Page 143 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 143

116                          EDUCATION

                                The budget. for educational purposes is prepared by the Depart-
                           ment of Public Instruct.ion under the responsibilit.y of the Secretary
                           of the Province; however, certain grants, such as scholarships and
                           prizes for literature are undel' the direct control of the Minister. Other
                           Departments contribute also to the furtherance of education in the
                           Province, amongst them, the Departmcnt of Agriculture subsidizes
                           annually the schoois of agriculture, dairy, veterinal'Y and domestic
                           science schools; the Depart.ment of Lands and Forests provides for the
                           maintenance of forestry and paper ma.king schools and specially encour-
                           ages forest researches while the Department of Public Works and Labor
                           granls the funds required for the maintenance of cer·t.ain schools. Ot.her
                           minor expenses in connection with education are charged to "Miscell-
                           aneous Generally".
                                The contributions mentiol1ed in 53 are not the only amounts
                           expended for the maintenance of the schools. To ascertain the exact. .suru
                            9.t the disposaI of school commissiJns, there must. be added the proceeds
                           of annual Ioans guarahtecd by the assets of the corporations; a state-
                           ment of these will be found in chapter VII of the present Year' Fook wruch
                            treats of schoo1 finances. The rcceipts are used to defray administration
                           expcnses, the cost of repl1Îrs and new constructions.  In 1925, &'1.1aries
                           of the teaching staff absorbeù $8,G83,104; heating and maintenance,
                           $1,434,202; furniture and repairs of school house, $1,079,302 and new
                           constructions $4,250,018.

                                     53-Average Cost of Education, per P.lpil. in the Province of Quebec.
                                                               CONTRI~ UT) ONB
                                                                                Number of  Averogo
                                       YBARS            from   from the           pupil   coat per
                                                       muni,jpll"  GO\'PtIJ-  TolGI  enrolled in  pupil
                                                        litir"1I;'  mroJ'lt-    t.he  ~(·hll()l~·
                                                                  ~       ~                  5
                              19z.t-25                25,209.231  ~.771,317  28.geO.6fi8  503.414  48.84
                              11,12:1-2·1......       2·1.l41.'Üb3  3,T7tl,n75  2i ,!HÎ.73S  5~D,U05  47.81
                              1\122.-23. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . .  22,13,>.158  3.Zül,l1l  2.'i.:I!lIJ.21i~  5ï7,404  43.98
                              19Z1-22                 ZI.:lU7,7SS  2.fi04.400  :!J.!J72,Hl7  570.·nO  42.02
                              1<J20-2l. ..           ,IH,71I"jOP  2,.13 L.47 1  22,122,070  M8,~,:,2  40.35
                              HIl\)-ZO............. .  1 HO."J;7.2!ll  2.~:l4.1O\J  19.2U1,4fJ6  533,381  36.00
                              1918--]n .....•.•..•.•........•...  1 1·1.(i~',"",70g  2.145,\176  U;.844,6~4  511;,054  32.58
                              1\117-18                H.·tO[,,30l  2.077,:;0\)  14.4>'2.R7'0  4\J3.0:l:l  20.38
                              1911}-·17. ...•....•.•........•....  ] 1.""7.4;,·1  2,OIi~.7U(;  Il:l.\J.;(j,220  180,733  2R.49
                              101.~1!l...................  10.c,:J:3.'(;!1  l,ilH2.·';:J8  12.416,6U7  4\.10,718  2!i.30
                              1\11·1-15...             O.URI.~Oû  1,7~2,417  1I.4fo3.fo23  470,1>39  24.35
                              J.~I3--14.......................... 7,172."7D  1.72·1.110  8,S9!l,!J80  450,G3n  10.36
                              1012-J:1.,......................  7,(;OT,0!;,j  J .,;29.00(;  O,22G.07l  434.113  21.25
                              1011-12         ,        o.212.Hll  l,3U2,,";70  7,51·1,3JO  422,B1f,  17.78
                              1'1\(}-11... . . .. . ..  .. .. ..  5.nO.Ua  l,O(j,;,4Z9  0.7IH,.i;);)  410.-122  HL 55
                              1\)09-10     ,..............  .,.:l02.1:!9  ~O~.;J\lL  O,210"i:l0  2!l4.\J45  1~.72
                              1!)Ill>-U!). . . . . . • . . . . • . . • • . . . • . . . .  ·l.IiOO..U l)  X:J7.4[,O  5,517,Slin  :JH7.:l0:1  14.24
                              1ü07-0X . ........•............... ,  4.;)(j5.S:37  G~3.410  [).1·1~.!.147  372,;,00  13.82
                              lYI)(}--i)7  ,   •.... .•..  4.0;'0.741  5·10.(;50  4,591.:\!)1  3ôG,15ô  12.53
                              lOO";'-OU. ,      , . . . . . . .  :'.i!I:)2..102  !i:3fi.!',0  4.;~:l~,.~1;)2  31\1.430  12.00
                              l\JO<\-{),ï ..•...... " "  . ..•.  :l.li03,7;'l;  1.iO,7GO  4,0><\,51 S  3,ji),21:i  11. 40
                              1903-04.. .............•....•.  :l.~17.1l;i  400,2"0  3."lü.:l\J5  :J.l!1, 178  1O.0Z
                              19U2-0:\     '. . . . . . • .• . . .. .  3.234.07',[  4~.\IU4  3,71;;.0:18  345.122  10.75
                              100l-(l~  ,              :l,O[,1,1()0  ·!T:IA·iO  3.5:t{,550  32:q31  10.\J0
                              l!l0l~01. . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2.\lgO.l-SU4  45:l,\150  3,4;;:i.7',4  3B.SRI  10.00
                              HMJ-1000   '             2,Ubl,75ü  440.050  3,131,70!l  3l7,090  9.87
                                For general educationai purposes, the Government grants which
                            amounted to $449,950, in 1900, reached $3,771,317, in 1925.        The
                            aroount contributed by municipalities, for the same period, increased
                            from $2,681,756 to $25,209,251.    The average cost of education peT
                            pupil which was $9.87, in 1900, amounted to $48.84, in 1925.
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