Page 50 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 50

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 The Ontario Register
                                      Loyalists of Sussex County,  New  Jersey                                  45
 0  with  John  Buchner  as  his  su rety.  The  case  against
 of  El,   before  the  New  Jersey  Supreme Court  at   time of this affair,  James Sproules was a  resident of Hardyston.
 the  three  men  came   h
 .   ·  April  1780  The  files  of  t  at court pro-  [New Jersey State Archives,  Manuscript Box 11; NJSC 38889)
 the  sussex Sesswns  m   ·
 .  f   t'   that James 1\lcQuig and Matthew Brown both   In 1808 and 1809  a  James Sprowls and Susannah his wife were
 vide them orma wn   .
 • greed  to  guide  and  conduct  th1rty-four   living  in  Wantage,  Sussex County,  and  on  l Oth  September 1828
 of  Newtown,  yeoman,  '  1  .   .  .
 .   r·soners of war  to  New  York City wlthm the   James Sprowles and Susan his  wife "of Starkey Township, Yates
 British so   '
 ld1ers,  P  1
 ·t·  h l'nes  The charge against James Slack, of Newtown,  was   County,  N. Y."  sold  land  in  Wantage  of which  Peter Conselius
 rtlS   1   .   '"ct''dh  b   died seized and which was set off  at the division of his e~tate to
 that  in  addition  to  agreeing  to  the  above,  he  .  1   a.r  our and
                     his  daughter  Susan Sprowls.  [Sussex County Deeds R: 770,  Y:6,
 keep  in  his  dwelling  house  British  soldiers  bemg pr1soners of
                     K3:470] James and Susan died in Yates County leavingdescendants.
 war."  [NJSC  34033,  37078,  38481]  At the  May  Term  1780,  the
                        A  John Sprowls  was  taxed  in  Hardyston  in  September  1 ïï4,
 Sussex County Court  found  that the inquisition against Slack and
                    but  this perhaps refers  to the  John Sprouls  who  is buried at the
 the charges therein contained  were not sufficient  for  taking his
                    Sparta Presbyterian Churchyard  the inscription on  whose grave
 estate  and  that  he  did  not  come  under  the  law  permitting  the
                    marker reads:  "John Sprouls died Oct 20,  1804 aged 58 years."
 confiscation  of  the  estates  of  Refugees  who  left  the  State  and
                    [GMNJ 5:75] A Sgt.  William Sproules served throughout the war
 joined the enemy.
                    years  in  Captain Joseph Crowell's  Company  of the New Jersey

 His  first and second defaul ts were recorded in the Minutes of   JAMES  STEWART

 the  Sussex County Court  at the  August and November Terms of   Jones  (p.  209)  provides  the  following  information  regarding
 1779.  His property was consequently confiscated as is evidenced   this man. He was a  farmer,  innkeeper and blacksmith at Green-

 by a case in vol ving his son James Sprouls.   wich  (perhaps  in  Sussex  County),  New  Jersey,  where  he  was
 Details  of the case are contained in a  memorial of Major Sam-  born about 1737.  He was a  captain in the 5th New Jersey Volun-

 uel  Meeker  "late  commissioner  of  forfeited  estates  in  Sussex   teers. Confirmation that the Greenwich mentioned was in Sussex
 County"  which was  addressed to the  Legislative Council and the   County  (rather  than  being  one  of  the  Greenwich  Townships  in
 General Assembly of  New  Jersey,  dated 8 December 1784  The   Cumberland and Gloucester Counties)  cornes  from  the  Minutes

 substance  of  the  memorial  is that in the latter part of the year   of the Sussex County Court which in the 1770's  granted a  license

 1779  he  sold one cow and two  steers  as  part ~f the  confiscated   to James Stewart to keep an inn or public house in Greenwich of
 property of John Sprouls . Before he sold them they were claimed   that County.  James Stewart was proscribed by the Sussex County
 by James Sprouls. son of the said John Sprouls,  as his property.   Court,  his  first and second defaults  being recorded J.t  the Aug-

 The matter was submitted to the determination of justices of the   ust and November Terms,  1778.
 peace of  Sussex County who decided  that the cattle were clearly

 ~~~ti:~:r~ of the said John Sprouls.  The memorialist sold the
                    JACOB  and  JOSEPH  WILLSON
 Since th: sal: procee~~ were paid into the  Treasury of the State.
                       These  Loyalists  were  brothers  who  settled in  Upper Canada
 of which  is brought for said cattle, one
                   sometime after the  Revolution.  They resided for a  time in what
 has  not only  recovered   monahst,  by James Sprouls,  and he
                   is now Welland County,  but shortly after 1800 they mo\'cd to  the
 the  costs  on  the  two  s:~:~~~ous sum for the cattle, but also   Long Point Settlement,  Jacob residing in  Charlotte\·ille und Jo-
 pounds. Meeker prayed f   l'ch  amount  to  upwards of  eighty   seph  in  Windham.  Several  Canadian records  indicate  that they
 th   or re lef  and the   .
 at a bill had been passed in t   '   .   memonal is endorsed   were  closely  connected  to.  or.  ut  lcast.  well  acquainted  witl1.
 he legislature accordingly. At the
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