Page 145 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 145

118                          EDUCATION

                                 The following table is a detailed statement of the annual grants, for
                            purposes of education, paid out of the ordinary revenue of the Province
                            of Quebec. It appears therefrom that every class of teaching institution
                            received substantial grunts. The credits voted during the two last years
                            indicate a remarkable increase in the amounts voted for clussical colleges,
                            whose budget has grown from $19,000 to $190,000 and in favor of public
                            schools which l'eceived an amount of $630,000 in Hl24.     The creation
                            of new 8cholarships and the inauguration of 8chools for the study of
                            arts will necessitate further contributions from the Government.

                                 For the year ending. the 30th June, 1925, Catholic institutions
                            received $261,000 (classical coHeges $190,000 j model schools and acad-
                            emies $71,000). Grants to normal schools which amounted to $185,000
                            in 1920, were increased to $260,000 in 1925. Other grants are directly
                            controlled by the 8ecretary of the Province such as scholarships, night
                            schools, dress-cutting schoob, a'Cchives, Beaux Arts schools, reformatory
                            and industrial scho01s, etc. Other grants were also made in 1925 including
                            $59,000 to the teachers' pension fund; $11,000 for pedagogic lectures;
                            $14,650 for the publication of a French and of an English review on edu-
                            cation and many other amounts of which a complete list is published
                            yearly in the Public Accounts of the Province.

                                              54-Contributions by the Quebee Gove~nrnent.
                                        DlS'fIUDt::TION       1920-21  1921-22  Hl  11123 24.  1924.-25
                               UJ!:r-A.RT~Œ~T Of' PunLlc I~-STROC"lION:­
                                Publie Sehool•.....................  142.1,000  1421i,OOO  $504.500  1630,000  .625000
                                Cnt·Ùolic SupflTÎor Hr.hooIN  .  R4,OOO  90,000  Z61,OOO  261.000  261000
                                Ol.hcr !(rantlj t.o 811perlor alld Tcch.niclllechools.  270,OUO  300,000  :l:l2,OOO  ~OO,O()O  317 000
                                Prote:-!t.nnt Ruperil)r "ch()ol~  .  80,021  83.033  119,902  lOO,nôl  121280
                                Council of Public [m~truet.ioll  .  .",1';1  ;;;.';;00  6.000  6,000  6000
                                ~ormn.l9c!tQol~ .........................•.  1 'S,ooO  1',;.000  10:l,OOO  265.8 C  260 000
                                J.ruttitut.iaus for d~'f-m\lt,t'P~und hlind ....•. ' ..  39,SOO  :l!),~OO  39,800  Mi.ZOO  93200
                                Teachcr4' pÛl\t!otf)f1 fUlld (old) ,. . .. . ....•.•  S,OOO  8,000,  S,OOO  8.000  8.000
                                'fenche 'pen.ion lund (ncw). .,  _  .  30,239  5(\.2,12  .;9,244  fi9.24;"i  59,21fi
                                School ÜI  cliun       , .•.••..  118,lOO  124,738  lH,200  HS.{)OO  l;jO.OUO
                                Poor C.tl1nlic· rtlucipa.Jitje.~...• , ......•.....•  25,010  25.IJlO  25,0111  25,010  2;',010
                                                                'l,mm  4.900   "\,900  4.000  4,990
                                PI)Of nllllli.cipnlitiel'l .......••. , , 1 ••
                                Book:! ta {nn~nl ~1l'4 nrizc.~  .  21,1.'>7  2"  ()~O  28,200  2:,,000  27,000
                                J()urnlll~ or PubHc In...truclion ...••..........  11,300  12:000  1:',:!OO  1.1,ROO  14,0:,0
                                Grant.q lo mn..~t de~rvin/.Ç mutlid ..1iür."  .  11,05;'  lZ.Z00  \:1,000  13,500  14.,000
                                P'  u;Lu l(\(~tllrf":;.. . . . ..  . .....• ,  ,  .  !I.,'>OO  10.,',00  10..;00  11,000  Il,000
                                EI"Ill""tnt·y "cho<>10 [,mcl (art. Zfl14 Il.. '.P.Q.).  150,000  150,000  21:',1)1)0  2.10.000  300,000
                                l'juperiutendcnt't1 Report  ,  .  2,43,1  2,700  1,200  4.:,00  :1.:,00
                                SuppleulCut.ary ai<L tn Prot.(>:;tunt. ComrniUec  .  l''-rl)()  l,500  2.000  2,01J0  2,000
                                SdlOlul'ot.i~ 2\[useurn     .    (\(}O  f,OO    liOO  I,OOIl  600
                                Grutlt,~ for new eornplemenl.:.lfY sehools  .  50,000  25,000  45,(JOO  3,),001)  30,000
                                Grantsl.o rurul nmnir.ipulitiC's rf'.  .  H,  U,OLlO  14,0(10  1,\,000  H,OOO
                                'l'enr.hing (Ii druwiu'l in J)riIUûry ~chool-s..  r..oOO  ;'UIOO  :'5,000  5.000  .'>,000
                                Grat.uitie!\ to t.caC'Jletft •..•.............  l '1l~  f.Jr),300  56,500  59,000  03,800
                                     'fO"l'.<\L ..•.  .... _••.•........• $1,615,019  $1.662,083 52,167,1'6 S2,32O,599 2,416,275
                              OTI-lp.n Dr-:rAnT:\ll·:N'l'S: ,,(1)
                      ·of the Provin"".. .  336,HB  410.902  'i44,!llk  100.607  605,995
                                ~·Iini,tc.. of Publj" Wllrk............  (2,OS:l  11,.'04  10,:1.',3  8,OB2  6,000
                                Tr  "JI'cr or t,he PrOyÎllct:. . . . . ..  .•.  . . . . . . . . . .  4~).(jSO  35,000  35,000  35.000
                                Mi,  1er of Al!:ricultun,...  :lSO,25:J  4111,850  '105.094  653,069  636,OIW
                                Mini  fOr Lall(]s"",I1"orcsl..  'l.flOO  8,000  8,000  4.!l,41!l  11,083
                                  TOTAI•.... _. . . . .  . .. " -$736,452 '1 S1I42,J261!~$1-,-09-S-,265--IS-1-,ol54l--,1I7-6- --l-,S-56-,-04.2-
                                                           .       1       1 ~·--I----·I----
                              __--..:(;.:.:'R.:..:A:..::"'~D~T.:..:O:.:.l'.::A~I.~",•.:...:...:..;..:....:.:~:...:....:..:...:..:..:....:.:.'c.:.'.:...:..:$:=2:..::,J.=51:::.4:::.:n~...:.S2:::'.::c604:.:.:.:,4:=0.::c9.:.;IS:;J;:;.26=I,:::U1=-:..::$J:::..::.n.::c6~,67:;..:.:5-:...;S::.. ,111:,:':=.S17 _
                                   (1) PaYUlcnt!t for public illst.rllctioll.
                                Extraol lrom EduwLional Slali.lf.'ir-", Quebeo.
   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150