Page 146 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 146

                             For teaching purposes, the Province of Quebec is divided into school
                         districts, whose limits are fixed by the commissioners or schooI trustees
                         and must not exceed five miles in length or in width. A school district
                         may be established wherever there are twenty children in a locality,
                         between the ages of five and sixteen years. There is generally a school-
                         house in each of these divisions. The Department of Public Instruction
                         supplies free plans, on demand, to the school corporations for the con-
                         struction of school-houses; when the plans are not supplied by the Gov-
                         ernment they must be approved by the Superintendent of Public
                         Instruction. This rule was adopted in order to prevent the construction
                         of unnealthy class rooms. It is necesary for the health of pupils and
                         teachers that the classes should contain a certain volume of air and
                         ventilation.  For this purpose, the height from Boor to ceiling should
                         be at least tÊm feet. The' windows must be large enough to allow sufficient
                         lighting and the light must enter from the pupWsleft or from both sides.
                         A perm9nen~ system of ventilation mU3t be ill3talled in each cllss room.
                             In order to assist rural corporations in building their schools, the
                         Secretary of the Province may, according to an Act passed at the last
                         session of the Legislature, (1) pay the total cost of a building provided
                         it does not exceed $1,200 when such a school is being erected in a
                         coLonization centre.  When the cost is above this but does not exceed
                         $2,500, the Secretary of the Province is authorized to contribute up to
                         two thirds of this amount.
                             School inspectors are obliged to report the cost of repairs and of
                         new buildings in their respective districts. Table 55 was compiled from
                         these reports.  In the course of the year ending the 30th June, 1926,
                         there were 361 new schools built at a cost of $2,737,907.

                           55---Number of Schools Constructed or Repnired nccording 10 approved plans and cost
                                                       of construction.

                                                                                      Oo.t of
                                             YEARS                   Number of 8cho018
                           ]825-26       . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. • ..  391  2.'37,!l07
                           1~24-25                   .                     340        2.599,!->'>o
                           1923-24  " ..       ..  ..  . ........•..........  ~Jl     {,051.S42
                           ]922-~3............................................•....  315  2,784,842
                           1921-22.. . . . . . . . . . . • . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . .. .  .  310  3,274.204
                           Hl~0-21. .................•............ , •..•..............•.  227  3,102,74.4
                           19J!}--20 .........•........•.............•....•............•.  170  1,322,7117
                           1918-lQ .......................•........•.................•.  247  2,387,{33
                           1917-18.. .  . ..  ..    .               .      200        2,405A85
                           191&-17....................•......................•........  237  2,258,03e
                           1915-10                               .         2?6        2,0~0,287
                           191{-15....  . ...•..•.......•..•.......•..•..•..•.....  292  3,006,278
                           1913-14 .................................................•..  305  1,117,895
                           1912-13........•......................•.................•..  269  M9,.-,93
                           1911-12                                  .      291        1,150/,1)3
                           1910-11..............................................•.....  294  UOO,881
                           190!}--10 ....••......................•.............•.........  332  S75,338
                           190&-09 ..................................•... "  .  234    882,308
                           1907-08.........................•..........................  299  688,407
                           190&-07.    .. . . .. .. ....•.  .. .  . .....•...  n8      69:1,903
                           190"",06.. . . • . . . . . . . . . .  . ...•..•........•.. _  236  397,257
                           19()4--{)/i .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .  .. ........  187      263,084
                             (1) 17 Geo. V. ch. 39.
                             E.Lrnet from Eduoalional 8tnii.lics, Quoboe.
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