Page 53 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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                                                                                                                                                                                                        Western District Marriages

                                                                        1\IARRIAGE  REGISTER OF THE WESTERN DISTRICT                                                          haps  in persona! family records. The opening pages of Mar ri age

                                                                                               COl\Il\IENCING  IN 1796                                                        Register  A  consist  almost  entirely  of  the  recording  of  these

                                                                                                                                                                              earlier marriages.  The first such entry is presented here rather
                                                                     The marriage records  here  pr esented  are  now  preserved  in                                          fully  as  an  example  of  this  kind of record.  Subsequent entr ies

                                                                  the Archives of the Hiram  Walker Museum in the Francois Baby                                               are given in brief extract but  with full genealogical par ticulars
                                                                  House,  Windsor.  The  r ecords  were  originally  kept  in  the  old

                                                                 court house of the  Western  District  at  Sandwich  (now Windsor)
                                                                 but became neglected by  the  officiais  in charge and were nearly

                                                                 destroyed  in a  disastrous flood.  The  late  George Macdonald  of
                                                                                                                                                                                 I,  William Macomb of Detroit,  merchant,  do solemnly swear
                                                                 Windsor salvaged the  records  and,  fortunately for genealogists

                                                                 added them tohis collection. He was  a  distinguished antiquarian                              '             in the presence of Almighty God  that I  did  publicly  intermarry
                                                                 and he formed a  remarkable  collection of documents and  manu-                               '             with  Sarah Drino  at  Detroit  aforesaid  on the  eighteenth day of
                                                                                                                                                                             July  One Thousand seven hundred and eighty,  and  that  the re  is
                                                                 scripts. Present day his torians  and genealogists owe him a great
                                                                                                                                                                             living  issue  of the  said  marriage:  John  l\Iacomb  born  on  the
                                                                 debt for res cuing papers  which otherwise would have met certain
                                                                                                                                                                             first day of May one thousand sevenhundred and eighty two; Ann
                                                                 destruction.  His  collection was  subsequently acquired by, and is                                         Macomb born on the fifteenth day of February One thousand s even
                                                                 housed in,  the Hiram Walker  Museum.
                                                                                                                                                                             hundred and eighty five; Catherine Macomb born on the  thir tieth
                                                                    T~e.  Francois Baby House  is a  pleasant and interesting  place                                         day of October One thousand seven hundred and eighty six; \Vill-
                                                                to n~tt, and genealogists  and historians will find the library and                                          iam Macomb born on the twenty seventh day of March One  thous-

                                                                archtves  housed there very  useful.  The Curator,  Mr.  R.  Allan                                           and seven hundred and eighty eight;  Sarah Macomb  born on  the
                                                                Douglas,  and  his  fellow  staff-member,  Dorothy Francis  (Mrs.                                            twenty first day of April One thousand seven hundred and eighty

                                                                Lf.E.h):  were ext~emely helpful  and considerate in the preparation                                         nine; Jane Macomb born on the seventh day of April One thousand
                                                                o  t  1s  transcnpt.
                                                                                                                                                                             seven hundred and ninety one; David Macomb born on the thir tieth
                                                                   The  marrtage  records  we                          d                                                     day of October One thousand seven hundred and ninety three: and
                                                                Clerk  of  the  Peac  f            th  r~ r:cor  ed  over  the years by the
                                                                                          e  or  e  Dtstrwt  in  tw                    ·  t                                  Eliza  Macomb  born  on  the  fifth  day  of  January  One  thousand
                                                                later period,  gene raU  after              1 30              o  reg1s  ers.  For  the                       seven hundred and ninety five.  (signed)  Wm  Macomb.
                                                                made by the  clergym  y              d  .  ~ •  sorne  of  the actual  returns
                                                                                              en an  JUstices of th                                                             Then follows  the oath of  Sarah l\Iacomb  to the same effect as
                                                                served.  A  few  _ but  nl                                  e  peace  are  also  pre-
                                                                                             o  Y very  few  - of  th                                                        the above.  Following  this  is  the  affidavit of Angus  ~Iackintosh
                                                                entered  into the r egister  b  t                           ese  returns  were  not
                                                                                                                                                                             Esquire, J.P. of the Western District, that on 17 February  1796
                                                                dicated in the transcript h,  u  such records Will  be clearly in-
                                                                   Th         .                      ere presented                                                           he administered an oath at Detroit to William and Sarah l\Iacomb
                                                                      e  regis ter  of marri ages was                    .                                                  of Detroit  "to the effect herein before set forth."
                                                                serve  records  of  mar  .                     started in 1796 not only to pre-
                                                                 1                              riages  perfor          d  f
                                                                a soto r ecord and "mak                  .          me       rom that time on  but                              Oath of Walter Roe of Detroit, barrister at law. on 16 February
                                                                     .                            e  va Id"  marr·                  .                  ,
                                                                emmzed  previous  to  that  t·                         lages Wh1ch  had been sol-                           1796 at Detroit before William Harffy, Esq.,  J. P.  that he mar-
                                                               District who Wished could g l~ef Such  of  the  inhabitants  of  the                                         ried at Detroit 1st March 1790 Ann  Laughton, and that there are
                                                               scribed oaths re garding not ~nl et ore a ~agis trate and make pre-                                          living children:  John James Roe  born 25  Nov 1792  and William

                                                               but  regarding  the children  b  y  he partiCulars oftheir marriage                                          Roe born 1  Feb 1795.  This was followed  by the oath of Ann  Roe.
                                                                sorne  f      ·1·                        orn of the un·
                                                                       .  ami les  the re are recor                        lon as Well.  Th us,  for                        Then is recorded the marriage certificate:  "I do  hereby certify
                                                               certamly Would not have been  ded  marriages and  births  which                                              to have joined Walter Roe of Detroit Esq. barrister and attorney
                                                                                                          preserved  oth             .
                                                                                                                               erw1se  except per-                          at law  in the holy bonds of matrimony  to  l\Iiss Ann Laughton of
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