Page 118 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 118

PRIMARY EDUCATION                              g]

                                            COMPLEMENTARY PRIMARY SCHOOLS.
                              Since 1923, Catholic academies are now styled complerrrentary
                          primary schools. Protestant academies are still called "High Schools".
                          In 1925, 60% of the pupils attending these schools were enrolled in the
                          cities of Montreal and Quebec, viz: 86,396 in the 164 Montreal schools
                          and 14,012 in the 33 Quebec schools. For the scholastic year 1924-25,
                          179,071 children attended these schools, that is 85,336.boys and 93,735

                                                   IO-Catholic Acndfmies (1).

                                                           !~~_DER OF PUPIL8 8NRO[..(..ED
                                      Number  Number  Numbet                      Average
                              YEAR8          01 male  of fcmale                          Percentagc
                                     oloohool.  tcaohera  tcaeher~  BoY"  Cirla  Total  "ttendance
                            1024·26 .. , ..  537  2,ZO·!  4,138  77,762  86,373  lfo·t,t :15  1~9,6111  85,07
                             W21-24., .  ;'01  2,I:n  3,e02  11, 2i1  81.741  l[)';,fH;:J  1;13,719  85 37
                             19~·2-23 .....  :lD5  1""12  3,103  51,2S2  63.918  Il  115,~:1O  07,792  K-I.87
                             1021 22 ....  381  1,486  2,023  40,<11;6  6:J,:I:18  H2,gOl  on,:1.'2  h$.42
                             1920 21. .. '.  378  1.400  3,056  45,061  6.1 ,2:.111  110,21)2  \}2,79g  84.21
                             1919-20 .....  :"71  1,298  2,8~4  44,003  50,218  lo:l,221  85,1123  82 37
                             1018-10 .....  :168  1.:187  2.ïJÇ~  4'J.0~8  ,i5,.55:.!  l00,,;iiO  83,122  82.61
                             1917-18 .....  :101  l,a:l'!  2,828  H,916  51,970  99.886  85,0'03  B5.10
                             1916-17 .....  3:10  1,10:1  2,511  40,0;;7  51),13~  111,720  77,7<18  86,70
                            1015-16 .....  3118  I,OSO  2.:1:37  3.ï,970  47,2:ï7  8:1,227  72,608  87.24
                            1914-15.    2s3     OIU   2,0,7  3:1,00 ~  42,478  7(,,482  65,8<16  87.23
                             1913-14.   2:jg    S:l2  l,g 17  27.~61  3S,667  6ï,lll?  .s6,{JM~  86.40
                             1'(112-13.  ~:l~   7~ 1  l ~<)r;  '2~ f1::;i  :1':' n1 f  ."<).'R,P  ·;1.7:10  8~.SI
                                                   Il-Protestant Academies (2).
                                                             Nt::'!UU:R OJ' PUPIV~ E:-'·ROI~LP.D
                                      Number  l\umbcr  Numh",r                    "',reragc
                              YEA-RB          of ruale  of femslc                        Perceotage
                                     01001'001.  tetl.chera  lf~ncll.m  Boyo  CirlH  Tota}  nttendance
                             1024-2~.    OS     lBS    SBO   7,574   7,;,62  14.936  12.:>:1O  8J.BS
                             Ht:!a-~·L..  00    Hl5    ~ 1    7,H'O  7,371  15,051  12,~.n  :;L 34
                             19~2-n...   46     HI     ~,7    7,235  7,01·,  14,281  11,442  80 12
                             1021-22 .. ,  45   122    ~ ,il  7,181  7,028  11.,:lO\)  11,746  ~2 66
                             1920-21 ....  411  121    ~H7    6,M~   6,rl:')S  13,10(1  10,.510  sn. 10
                             19W-20.     <Il    !l4    Il:!:;  Il, 0.3  ,0137  11.950  9,a76  73.39
                             J!) 13-19 ....  43  90    3:U    r).~:j.6  6,145  L2.0 1  9.070  7.5 08
                             1917·18.    <10    81     :J..~1  1;,1' 1  ;;,3 4  10,1;  8.2S::~  78 22
                             191617.     41     102    3:.1   ••:172  fi.~  12,102  9,:W!\  76 DI
                             l\} [;>-1 ô.  41   lOG    31,1  .5,9 q  ô,I'l'  12,0,  0.'1"6  78 55
                             1914.15.    r~     112    2(,3  5,78]   fj.5~)I  11.2Hl  7,Of;8  (17 97
                             191.1'1<1   :'H    ,''01  3~r}   5,314  5,:1''0  10.6l3  8,2:12  77.49
                             l\}12-13    :~ t,  .q     2'~j)  1  ., , '1  ., ,',0  R ':!Rr~  Ô,·I%  7RA·I
                                                      I2-Total Academie.B.
                             1924·Z,5 .....  5
                             1923-2•..•.  551
                             Hl2. 2:1 .....  Hl
                             1921-2••....  420
                             1~:lo-21: " ..  421
                             1919-20  ..  412
                             1918-10  .  411
                             1917·18  .  401
                             1916-17.   371
                             191;>-16" .  3.j0
                             H1I4-15  ..  321
                             UIl3-U  .  296
                             1912-13  .  zn
                                 (1) See foot note (1) On lJ:lge 88.
                                 (2) See foot note (2) 00 pRKe 88.
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