Page 43 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 43


                                                                                              The Ontario  Register
                                                                                                                                                                                                Loyalists of Sussex County,  New Jersey
                                                                                .         .  the  amount  of  E500  for his appearance at                                                                                                                                39
                                                                into recogmzanch~sl:uretv being  Jno.  Green.  The nature of his
                                                               the next  term,         I           J                                               t  ·  d                    forfeited  in Sussex County.  John Hutchison was taxed as a hcuse
                                                                           .      t  .  d'  ated  in  the  Minutes.  The case was  rie  at
                                                               offense  1S  no  m  tc                                                     ·  d  ('10                          holder in Knowlton in 1774 although his name does not appear on
                                                               the  No vern    b  er  e1 rn   at wh 1 · ch time  William  was  fme                .1;.   and                  the  list  for  1773.  On  27th April  1774  John Hutchison  and Jane
                                                                           ·  d to g 1 ·ve security for his good behavwr for two years.
                                                               was requtre                                                          .  .                                      Moore were Married  by  Nicholas Albertson,  J. P.  of Knowlton.
                                                                                       ·f th 1 ·s  refers  to  the  same  Wllltam Green who
                                                               rt  is  no  t  kn  own  1                                                                                      [2  NE  435;  3 NE  46;  GMNJ 24:1,  40:134]  On  12th  October 1773
                                                               served in the New  Jersey Volunteers.                             .       .  .          .                      Rachel Hutcheson and  John Whitenack were also married by the
                                                                  Thomas Green,  whohas not otherwise been Idenüfled, enhsted                                                 said Nicholas Albertson.  John Whitenack, a  Loyalist,  was taxed

                                                               in  Capt.  James Shaw's Company  of the  New  Jersey Volunteers                                                in  Knowlton in  1774 although not in  1773,  and he also served in
                                                               on 23  June 1780.                                                                                              the  New  Jersey  Volunteers,  a  portion  of  his  service  being  in
                                                                                                                                                                              Brigadier General Skinner's Company. His  name is easily traced

                                                               RIBLER                                                                                                         in the printed records except possiblyfor one entry which  refers

                                                                  Four men of this name served in the  New Jersey Volunteers,                                                 to him as John White Smock.
                                                               all  presuma hl y  from  Sussex  County.  Cpl. Christopher Ribler,                                                Private John Hutchinson enlisted in Major John Colden's Comp-
                                                               Cpl.  Samuel Ribler  and  Pvt.  Cornelius Ribler  were in Captain                                             any on 3  October 1777, and he served in that company un til  1 ï82

                                                               John Cougle 's Company in November 17 77.  John Ribler was  pro-                                              and thereafter in Captain Patrick Haggerty's Company.  Another
                                                               moted from corporal  to  sergeant in Capt James Shaw's Company                                                Private John Hutchinson enlisted in Brigadier General Skinner's
                                                               on 24 August 1780.                                                                                            Company  on  12 January  1781  and  served in that  company until
                                                                                                                                                                             the peace in 1783.
                                                                  At  1\Iay  Term  1777  William Ribler  of  Newtown Township  in

                                                              Sussex County "a disaffected man" was hailed before the Sussex
                                                              sessions of the New  Jersey Supreme Court.  It was  charged that
                                                                                                                                                                             WILLIAM  HUTCHINSON
                                                              on  5 March 1777  at  Newtown  in  the  presence of many he said:
                                                                                                                                                                                Inquisition  was  found  against  William Hutchison  of Knowlton
                                                              "I do not value  Congress money.  I would  rather have  18  pence
                                                                                                                                                                             on 20 June 1778, and his first and second defaults were recorded
                                                              of old money than a great deal  of Congress money.  I think it will
                                                                                                                                                                             in the Minutes of the Sussex County Court at the August and Nov-
                                                              be of no value in afew days.  I can go to the King's proclamation
                                                                                                                                                                             ember Terms,  1778.  His name appears on  the  list drawn up on
                                                              (meaning  Howe's  proclamation)  before  sun  dawn.  The  King's
                                                                                                                                                                             10 December  of  that  year of  those whose estates had been for-
                                                              Standard  ~ill be erected at the  Court House  in a  few days,  and
                                                                                                                                                                             feited  in Sussex County.  William Hutchison was taxed in Knowlton
                                                              we  (mean~ng other tories and himself)  can  raise  as  many men
                                                                                                                                                                             in1773and1774. [2NE435; 3NE46;  GMNJ40:133. SeealsoJones
                                                              as the Whtgs ."  Charged with uttering seditious words  he plead
                                                              not guilty.  [NJSC 36086]                                                      ,                               pp.  101,  251] William Hutchinson served as a  lieutenant in Capt.
                                                                                                                                                                             James Shaw's Company of the New Jersey  Volunteers  from 1 ïï7

                                                              JOHN HUTCHINSON                                                                                                to 1780. In thatyearhe transferred to Brigadier Gener:.J l Skinner's
                                                                                                                                                                            Company in which he served until1782 when he was commissioned
                                                                 He i.s ~ot named in Jones al though a  different man of the same
                                                              name ts mcluded  in that                  k     h                                                             a  captain.  He was  wounded  in  July 1779.  Jones  records  that.he
                                                              h          d   .        .        .  wor  ·  T  e  records  regarding  the man                                 was at St.  John,  New  Brunswick after the peace but that he dted
                                                                ere  un  et  constderat n  ela
                                                              Hutch.                b                    se Y parallel  those regarding Wm                                  at Walsingham in Upper Canada in March 1836.
                                                                      mson (see  elow)  r  ·  T
                                                               inson of Knowlton on  ' ~~~~s~ ;~~ wa.s  f~und against John Hutch-
                                                               were recorded in the  Minutes  of  . His  flrst and second defaults
                                                               August and November Terms 177~he Suss.ex County Court  at the                                                GEORGE  KEEFER

                                                               list drawn up  10  December 1778                ,  and  hts name appears on the                                 His first and second defaults were recorded in the  Minutes of
                                                                                                            of those whose estates had been                                 the Sussex County Court at the  February and .l\Iay  Terms.  1779.
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