Page 58 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 58


 The Ontario Register

                                              Western District Marriages                                       53
 .  .   ff   d  Cecil  Duchesne,  both of  River Thames,
 Launsh  Gre  or an
 J  h  p
 k  J
 were m  1  ec  1800  at River Thames by J.  Urquhart,  J. P.  W:   A. McDonald.  Registered 7 Oct 1803 at the request of John Spark-
 William Sterling.  John  Peck Sr,  George Knaggs,  o  n  ec   r.   man Jr.  brother of the sa id Ann.
 18 1
 2  l\Iarch  o at  Petite  Cote.  Whereas  Robert  Surphlet  and   William Smith  and  Mary Cowan,  both of  Sandwich,  were md
 .k  were dul" married on 14 March 1785  by Alexan-
 1\Iargare  t  P 1  e   J   4 Aug 1801 by WmHands  J.P.  at Sandwich.  w: J.  Elmsley, Chief
 der l\Iacomb  Esquire of  Detroit but  have negle~ted to p~eserve   Justice,  Geo.  Forsyth,  M.  Elliott,  Robt.  H.  Gray,  Sol.  Gen 'L
 the  testimony  thereof,  they  have  been  remarned on th1s  date.   R.  Pattinson,  James Abbott,  Rich 'd  Pollard,  Geo.  Leith,  Wm

 P.  Selby.  w:  Timothy Murphy,  Elenor Murphy.   Shepherd,  J.  As kin Jr.,  David Cowan.
 2 March 1801  at  Petite Cote.  Whereas  Timothy  Murphy  and   Jonas  Fox  and  Susannah Bruner, 'bath  of  Gosfield,  were  md

 Eleanor  Field  were  married  by  William Park  Esq.  of Detroit   3 May 1801 by WmHarffy J.P.  at Amherstburg.  w: Justus Allen,
 on  4th l\Iay 1794  but  have  neglected  to preserve the  testimony   George Bruner,  Elkanah Hobby.
 thereof.  they  have  been  remarried  on  this  date.  P.  Selby.  w:   James  Woods,  of Sandwich,  and  Elizabeth  Grant,  of  Grosse

 Robt  Surphlet,  l\1.  Surphlet.   Pointe,  U. S.,  were  md.  12 June 1804 by P.  Selby at Sandwich.

 Joseph  l\Ieeks  [he  signed  this  way;  in  the  record is written   w:  Angus  Mackintosh,  Alex  Grant,  William  Rands,  Alex  Duff,
                    Mary  Hands,  Alice  Brush,  E.  Brush,  Jn.  Bt.  Barthe,  James
 "l\Iinks"] and Margaret Edge,  of Malden Township were md.  on
 15 Aug 1798 by Wm  Harffy,  J. P.  at Amherstburg.
                       George Hicks  and Alice Coats,  both of Harwich,  Kent County
 Adam  Fox  and  Mary Snider,  both of Colchester,  were md on
                    were md.  14 Jan 1805  by  Abraham Iredell,  J. P.,  at  Chatham.
 29  Oct 1805  at  Colchester by  John Askin.  w:  Adam Snider  and

 Adam Bruner.       w:  William Lightford,  Mary Strahan,  Elizabeth Lee.
                       13 Aug 1806  (before Wm  Shaw,  J.P.  at Camden)  Oath of Tim-
 Daniel Henry of Amherstburg and Elizabeth Scott of Sandwich
                    othy Desmond that he was  married to Barberry Desmond at De-
 were  md  28  March 1802  at  Sandwich by  P.  Selby.  w:  Candace   troit on 13 Sept 1792 by Wm  Harffy,  Esq.,  and oath of Barberry
 Brown,  l\Iary Scott,  Benjamin Lyons.
                    Desmond to the same effect.  Children:
 James  Cochran  and  Angelick  Dequindre,  both  of  the  River
                              William  born 8 Aug 1794                      Ann  born 31 Aug 1S01
 Thames,  were md  - April  1802 [day not statedJ by J.  Urquhart   John  born 13 Feb 1797   Lucie  born 14  Oct 1503

 J . P.  w:  John Dolsen,  Pierre Valle,  Francois Aubertin.
                              Mary  born 30 Apr 1799
 Richard Pattinson  and Julia Chabert,  both of Sandwich,  were   Philip Fox,  yeoman,  and Sarah Snider, spins ter. bath of Col-

 md by lie 24 Apr 1802 by P.  Selby at Petite Cote,  Sandwich.  w:   chester,  were md 20  June 1802 by Wm Caldwell,  J. P ..  a~ Am-
 Angus  Mcintosh,  Therese Park,  John McGregor,  William Park,   herstburg.  w:  George  Fox,  Robert  1\Icl\Iurray,  Adam  Snider.
 Ann 1\IcGregor,  Eulalie Gouin.
                   John Bell,  John Smith.  Registered at the request of Mr.  Philip
 Joh~ Kenzie .and  Eleanor  McKillip,  widow,  were md  23 Jan   Fox,  3 November 1806 .

 ~:~~ytl~ c;~chester by  Wm  Harffy.  w:  William  Forsith  Robt   William McCrae,  of Howard,  and  l\Iartha  \Villets.  of Dover.
 '   os  Forsyth,  Robert Little   '   were md.  19 Aug 1805 at  Raleigh by Abraham Iredell.  J. P.  \\':
 26  Sept 1803  (at Amh   tb   b   ·   Thos  McCrae,  Alexander McCrae,  Thomas l\IcCrae Jr.
 oath  of  John  Askin  Jr e:~ tu~g  efor~ William Caldwell,  J. P.)
                       William Forsith  and  Margaret Little,  both of Grosse Pointe.
 Detroit on 21 Oct   ·  da   e  marned  Madelaine  Peltier  at
 1791  '  an  oath of Madela·   A  k'   were md.  24 Mar 1790  by Hon.  Alexander  Grant.  J. P.  w:  Wm
 effect.  Their  marriage   t·r·   me  s  lil to the same
 cer 1 1cate  was  r   d  d   Mills, Hannah Mickle, Wm  Mickle.  Registered at the  request of
 certify that I married Joh  A  k'   ecor  e  :  "1 do hereby
                   Mrs Margaret Forsith,  18 July 1807.
 21st day of October 1791  nAis  lil Jr to Madelaine  Peltier on the
 J  ames  Jackson  and  A  ·   L   '  ·  ·   0  f  U  pper Canada."   Adam Snyder,  of Essex County, and l\Iary l\Iessmore. of Kent
 ex Grant  J  p
 o  th   nn  ucas  of Mald   T   County,  were md.  23  June 1806 by Wm  Shaw, J. P.  at the Ri\·er
 n   e  8th  of Oct  1800  b   en  ownship were md   Thames.  w:  John Sheply,  Jane [Proctor?]
 Y Wm  Harffy,  J. P.  W:  David  Cowan,
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