Page 47 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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                                                                                              The Ontario Regis ter
                                                                                                                                                                                                Loyalists  of Sussex  County,  New Jersey
                                                                                         .  Shannon  was  first granted  a  license for the                                                                                                                              43
                                                                the records.  Dame                                              ·             t    d  d
                                                                same  purpose at  e            1\Jav  Term 1769,  and  1t was ex en  e  each                                  JAMES  SHAW
                                                                year  throug     h  th  1\  Iay Term  1774.  Probate  1s  no  recor  ed  in                                      He was a  captain in the  New Jersey  Volunteers .  His first and
                                                                                         ·ther n an  A  Daniel  Shannon  o  Sussex County
                                                                New  Jersey      f  or e1         1    ·                                                       '              second defaults were  recorded in the Minutes of the Sussex County
                                                                   "d     h      b  en born the re in 1767  settled after 1800 in Star key                                    Court at the  February and May  Ter ms  1779.  He was a  merchant
                                                                sat  to  ave  e                                   '         .                              .  '
                                                                Ya  t  es  o.,   N ew York  where he died leavmg  a  nume r ous  fam1ly.                                      at  Newton  and  was  one  of  the  incorporator s  of Christ Church
                                                                [Cleveland,  Stafford c.  History and  directory  ~ Yates  County,                                            (Episcopal)  of that  place  in  1769.  He appear s  on the  tax list of
                                                                New York.  (Penn Yan,  1873)  2:941]                                                                          Newton  in  1774  as  a  single  man,  the  owner of a  stor e.  [Snell,
                                                                                                                                                                              James P.  History of Sussex and Warren Counties ,  New  Jersey.
                                                                                                                                                                              (Philadelphia,  1881)  p.  261 ;  GMNJ 40: 137]

                                                                ARCHIBALD  SHAW
                                                                                                                                                                              PETER  SLACK
                                                                   He  at  first  took  the  whig  s ide and s er ved  as  a  captain in the
                                                                                                                                                                                 His  first and second defaults were r ecorded  in the Minutes of
                                                                Continental Army.  He was  commissioned  in the 2nd Battalion of
                                                                                                                                                                              the  Sussex County  Court  at  the  August  and  November  Terms,
                                                                the  New Jersey Line  on :31  October  1775,  and in the  latter part
                                                                                                                                                                              1779.  He  enlisted  in  Capt.  Silas  Hopkins '  Company of the  New
                                                                of that  year  he  enlisted  men in  the vicinity of  Hackettstown to
                                                                                                                                                                              Jersey Volunteers on 2 February 1777, but he s ubsequently served
                                                                serve  in  his  company.  He  served  under  Col.  William Maxwell
                                                                                                                                                                              in  Captain  Benjamin Barton's  Company and was taken prisoner
                                                                in  the  Canada campaign,  but  he  resigned  from his commission
                                                                                                                                                                              on 22 August 1777. His name is carried thereafter  on the muster
                                                                on  5 February 1777.  One  of  the  men  he  had  enlisted  s tated in
                                                                                                                                                                              of Capt.  James Shaw's Company as "a  prisoner with the rebels"
                                                                his RevolutionaryWar pension application that "After news came
                                                                                                                                                                              through  October 1778.  He  apparently effected an escape or was
                                                               to us of the  Declaration of Independence  our Captain (Archibald                                              exchanged at about this time as a  subsequent  muster roll names
                                                               Shaw) left the army and afterwar ds  joined the British."  [Stryker,
                                                                                                                                                                              him  as a  priva te with no  mention of his being a  prisoner.  On the
                                                               William S.  (compiler)  Official  register of the  officers and men                                           muster of 25  May  1779 it is stated that he died 6 April 1779.

                                                               of  New  Jersey. in the  Revolutionary War ~(Ëàitimore, 1967)  pp.                                                The Rev.  Lawrence T.  Slack (852  Hamilton Street.  Somer set,

                                                                17,  32,  87:  Heltman,  Francis B.  Historical register of officers                                          N. J .)  who  is gathering materials  toward a  history of the Slack,
                                                               ?f the Contmental Army during the ~ he Revolution.  (Wash-                                                     Slaght  families  of  America,  has  record of  a  Peter  Slack,  born
                                                                mgton,  1914)  p. 491;  GMNJ 10: 86, 90, 97]-                                                                in Newton Township,  Sussex County,  who resided in Oxford Town-
                                                                   ~n 18 August 1777  he was  descr ibed as being of Hardwick at                                             ship (now  Warren County)  where he died in 1818.  Job,  John and
                                                                wh1eh  time  he  accepted a  note or bond  executed at Newton from                                           Richard Slack of Sussex County moved to Ontario in 1 ï96.

                                                                John Brearly of Hardwick.  The State by  its agent Thomas Ander-                                                 It was reported in the New  Jersey  Gazette  1\Iay 3.  17SO  that a
                                                                ~~~el;~~rbbyr~:ghtstuit against Brearly's es tate to collect the sum                                         James Slack had been fined  H ,OOO and sentenced to nine months
                                                                                  e  no  e.  [NJSC  33794]                                                                   imprisonment by a  court held in Sussex County for  attempting to
                                                                   The firstand second defaults                  .             .                                             guide  sorne  British  soldiers  to  New  York.  His  accomplices  in
                                                                corded in theM"  t             f            agamst Arch1bald Shaw were  re-
                                                                                    mu es o  the  Sussex C              t                                                    the act were James McQuigg who was  sentenced to twelve months
                                                                and May Terms 1779  A l.  t  f                     oun y  Court at the  February
                                                                                             •     lS  o  the men aga·  t  h                                                 imprisonment,  and  Matthew  Brown  who  was  sentenced  to niue
                                                                had be en found in Sussex C              t  .                ms  w  om inquisition                           months imprisonment. [ 4 NE 352] The records of the County Court
                                                                paper of the  lime  in wh.  ho~n Y_ m 17 79  was published in a  news-
                                                                                                                                                                             first mention the  case at the August Term lï79  when it was  re -
                                                                is  by this  name that h  tc            e . ts  named  as  Arthur Shaw  and it
                                                                16                             e  was  ltsted by th           d"t                 '                          ported that Justice EviAdams had returned an inquisition against
                                                                   5; Jones p. 304] Record of Sh                '        e  e  1 or of Jones .  [3 NE                        James Slack  "for aiding the army  of the King of  Great Britain."
                                                                the Revolutionary War  h                   aw s  subsequent actiVities during
                                                                                                  as  not  been uncovered.                                                   At this time James Slack entered into recognizance in the amount
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