Page 119 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 119

92                          EDUCATION

                                                 SURVEY OF PRIMARY SCHOOL8.
                                In 1925, the primary schools constituted 97% of the educational
                           institutions in the ProvülCe, thcre WC'fe in these schools 136,735 more
                           pupils than in 1913. The total nurnber of teachers which was 13,601
                           in 1913, has reached 19,122. The three tables of the following pages
                           show the number of schools, pupils and teachers of primary educational
                           institutions in each county of the Province of Quebec.

                                       13--Clltholic Elementary and ModeI SchooIs and Academies (1 ).
                                                              NVP-SDER Of/' PUrlL8 P.NROT.T.ED
                                       Number  Number  l';umber                    Average
                               Y."no          oC male  of ff!)ll:de                       PerœnLage
                                      of ochool.  t.eB.ahere  LeaGIlel'9  Boy.  Girle  Total  atteodaocc
                             -----           ._--- _.---
                             19~26.....  7,090  2m3   1:',"07  ~.61lil  .:1-14 ,271  17t1.9·10  3.3. ~8  80.4
                              19:1(l-U....  7,031  2,77'{)  Id.;;;i\  ~"9.. 115  ~ 11.~:;n  4.ü.·1c..  371),5U  1'0 0
                              1922-23 .....  O,Ofl.:-1  2.G!)l  1:),162  ;!')7.9Ili  :.>;J ·.4~9  111'Î,410  :~M.070  7~1 . 1
                              1921-22 .....  5.91:1  :!.;)7K  12,802  U41}.';l;  l,7Ul  45',7·W  :lG, J>13  79.9
                              HI20-21. ..•  6,7(11  2.·I'i;1  12.5·19  21',21  2:l1.1W  Hfi.31:l  ;'H7.8~:~  77.9
                              H1I9-2fl ....  G.579  2,:~0~j  12.1.;7  ~'&0l)3  22"l,:1:")·1  'J:~2,.l,·,7  :12Ii.65\  713,[)
                              HJ1'S-19. '"  G.o70  2.;1:H  Il.813  2' .J..&2  221,.1f:9  42.;."91  .121.4IS  75.0
                             1917·18 .....  (j,lin'  2,2t)7  Il.a79  1!J7,3H  21.'.(j:<7  412,'1(,1  :327,.33:.  70.2
                              \lJlü-17 ....  6,:~ "[1  2.J 12  U,.11lt  191,1I1la  211..WI  ·f01.914  a~.F>·1  81.1
                              Lü I;;"IG.  6,2.,0;;0  2.078  11.1 0·(  106,07(1  2'\) 278  .JU:',:HR  :l2Q',078  81.1
                              1!J1"-\5 ....  6.187  1.989  19.8~1  lr'~1..s32  2"':UG:l  ~92.\JI'.i  8 O,9Rl  81.5
                              19i3-14 ...  Il.OI1  J.!)21  \0,,181  1H:J.272  l.,n.n.-o  ;V~1.:)2~  3·J~.1!J1  79 7
                              1912 13 ....  S,H20  !.l;2-1  9.90.;  17:1,.il'!.  1 ·!J.,IZ2  .~62.lJ:H  287.40:1  79.1
                                     14-Proleslant Elementary and Model Scho-ols and ACad~mies (1).
                                       NUlllbar'  Numbcr                           Average
                               YI'~An5        or 11Ii\le                                  l'erœDtage
                                      of 5C]If)O)B  t.c.:wllera                   attendance
                             -----                                                -----.  ----
                             lU2-4-'l:!O•...•  7f.i7  2S7  2.I~O            71,1.19  54.14oil  75,0
                              1 ~3p~I. ...  jülj  2 2  2. U1                71,0 ;j  G;1~ 70  75.5
                              H):.!~r~d.....  7lil  22:!  2.I~U             70.0nfl  li~.f10  74.7
                              HJ21-22•....  7,""2. '  HU  2,07.1            69.!l.'fJ  52.HH  76.0
                              Ig2ll-21 .....  78~,  17""  .2,0:.11          5".J:l8  IU.?3U  71.3
                              1!\I~OO,....  8112  lB.  .l,v:n·.,            O:~,:·:,O  4'5.7JI\  71.9
                              '~lil-I!J.....  796  142  1.027               61,110  H.dR"   72.6
                              1917-18 .....  702  l"'?  J,t1.,H             -4"  7  41,7:Z~  77.9
                              Igl6-I~.....  8\0  1;~3  I.G~I                ~R,4;5  4·' ,:~14  75.2
                             l' 1.-,-16 .....  RI.~  Ill;  1,8 9            uD.ûO!>  ·1~.~H6  71.0
                              lOl·h15 .....  8;')3  191  I.'!)I             55,JO_  39.fn:l  7n.6
                              l!1 ):1-11 .....  !;77  131  l.7 D            54,,r;lJ7  40.3.>4  71.9
                              W;2-13 ..  878     128   l,ô'o,J              4il,8:i0  37.0H  77.4
                                        15----Totlll Elemcnlary and Model Schools and Academies (l).
                                       Numbcl'  Numbcr                             Avernc:e
                               YEAR8          of l'llaJo                                  Perœntage
                                      of 6chools  leac]Jcl:s                      attendance
                             1924-25 .... '1  7,Sô7  3,175                         437.088  79.8
                              1..•.,·2•.....  7,7U7  3,Olti                        4~0. 1';.\  7!JA
                             1~1~2-23 ...• _  7.745  2.0\3                         42:.!,l.")!)  7B.5
                              In21·22  .  7",6D5  2.7fiO                           421,704  79.4
                              1!ï2()..:H  .  7':;'13  ~.ü:~l                       ;\07,172  77.4
                              1019-20  .  7,IRI  ~,·,·IS                           .....,'/ ":177  7.1.C
                              19JR-19  .  7,~0~  2.·173                                     7:,. :)
                              1917·18  .  1,1.;);J  Z,:{D4.                        :lt>9.057  7tl.9
                              l!J16-1?  .  7.1%  2,2t1."                           :Hl7.463  79.3
                              19V,-IB  .  7.f)9~>  2.2(;:\                         :17:1,3(;1  80.3
                              l!l1H5  .  7,0'10  2,11;0                            ;J6').R97  80.5
                              191~-11  .  6.R!J4  2,(J,j~                          3'1'1,.;47  70.0
                              1912-13 ..  6,798  1,9')2                            :l24.3~7  78.7
                                  (1) See foet note (1) ou page 88.
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