Page 46 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 46


 The Ontario Register
 40                                    Loyalists of Sussex County,  New Jersey
 .   •·  t  d  in the  newspapers  lists his name as
 although  the notice pun e   ·ct  d  in  Newtown Township in   DANIEL,  JOHN  and  ~LIAM SHANNON
 h   [3 NE 165]  He  resl  e
 George C  ever.   taxed  there  in  1774 as  George Cee ver.   Lieutenant  Daniel Shannon  enlisted  12  February 1777 in Capt
 Sussex County  and  wa~ t  ~ in  Capt  Silas Hopkins' Company of   Joseph Crowell's Company of the New Jersey Volunteers.  In May

 [Gl\INJ 40:136]  He  enhs e   2  February 1777  in  which  month   of  that  year it was  recorded  on a  raster that  he was in Sussex
 J   ey Volunteers  on   •
 the  New  ers   f S  sex County including  Peter Slack  also   County  recruiting  which was  certainly a  dangerous enterprise.
 several  other  men o  us   .   ·  B   t   ,   On  13th September  1777 he  and  severa!  others,  including  John
 enlisted  Shortly  t  h  erea  er  he served in Capt BenJamm  ar on s   Shannon,  were  apprehended  by  the  whig  forces at  Piscataway.
 ·   h   taken  prisoner  22 August 1777.  H1s name
 Company  but  e was   Sh   '   Bath  Daniel  and  John  were  described  8t  that  time  as being of
 .  d'  thereafter on the muster rolls of Capt.  James   aw s
 is carne   t  b   1778   Oxford,  Sussex  County.  [NJSC  38470,  38612]  A  return  of the
 "a prisoner with  the  rebels"  through Oc o  er   .
 Company as   d  h'   t  b  t   prisoners in the  Morris town goal  dated 12 November 1 ï77 lists
 tl, he was  either exchanged or ma  e  lS  escape a  a  ou
 Apparen  .}   K   ''d.  d   Daniel Shannon of  Oxford,  aged 22,  who was married.  and John
 this time as a subsequent muster states that George  eeve~  .  1e   Shannon  of  the  same  place  "aged 16  or 17"  who  lived  with his

 in General Hospital 24 Dec'r"  [1778].  After  his death a  w1dow   parents.  [N. J.  State Archives,  Trenton,  Ms  Box 11] No further
 Keever"  was mentioned in  July 1779  as a  resident of  Newtown.   mention  of  John Shannon  has  been  found  in records relating to
 [3NE544J   .       Loyalists, and it would appear that after this episode he returned

 An  account  of  the  Keefer  family  is  given in  Edward Mar10n   to the home of his parents in Oxford.  A  John Shannon was men-
 Chadwick's  Ontarian  Families  (Toronto,  1898)  v.  2,  pp.  90-93   tioned in passing in the settlement of an estate in Sussex County

 in whic-h  it is stated that George Keefer served in "the Rangers"   in 1787.  [NJA 36:250]
 during  the  Revolutionary  War  and  died  while  in  service.  The   Apparently news of the capture of Daniel Shannon did not reach

 account further states that he was  born  1739  in  Germany  a  son   the  officers  of  the  New  Jersey Volunteers  as  he  was listed on
 of  Samuel Kieffer  by  his  wife  Ann Waldruff  and that there was   the raster of Capt. James Stewart's Company on 8  January 177S

 one other son,  Jacob.  Samuel  died  when  the  sons  were young,   as  "deserted."  After July of that year,  however,  Ensign Daniel
 and his widowmarried (2)  Frederick Saverine.  Frederick brought   Shannon  appears on the  raster of  Capt Bartholomew  Thatcher's
 his wife and her two  sons by her first marriage to America, and   Company and  is  carried  thereon  through  1783.  No  e:'II.'Jllanation

 about  1750  they settled near  the  Paulinskill in  Newton,  Sussex   is forthcoming asto the reason for the lowering of Daniel's rank
 County.  Jacob Kieffer is sa id to have settled ultimately at Harris-  (although  it  is  always  possible  that  two men of the same name
                    are in vol ved he re).
 burg,  Pa.  where  descendants  retain the original spelling of the
                       A  Private William Shannon  appears  for  the  first :ime on the
 name. Kieffer.  George Keefer married in 1765 "Mary,  or Maria,
                    raster  of  Major Thomas  Millidge's Company  on  3rù November
 Conke or Conck" and they in turnhad two sons,  George and Jacob
                    1779  and  it  was  recorded  subsequently  that he died on  the Sth
 bath  of  whom  settled  in  Ontario  about  1790.  The  widow  Mary   '
                    of December of that year.
 married  (2)  Michael Teeter  who  is  referred  to  as  a  Loyalist,
                       Mrs.  George  M.  Coffey,  210  Locust  Drive,  Cranford.  X. J .•
 and  they  had a  large  family  although the names of the children
 are not stated.    provides  the  information  that Daniel Shannon had,  among other

                   children, a  son Lanty Shannon who resided in Stamford.  Welland
 Michael Teeter  was  a  son  of  Conrad  Teeter  of  Knowlton  in
                   County,  Ontario.  Two older  Shannon's  named  ~aniel and Lanty
 Suss~x County.  [NJA 34:518; Sussex County Deeds W2:85] A sis ter
                    resided in Greenwich,  Sussex County,  N. J ..  pnor to the Revo-
 of  Michael  Teeter'  Seveler or Sa villa,  married  John Muspaugh
 (Musbach)  who  was  br   ht  b  f   lution.  Lanty Shannon  of that place was granted a  license by  t~e
 F  b   8  oug   e  ore  the  Sussex County Court  in   Sussex County Court  at  the  1\lay Term,  1 ï6S.  to  keep  a  pubhc

 fo: ~~:i~: ~:l~:-; wt~h Fredrick Limbock and Fredrick Bloom   bouse or inn, and a  license was granted to him in each succeed-
 fined ~25.   e   e  oath  of allegiance  for which each was   ing year through the May Term 1771 when his n:une drops out of
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