Page 55 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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                                                                                              The Ontario Register

                                                                                               .       t  al  consent and  desire in the pres-                                                          Western District Marriages                                       51
                                                                               lace by  the1r mu u
                                                               the same P                      ht       her father  William and Sarah Mac-
                                                                                                                                                                                  Pierre Labadie,  otherwise  Badichon,  and  Anne  Purday,  both
                                                               ence of l\Ir ·.John L:~g Jo'::;; and Susann~ Sparkman, her brother
                                                                                                                                                                              of Sandwich, were md 1 Oct 1798 by A.  Iredell,  J .P.  Witnesses:
                                                               omb, her f~Ienl ds, at Detroit  this  first  day  of  March 1790. (sel)
                                                               and sis ter m  aw •  a                   '                              ]                                      Antoine Descomptes Labadie, father of the  groom,  W.  Roe,  Su-
                                                                                                   D  H  [Dis trict of Hesse
                                                                                      t  J
                                                               Alexander  ran •  ·           p   •  ·  ·                             f  ·n ·                                  sanna Sparkman,  Antoine Labadie brother of the groom,  Benja-
                                                                   30  May 1796 (before Wm  Harffy,  J. P.)  oath o  Wl  I~m Rands                                            min Nantay,  Francois Mettez,  John Cornwall Jr.
                                                                                       h  t  that he  md  Mar y Abbott at Detroit on lOth
                                                               of Detr01t,  mere  an  •                                                                                          27  Feb 1798  (at Sandwich bef ore Wm Harffy,  J . P.)  oath of John
                                                               Dec   1789   , and oath of Mary Abbott wife  of  Wm Rands  to the same                                         Askin  that he md  Archange  Barthe  at  Detroit on  21  June  1772,

                                                               effect.  Children:                                                                                             and oath of Archange Barthe  the wife of John Askin to the same
                                                                         Elizabeth b.  4 Sept 1790                     Ann b.  24 May 1793                                    effect.  Children:
                                                                         William b.  14  Feb 1792                      Frances b.  18 Apr 1795                                          Therese b.  10 Feb 1774                        Phillis Eleanor  born

                                                                  311\Iay 1796 (before  Wm  Harffy,  J . P.)  oath of Angus  Mackin-                                                    Archange b.  3 Oct 1775                           17 April  1788
                                                               tosh  of  Detroit,  merchant,  that  he  md  Archange  St. Martin  at                                                    Alliee b.  29  May 1783                        Alexander David  born

                                                               Detroit on  17  June 1783, and oath  of Archange St. Martin wife of                                                      Charles b.  18 June 1785                          22  Februar y 1791
                                                                                                                                                                                        James b.  9 Nov  1786
                                                               Angus :1\Iackintosh to the same effect.  Children:

                                                                        Duncan b.  24 Sept 1785                        Archange b .  25 Apr 1793                                 27  Feb  1798  (at  Sandwich  before  Thos  Smith,  J . P.)  oath  of
                                                                                                                                                                             Alexander Grant Esq, member of the Executive Council of Upper
                                                                        Alexander  b.  23  Aug 1787                    Isabella b.  17  Mar 1795
                                                                        Anne b.  1 Apr 1790                                                                                   Canada and Commandant of the Marine Department on the Upper
                                                                                                                                                                              Lakes,  that  he md  Therese  Barthe  at  Detroit on  30  Se~t 1774,
                                                                  Allan  Bellingham  of Detroit,  gentleman,  and Monica Baby of
                                                                                                                                                                             and oath of Therese Barthe wife of Alexander Grant  to ~he same
                                                               the same place,  spinster,  wer e  md  22  March 1795  by  William
                                                                                                                                                                             effect.  Children (birthdate is stated only for the first):
                                                               Park,  J. P.  Registered 1 July 1796.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Therese b.  13 Feb 1776                         Elizabeth
                                                                  26  Sept  1796 (before Wm  Park,  J. P.)  oath of  Peter Laughton
                                                                                                                                                                                       Archange                                        Nelly
                                                               of the  River St.  Clair  that he md  Catharine Haven  of River St.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Phil lis                                        Alexander
                                                               Clair  on  14 Sept  1788,  and  oath  of  Catharine  Laughton  to  the                                                  Arabella
                                                               same effect.  Children:                                                                                                                                                 Maria
                                                                        Mary b.  29  Mar  1789                         David b.  26 Sept 1791
                                                                                                                                                                                 26 April  1796  (before Alex.  Grant,  J.P.)  oath of  John  Snark-
                                                                        John Betton b.  29  June 1790                  Peter  b.  6  Nov 1795
                                                                                                                                                                             man, barrackmaster Of the Garrison of Detroit,  that he marr ied
                                                                  Thomas  McKee  and  Theresa  Askin  were md  17 Apr 1797 by                                                Susannah Stedman at Detroit on 17 Dec 1787, and oath nf Sus annah
                                                               P.  Selby,  J. P.,  Petite Cote,  Parish of L'Assomption.                                                     Sparkman to the same effect.  Children:

                                                                  George  Reynolds  and  Mary  Everitt,  of River Thames  were                                                         Elizabeth b.  19 Dec 1788                     Phillip Stedman Sparkman

                                                               ~:e~~tt 2a9d MaR~ 1h797dby  William  Shaw,  J. P.  Witnesses:  William                                                  James  b.  18 May 1792                          born 7 Dec  179-l.
                                                                           n      1c  ar  Jackman.
                                                                                                                                                                                John Peck Jr.  of Raleigh Township and  l\Iary :\Ioore  wer e  md
                                                                  8 Sept 1798.  Registration  of the oath of  G                         M                   f
                                                               County of Kent  Es  .                                           re gor  c Gregor  o                           11 Oct 1799  at Sandwich by  P.  Selby,  J. P.  Witnesses:  Richard
                                                               of Militia  that'  he  q~l~e,  Lieutenant Colnel  of the Kent Battalion                                       Pollard and Joseph Moore.

                                                               Aug  1776, in  Detro~ a udsan Rhobert of the county of Kent on 12th                                              Phillip Hartleberry and Sarah Quick, both of Colchester. were
                                                                                            '  n  oat  of  Susan  Rob  t                "f                                   md 13 Jan 1800 at Amherstburg by Wm Harffy. J. P.  \\ïtnesses:
                                                               McGregor  to the same eff  t  Ch·                               er  WI  e  of  Gregor
                                                                                                   ec  ·       1ldren·                                                       John Quick and ,Tustus Allen.
                                                                        James  b.  16  May 1779                         .
                                                                                                                                                                                John Dolson and Elizabeth Ridley. both of  River Th~m1es. were
                                                                        Anne b.  1 Apr 1781                           Catherine b.  2 May 1789
                                                                                                                                                                             md  30th Dec 1799 by J.  Urquhart,  J. P.  at  River  Thames.  The
                                                                        Susan b.  4 October 1785                      John b.  2  February 1792
                                                                                                                                                                             witnesses were:  George Knaggs, l\Iathew Dolson, Isaac Dolson Jr
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