Page 110 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 110
The Hygiene Service of the Provinc~ which replaced the Superior
Board of Health, in 1922, consists of a director and a staff assigned to
the fo119wing services: management and secreta..rysr ip, inspectorship,
sanitary engineering, ]u.boratories, demographic st'ltistics, tuherculosis,
child welhre and venereal di<;ease'3. Its functions 9re to lvok aft€'r and
improve public health in the Province by preventing the spre.a.ding of
conta.giouB diseases and taking the necessary rr:easures to pcotect the
health and life of individuals. For the pm'pese of inc;peJtion, the PlOV-
inee i'3 divided into twenly diEtricts superintended hy hygienists, who
form part of the Service. The section of S'3.nitalY engineering looks after
the W'3.ter supplies and superin~end8 worh of sanita·,ion.
Among the activities of the Service, one mu~t not omi~ the strenUOU8
campaign against tuberculosis and infantile mortality undertaken years
ago. Since 1923, sixteen anti-tubercutar dispensaries were established,
which with the three already existing in Montreal and one in Quebee
bring to twenty the number of these indispensable ol'ganizations. Many
centresof child welfal'e were added to the existing ones, and the campaign
against infantile mortality has produced remarkable results. The labor-
atories are at the disposaI of physicians and pamphlets are distributed
by the thousands to teach the population the benefits of hygiene and
the means of prevention against avoidabte diseases.
As in the preeeding years, the service of venereal diseases has
continued its activity. In 1926, 60 dispensaries were in operation where
over 125,000 treatments were given. In order to more effectively diffuEe
hygiene and prevent the spread of contagious diseases, the Provincial
Bureau of Health has inaugurated, in the few months, the organ-
ization of "County Sanitary Units" composed of a medical director, a
sanitary engineer and two or three visiting nurses.
GO-Bacteriologiea! Analyses mnde by the Hnliene Senice of the Province.
SpuLnrn Blood '·;~il~',~~.L.
YEARS Water Mil],; Pu., ,1 Urin' l'Vaccine OH,'," 1Tol.ab
Pharynx ~--_.- _.__.---
:~~g~~L::::::::::: 1f.:OI2 n~l\ ~:~5~ 1'g~~ ~~l~ ~î 2~~ 1:'.::: 6~8 g:~~~
10~4-25............. S.OûB l,:B:l :J,:147 Hl ':;00 31 31,. 43 \01,097
1911-21... . . (>,2U3 727 2,·1111 J87 7S0 7 3, ... '.;'; 42 10.849
1922-23............. ':;,198 Hl 1,8!12 3n) 432 9 ù G6 8,432
~~~ô~~f::::::::::::: U~? g~ n~ :~; 6~~ 31 Ig. .':3 ~6 ~:~~g
10Hl-20............. 2,712 30 703:1 125 12" 12 3.900
1918-19... 3,50S 13 7:33 ~~ 89 12 3 7 ~.r}9t
1917-18.... 1,4.W 3.'\ 720 21Jl 123 10 6 ... 8 2,ü2,}
IOIn-17.... . 1,322 6 720 3:'1J 197 13 4 0 7 2.GÜ3
1915-16.. 024.12 ;,'j7 2,';6 11'1 10 6 6 1 l,.~no
1914-15.. .. . .. 809 l ;'40 -Il 151J " 10 7 1 1.~70
1913-11,.. .. .. . . 4.8l 2 104. ,i17 1.9 I~ 1 4 9 3 1.8l7
1912-13............. 5~1 lli7 64 630 117 .... , 8 1,537
1911-12.... 614 2~ J40 ,'37 33 41 5 12 1.752
UlJO-ll.... 013 &t 01 Sil 14 13 7 3 J5 1,404.
ExtraoL from the report of the HygieDe Service of the PrOviDC<l of Quebeo.