~· Aec!. Ii">SIl 76
1012 &12 l~H"'· 107
'l'ureoLle, Joo -Sylvio-Nare.. 1910 C. 493 Ib90 91
MoC'e(lu, Em)Je." . 1919 L. 2,0143 1892 Ace!.
1923 1,814 1897 185
1927 J,819 1900 305
1904 283
LAPHAIRIE 1908 r.. 4
1908-- 132
ThéTien. C6f!aire.. 1867 C. 466 1912 234
Es'nb11.rl., Andrew. ,- 1871 342 1916 1,877
Charleboi•• Llion~~eno~~.-Al 1875 Accl. Re~~ud ,J0geph.~lior. 19H1 C. 424
1 78 246 1923 1,730
Charloboi •• L60.?-Beno;~~J\lf. 1 1 C. 176 1027 869
1&U 23
GoyeLLe, Odiloo. 1&>7+ N. 88
1BS\)' 72 LEVIS
Dub~mel. Georges . IS90 18
Doyon. Cyrille. 1892 C. 226 llIDn~hel.,Jo•..Co~eric.. 11167 C. 664
Cherrier, Côme-Sér8.phin. 1897 10. 106 1871 335
1900 J71 Pll.~~et.ELienne.T~&lùoro. 1875 L. 1~7
)\101 Acc!. 1878 183
Po.tenaude, Eaiofî-~60n. 1008 C. 1879· 507
1912 ~ 1881 50
CélIilot, Wilfrid . 19J6 L. iil1 J.emieu::.:, Frs-Xavior. 1883* 36
1919 250 1886 121
1890 228
(See: N AP{F.R VJLLJ'.- Baker, Ignace-Angus .. , . 1892 C. 295
LAPRAUHe:) 1 Le.mieux,Frs-Xavier ... 1897 -lo. 1,074
Olivier. !'Ta.~aïre·Nicolaa... 1897" 469
L'ASSOMPTION Langelier. Charle•. 1898* 98
1900 Aoc!.
l\'Je,thieu, EUenne. 1867 c. Ace!. 1901~
Peltier, Onuphe.... 1871 1904
1875 346 1968 830
1878 1!)2 Roy, La.elare.... 1911" 578
Marion, Joooph 1880· 257 Boroier, AlphooBe.. 1912 C. 376