Page 112 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 112

IMMIGRATION                               85

                             Table 62 classifies the immigrants arrived in Canada in the last two
                         years, according to their occupation. Out of a total of 143,991 immi-
                         grants in 1927, 81,954 were registered as farmers or farm labourers.
                         The women coming to this country are generally engaged as servants.

                                      62--{)ceupaUon of Immigrants to Canada, in 1925 and 1927.
                                                            1921\                  1927
                                  OCCUl'ATlON        At    From th~         At   F:-nM the
                                                    OO"'lUl  United  Talais  Q("'cnn  Ilit~d  Totol.
                                                    p.~t..  ~t.lltt!'~     port~  &btus
                           l'Qrmr.r8 (tnd fn:fm laborc-rs;
                              Men.........................  28.032  6.007  33.039  65.650  5233  fjO.Il,~3
                              Women ......................  3.740  1.1;'0  4890  5,460  1 203  6663
                              Cbildren. ....................  8,791  1.796  10,';87  12,717  1 6~1  14,408
                              Meo....    .............  2,5311  1.368  3,906  4,1l62  3,323  6.1R5
                              Womcn .....  ............  690  145    83.3   847     224   1,07l
                              Cbildrcn .... .................  817  lQ2  979  1,454  205  1,650
                           ~ C,.in1'.R trad•• :
                              l\1~"f) ...••.•...•..•.....••••.•  2,745  1.398  4,143  4,617  1,774  6,39\
                              "'7(.iJn('n .......•.••..••....•.•  1,0"4  289  1,373  1"SG:!  39~  1,960
                              Chiltlren ....... ..............  8-1~;  217  1,060  1,154  303  1,487
                           Clerli.'r. Itarlera.. elc:
                              Men.........................  1,6~2  901  2,563  2,105  978  3,083
                              Wonlen ......................  \1:15  355  1,290  1,064  362  1,420
                              Ghildren .....................  "Il  218  783  663    186    B40
                              :Mell.. , ... ...................  477  147  624  OG5  151  1,116.
                              '·Valuc;.l .......•..•........•..  ..........  104    10     114
                              Cl,ildron .. , ............... ,.  12  2  14  127      7     134
                              Womcn ..... _•...• ,_ ..  9,180  506  0,686  13.01~   538  13,557
                           NtJt (/cP'" i./j~"d:
                              M~n.........           U\.<J4  1,104  2,6AA  1,.-,r>'!  1.200  2, ~~l4
                              Womcn ,_    ............  6,  à:g~    X 1 ;ï:H  7,.-,02  2,44;'  1O.0:!7
                              ChlldJ<!ll. .............  6,ll.:!7   9.067  7,410   2,704  10,114
                              Mon...... ............  37,   ().O'~:';  46,903  69,763  10,749  80/'12
                              \\'llmen ..•...•........••. _•..  22,2:13  4,:l~g  2 .foU  ZU,048  5,180  34. :Ill
                              CI,ilJren. , .......  IO,SI.~  4,175  :,12.490  23,,5.'i5  5,000  2  1 ':'1
                                                  -'   ------ -
                                    GRAND TOTAl•••.•••..  n.286  lS.nS  96,OG4  122,966  21.025  143,991
                             The port of Quebec gemrally receives the greatest numher of
                         immigrants coming to Canada. In 1927, there were 63,792 arrivaIs out
                         of a total of 143,991 equal to 44%.
                               63-elnssification of Immjgrants, accordi  to port of arrivai, from 1922 to 1927.
                                                     13:&~  1  ~;j  UIH    IY~.,>  1  Hho  1~_7
                                                        - ---,          .~   ----_.-.~".
                           ~;~j~T~.·.::..:::::~:::~ ~ :::::::~::  4D,740  1  31.717  71,2 Q  r.9,1;12  1 ,  40, 53  (j~,7n2
                                                                                  L 215
                           l1:llifa     , ..•. ,  .  7.n9   5,O3\)  111,279  21,1Jo' "  204UO  37,677
                           N<lrtll ~ydney        .  (1)  HIS  1,4~  4.H'l1  l,O. -  435     712
                           Sydney               , ..          (i!)   1I3     7:J     5       89
                           Menlrea!..            .           111     '137   200    14.4     lq2
                           Vancouver    ,  .         1,4.48  7n7    1.130  l.JH   1,333    1,220
                           Victoria•...............  1,020   614     633    459    361      513
                           Throuoh America"rt porta:
                              New York      .        1,.543  2,4:10  0.157  1,452  1,163   1,402
                              HOBton •......... ,  .  158     57    249      61     26       47
                              OLbero            .                   334     43     121      433
                           ,",0... 110. UniUd Stal..... ....•..•....  29,345  22,007  20,52J  1",81  18,778  21.02,)
                                                  --.-. ----
                                  TOTAUl., ......• , ••••..  119,999  n,887  148,560  111,362  96,064  143,911
                               (1) Sydnoy inclurled.
   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117