Page 51 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 51


                                                                                            The Ontario  Register
                                                                                                                                                                                                Loyalists  of Sussex County,  New  Jer sey                               47

                                                                             1 •                  M. P ..  of  Cr owland,  who  had  come  to
                                                              Crowell  \\ lllson.  J. P.·            S  ssex County  New  Jersey,  and who
                                                              that  place from  Wantage:  u                               '                                                   1777  they served for  a  time in Capt Joseph Crowell's Company.
                                                                               f Benjamin Wlllson,  U. E.                                                                     Jacob  ranked as a  sergeant  but  quickly plummeted  in status as
                                                              \\'as a son o                k         that  Jacob  and  Joseph  served in the
                                                                 It  has  long  been  nown                                                 d         .                        he was demoted to a private  in the autumn of 1777 forwhat reason
                                                                                             s  during the  Revolution  and ha  prevwusly
                                                                                   1  t
                                                              New Jersey Vo  un eer                                                .  .  .      h                             is not apparent.  In May  1778  they appear on Capt James Shaw's
                                                                   .       .          J  ·sey  but  their  place  of  ongm  m  t  at State                                    rester  in which company they served  until they deserted  on the
                                                              res1ded  m  New  ei              •                                         .      .
                                                                                t  f  re  Conl
                                                              has not     h  ere o o            e  to light  as  far  as the wnter lS  aware.                                 24th of September  of that  year.  Jacob  returned  to his company
                                                               They wer e     f  rom  Su ssex County  and ver y probably from Wantage                                         on  June 4,  t779  although  Joseph  did  not.  Jacob  continued with
                                                               Township  in  that County.  They  wer e  both enlisted into the New                                            Captain Shaw until  1780,  but by  December of that year he was  in

                                                              Jersey Volunteers by Capt Joseph Cr owell  a  resident of Wantage.                                              Lt.  William  Hutchinson's  Company.  In  February  1782  he  was
                                                              Joseph Will son  enlisted  as  a  private  on  15  February 1777,  and                                          reported as "confined" possibly in the guardhouse although later
                                                                                                                                                                              in the same year he was  sick  in the regimental hospital.  Joseph
                                                              Jacob  enlisted  as  a  sergeant  on  the  following day  although they
                                                                                                                                                                              returned from his  desertion on May 13,  1781, but apparently two
                                                              did not join the Regiment  in New  York until sorne time later. On
                                                                                                                                                                              months on Staten Island was  more than he could bear as  he again
                                                              May  1,  1777  they attended a  meeting of  Sussex County Loyalists
                                                                                                                                                                              deserted  on  July 31st following.  It was  at  about  this  time that
                                                              held  at Wall  Kill  (apparently a  reference to  a  place rather  than
                                                                                                                                                                              peace set in;  Jacob endured it as long as he could, but finally he
                                                              to the stream named Wallkill).  The men who attended the meeting
                                                                                                                                                                              gave in and deserted on June  24,  1783.
                                                              "did unlawfully conspire and agree  to go  over and join the army

                                                              of the King of Great Britain."  Possibly  Jacob  and  Joseph  were
                                                              there to encourage the other  men in this endeavor, but, if so, not

                                                              all who attended were so encouraged as the meeting was brought
                                                              to the attention of the authorities. Se veral who had be en in attend-
                                                              ance  were  arrested  among whom  were  Sebastian Chestnutwood

                                                              and  William Green  both of  Hardwick,  yeoman.  Two  ethers who

                                                              attended  the  meeting  were  John and  Josias  (doubtlessly  Ozias
                                                              was intended)  Insley alias Ansley.  [NJSC  34591,  35498]
                                                                 The relationship of Jacob and Joseph to the other Willson 's of

                                                              Sussex County is unknown.  A pos sibility,  and it is  only a  possi-
                                                              bility,  is that they were sons  of the  Joseph Willson  who  died in

                                                              Wantage  about  1759,  administration being granted on his estate
                                                              30 Ja.nuary 1760.  [NJA  32:363]  This Joseph Willson commenced
                                                              farmlng  for  himself  in  1753  near  Beaver Brook in  Wantage on

                                                              l~nd to his  father John Willson.  John,  who had settled
                                                              ~~s famlly. ln ~antage a  few years before that time,  died after
                                                                      pdosslbly. ln  Hardwick.  On  18 August 1774  a  Jacob Willson
                                                              serve  on  a  )ury  at  the  se  .                   f
                                                               This  Jacob  was  not  th              sswns  o  the  Sussex County  Court.

                                                               Wantage  as that  Jacob: sa~e as  the son of Andrew Willson of
                                                               young to have served on  a~  orn                    May 1761 thus being far too
                                                                                                 a  JUry at that time
                                                                  Joseph and Jacob Willson  certain!                        .
                                                               the  New  Jer sey Volunteers  Aft                  y .had chequered  careers in
                                                                                                     .      er thelr enlistment in  February
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