Page 117 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 117
Former catholic model schools are classified with the primary
elementary schools under the Act which is in force Binee the month of
September, 1923. The reviBed course of studies of these institutions
was publisbed by the Department of Public Instruction for the use of
parties interested. In the Protestant schools the number of enrolled
pupils haB increased from ;~J451 to 4,309 in the last thirteen years.
7--=Catholic Model Schools (1).
Number Nllmber Nombor
YZ.ul.8 of mal. of femble Perccntage
of ~chOoJB te:u:herti teachcr.:!l at.leodance
_._- Girle Totul
------ ----- --_.-.._- ----- -----
1022-23 ..... 724 910 2,76:' 6:1,781 5[>,31.3 lIn.121 nO,~98 81.01
1021-22 .... 707 864 2,Ma 61.:'85 53,1111 lU,9RO 9:'I,Rf~G 81.06
1020-21 ...• , 607 !1l4 2•.!j~iJ 57,215 50,OiO 108,125 86,:3.;1 70.8tl
1010-20 ..... 7(10 8~1 2,1'12 [;,1)':>03 50,:.10. JO'>,807 81l,ün9 76.M
1018·10 .... 6911 no 2,:181 ,'")!),7f-;7 19,088 100,4.".., 77JHl6 77.15
1917-18 ..... 691 7.; 1 2,IRI iH.920 52, H)1l 101.118 83,0:n 80.23
InJli-17 ..... 688 127 2.400 ,,2.1,:16 50.r,02 102,028 S3,::22 fil. Hl
101.';-16 ..... 080 82'1 2,·1G2 ;;7,296 51.17() 108/175 90.087 1l3.05
101·1-1" ..... 673 802 2.,1(11 .~-4.16.J 51.foGfl l!n,8?1 89,01:l XI.H
1013-14 ..... 6tj,t 8\16 2.37:1 tdi,fj'14 53,.~I:H 110,I:i'; 01.n11 70.4\
1912--13 ..... 655 Y04 2,232 r,1,:18·' 51,~18 \()f;.2U2 87,31S 82.21
S---Protestant Model Schools (2).
Number Numbor Nurn. NUldBEn OF PUPIL.~ J::NIlOt.LEO Avcrago
YEU' of mnJe oi r~Jnde 1 l)
of schoola t.ctLcLcl's t t'lbe'f9 --- atteodancc
:BO.l'& (;kl. "l'ni·al
- __0.::-.-.,'. --.
1924-25 ..... Mi J4 112 2,101 2,208 4,300 3,~lil 74.61
1!.2:3-21,. , 11 1'17 2.1.0 2,2t)1 4,;[:1(\ :1,~2j 77 .Zl
lU:?2-2a ..... 02 11 114 2,l69 2,(121 4,496 ~,;{, iii 7"'i.:'W
J!UI-2:? .... [,2 12 lU 2,lx.'; 2,316 ·1 JilJl 3.4.~\1 76.X,)
IilZ·'·21 ... ;)2 12 13 I.QCW 2,1;l() 4.J:·;;) 2.93G 71.IlO
10Iü-20 ..... 57 15 T"t:.l 2,1 3 2.:1,;0 4/>-13 3,17(j 69.78
1" 1'\-1" ..... fi:} 4, l:lll J, II i,9U9 3.il22 2,7.)2 7200
j(Jl ï-lil, .... 57 12 17 2.5511 2.80.') 5.a85 ;'.9:lO 72 7n
IYIG-17 ..... 55 7 171 2,J:J;O 2,(;7-\ 5,ZUJ ;l.U'iG ïG.42
101.-,-IO ..... .'>8 14 17!l 2,61<1 2.SI;2 5,416 3,~YiT('1 7341
191H5 . .. .. 48 7 143 1.n,~J 2,UZO 4,001 2,R"7 7 J. 4J
IOl;'-J..I .... 53 S 144 3,o1IIj 2.1~" 4..60:3 3,ZII 70.H
lU l2-1:1. .... 43 8 11:1 1,725 1..726 3,-451 ~.-4;-ILl S221
9~T(}tal Model Schools (2).
Il Kr~'ru.:R Ol}o'j PUIlIL8 l;NROI}),f)0
Numbor Nmllho. NlllTlbcr A Ver!lge
of n",Le 1 III ro" )0 PereenLat;e
1 (i!11~1"'U" 1 B(f~'H Gid~
of fichools L(m.cb hII at,l.cudancû
----:----'1-----;----1-·- ----If-----I
l!12?-23 •. 770 2,0. f)~..f) ~ 07,670 1~:j,620 9!I.R/;:l 80.~0
1"21-22 . 7.19 2,8~7 03,070 .ï.~1.92l) 119.4üO 07,3:,;.; 81.·t!l
1!J20-21. . 7"9 :',C-6'1 ;'fJ.211 .;3.()4!l 11~.2(iO lin 291l 7,0.5'1
1919-20 . 757 :.!,~11·1 :;7.(\!l6 52>6:~·1 110.3;;0 81.InO 70.27
19 1S-l!) . TI:! 11,520 [,2,GUO .1J1,GS7 lU4,277 SO,25"i 76.97
11117-18 . 751 Z,O 2 6J"jOfl [J.J,OO:) lIJU,503 87,1:.:l 70.sB
1916-17 . 7~3 2,!5ï7 51.5603 5:.i,:2GO 1(}7,S:'1 87,298 80 06
lOL"-16 . 738 2,6:37 5!'UJ10 ;':l.OSI II:l,R~JJ o j ,0G~i 82 ;'9
J9U-15." .. 721 2J>17 5ô,HO ~?,G86 109.832 01,\110 83.0R
1"-1:3-14 . 718 2.517!! .Jti.71f) 11'1,73" O-t,;2:,)/.j 82.15
1912-13 . 698 2,345 50,IPO 5~l 5t-'t lU9,053 89,777 81.88
(1) Sec foot not.e (1) on PO-J:" g8.
(2) Sec foot note (2) op page SS.