Page 42 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 42


 The Ontario Register
                                     Loyalists of Sussex County,  New Jersey
 .  J  l   1773   [ NE 435;  3 NE 46;  GMNJ 40:141]
 Sussex County.  m  u Y   '  ·   ·   h  N   J
 .  d  E'ckler  who  served  m  t  e   ew  ersey   and  will  make  as  good  use  of it for I will never take' the  Oath
 There  was  a   C  onra   1
 Volunteers  an  w  h  0   was  in  Capt.  James Hatton 's  Company  as   (of  abjuration and  allegiance)."  Indicted on a  misdemeanor,  he
 d  ·
 b  r  17
 S  t
 early as  8  ep em  e   77  He  subsequently  serve  m  Captam   pleaded not guilty.  [NJSC 35497] It was  reported in the following
 Joseph Lee's Company,  and it  was  recorded  ~n a  roster of that   year that he bad been bound over to the Sussex County Court but
 company that Conrad died 26 August 1780.  He IS  named as Con-  that  he  bad subsequently escaped.  [Wm  Paterson legal papers,
 rad Eagler  on a  list of those who  were proscribed by the  Hunt-  Lloyd W.  Smith Collection in the Library,  1\Iorristown National
                    Historical  Park,  Mf 40: 566,  597 ]  No .further  record  bas been
 erdon County Court.  [Jones, p.  274]
                    found  regarding his Revolutionary War activities.

                   GEORGE  and  WILLIAM  GREEN
 Inquisition was found  against Philip  "Fonce"  of Oxford,  Sus-
                       William Green was  enlisted into the New Jersey Volunteers on
 sex County,  20  June 1778.  His  name is correctly entered  in the
                   12  February 1777  by  Capt.  James Shaw,  and  on  the  same day
 1\Iinutes of the Sussex County Court  where  his  first and  second
                   William  enlisted into that regiment  George Green.  Many of the
 defaults were recorded at the August and November Terms 1778.
                   men who  joined at this time remained in Sussex County perhaps
 Philip  "Farce"  is  included  in a  list drawn up on  10 December
                   being  kept  in reserve as part  of the proposed  plan to  raise the
 1778 of those whose estates bad been forfeited in Sussex County.
                   King's Standard at the Sussex Court House. On 1\Iay  1st, \\ïlliam
 [2 NE 435; 3 NE 46]  He was  taxed in  Oxford in July 1773.  [GMNJ   Green  "of Hardwick,  yeoman"  attended  a  meeting of  Loyalists
                   held at Wall  Kilt in Sussex County.  (See under Will son).  He  and
 He served in the  New  Jersey Volunteers,  the first mention of
                   George Green  were arrested  by the authorities on  M:ay 4th  and
 him  in  the  transcribed  rasters  at  the  New Jersey Archives in
                   were  tried at the  May Term of the Sussex  sessions ',f :he- New
 Trenton  being  8 January 1778  when  he was named  as a  private
                   Jersey Supreme Court.  They were imprisoned in the Sussex and
 in  Capt.  James Stewart's Company.  In  July of that year he  was   Morris  goals,  and  George died sometime in  1777 while he was
 in Major Thomas Millidge's  Company,  and  he is carried  on the   a  prisoner.  William  subsequently  made  his  escape  and  joined

 rasters  of  that  Company  through  25 December 1779.  There  is   his regiment on Staten Island, 3 February 1778. His name appears
 no  explanation in these records as to why he is not listed there-  on  the rasters of  Capt.  James Shaw's Company  from  that time

 after.  In one of the rosters he  was described as a  shoemaker.   through December 1779.  [NJSC 35498: Records of the Xew Jersey
                      On  11 August 1779 it was advertised by the CommissDners of
 He was  indicted in  August 1777  before the Sussex Sessions of   Forfeited Estates  that the property of  William Green  '-f  Hard-
 the  ~ew Jersey Supreme Court  at which time  he was described   wick  would be soldat public auction.  The property conststell of

 a.s  bemg of  Oxford,  Sussex County,  yeoman,  a  disaffected  man   a  grist mill on  the  Paulinskill and one fifth part of five hundred
 (Le ..  of tory sympathies).  The  indictment recites that on Aug-  acres at the  Great Meadows  in Hardwick.  [3 NE 5."53J  No further
 ust 9,  1777  in Oxford he was notified by  Samuel M   l '   -  record of William Green as a Loyalist has  come to light. He and
 tenant  of  militia,  that  he  bad  been draft  d  t   oore,  a  teu   George were sons of Samuel Green who died inHardwick in 1760.
 At  th  t  t·   e   o serve one month.
 .  a   Ime  Green  said  to  Moore  "You and all  the rest of the   [NJA 32: 134] Hannah,  widow of Samuel  Green. married secondly
 offiCers  may  go  to  the  devil  and  b  d
                  John Goodwin  of Sussex County [Minutes.  Sussex County Court.
 none of you (meaning that  he would ~ot ~::e~: f~r I wfill  go for   May Term  1762J,  and  it  is  noted  that  some  of  the  Goodwin's
 the  Captain  wants  me  he  ma   .   1s  our o  duty).  If
                  were Loyalists.
 will shoot him.  If he ~ffers  toyt~~:;e himself,  ~nd if he does I
                      In the  Minutes of  the  Sussex County Court for the l\1ay Term
 me, I have as good a  gun as  th  C   ~eor anythmg belonging to   1780 appears the case of the Statc \'S.  \\ïlliam Green who cntert'd
 e  aptam and as much ammunition
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