Page 60 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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 The Ontario Register

                                               Western District Marriages                                       55
 h  w·  le  and  Susana  h  S  atc h  both of  Gosfield,  were ntd.
 Jo  n  tg   r  C  ldwell  J  p  at  Amherstburg.  w:  William
 9  Feb 1802 by  ~m  a   '  ·  ·   of 1791,  and  there  is  now  to  her  living  of said  marriage  viz:
 Harffy,  William  Caldwell.  Registered  at  the  request  of  Mrs.
                     Sarah  now  the  wife  of  Joseph Munger  born  18 April  1792  and
 John Wigle,  13 November 1807.   .   Predeaux  Girty  born  20  October  1796,  and  that  the  marriage
 John 1\IcDonald  and  Catharine McLean,  both of Little Beaver
                     was  solemnized  by  Frederick  Agustice  Varstboug,  Church  of
 Creek,  Dover  Township,  were  md.  31 Dec  1810  by  Alexander   England  clergyman  of the  new  settlement  now  the Township of
 McDonell,  J.P., at Baldoon.  w: Lionel  Johnson, Allan McDonald,   Colchester.

 Angus McDonald,  Hugh McCallum.

 Adam  Fox and Mary Sni der,  both of Colchester,  were md.  on
 29 Oct  1805  by  John Askin Jr.,  J. P.,  at Colchester.  w: Adam   Marriages by Israel Smith Esq,  all in Howard:
 Brun er,  Adam Snider.

 Samuel Osborn and Margaret Bole,  of Howard,  were married   John Gosnell and Sarah Reeder on 7 June 1831. w: John Scane,

 5 July 1815 by Thomas Horner, J. P.  of the London District.  w:   and Thomas [French ? J
 Hezekiah Willcox,  Christ'r Arnold.   Joseph  Mitton  and  Hannah Steward,  18 August 1831.  w:  John
 George  Field  and  Elizabeth  Wardell,  both of  Harwich,  were   Scane,  Edmund Mitton.

 md.  4 Oct 1820  by  Wm.  McCrae,  J. P.,  at  Raleigh.  w:  Nathan   John Hamer  and  Sarah McDugle,  26 January  1832.  w:  Oliver
 Field,  John Monk.   Steward,  John Leitch.
                        John Palmer and Nancy Shuburg,  19  February 1832.  w: Lavel
 Thomas  Gummersall Anderson. and  Elizabeth  Ann  Hamilton,
                     Brown,  Jane Palmer.
 bath of Drummond Island in the Western District, were married

 26  Feb 1820  by  David Mitchell,  J. P.,  at Drummond Island.  w:
 Geo Mitchell,  Amos Lister,  M.  White.
                                             Marriages by Isaac Bell,  J. P.
 George Mitchell and Harriet Mary Ussher, both of Drummond
 Island in the Western District,  were md.' 25  Feb 1820  by David
                        Peter Sicklesteil and Rachel  Edwards, 15 March 1831 in Rom-
 Mitchell,  J. P.,  at  Drummond  Island.  w:  T.  G.  Anderson  and   ney.  w:  Morris Small,  Thomas Renwick.
 Elizabeth Ann Anderson.
                        Joseph  Ake  and  Malinda  Chapman,  22 Sept  1831  in  Howard.
 Wi.lliam  Mitchell  Esq. ,  of Michilimackinac,  U. S.,  and  Miss   w:  Joshua Shipley,  Dan. Shipley.
 Sophta  Crawford  of Prairie du Chien  u s   were  md  10 Sept
 1827  b  D  · d   ·   '   .  . '   .   James Hendrick  and  Usana Howard,  18 Oct 1831  in Romney.
 .   Y  av  Mttchell,  J. P.,  at Drummond Island  w·  George   w:  Hugh McDonald,  Elizabeth McDonald.
 MItchell,  Harriet Mitchell.   ·   ·
                        Benjamin  Draper  and  Loisa Pardo,  15  Nov  1831  in  Raleigh.
 Fr.ancois Secaid  [Secord elsewhere in the recordJ  and  Mar-  w·  Thomas H.  Brush,  Sabina Chapman .
 guerite Chamin alias Bell  Chamin  of the   t  t  D  '   .  Alexander Marsh and  Sarah E.  Newcomb,  21  December 1S31
 land  were md   7  M   pos  a   rummond Is-
 .   ay  182  7  by Thomas G  A  d   h   in Orford.  w:  David Gesner,  Timothy Newcomb.
 witnesses were·  w  s·m   ·   n  erson,  J. P.  T  e
 .  .   ·   •   1   pson,  D. Rival.
 Wtlham Sparling  and Jane Shar
 18  July 1831  b  R   p,  both of Harwich,  were md.
 y  ev Thomas Harmon  f  th  M   By Rev.  Asahel Hurlburt of the  l\1. E.  Church:
 was  licensed  to perform rn   .   0   e   · E.  Church,  who
 the London District  w·  J  harSrhtages  by the  Quarter Sessions of
 .   .  o  n   arp  J  h  C   Richard Neal and Sarah Willcocks,  18 October 1831. W: James
 19  May 1832  at Gosfield  b  f   '   0   n  oyne,  Richard  Neal.
                    Newkirk,  Thomas  McCrea.
 of Catharine Girty that she ~:r o:e  W.m  Mc Cormack,  J. P.)  oath
                        George  McGregor  and  Sophia Huffman.  9 April  1S~t~.  w:  Al-
 the Detroit River  now  th  T   ned Stmon Girty at the mouth of
                    man Abel,  James Johnson.
 '   e  ownship of  Malden,  in the summer
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