Page 227 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 227

The Ontario Register

                                                                                            ,  t  of Kingston,  Ont. ,  the  fathe r  of Sir
                                                                           d  John 1\-lo\\ a
                                                          ter Helen m  ·                    .  daughters of  George Levack,  factor
                                                                            t  They weie                                          .
                                                          Oliver l\Iowa  ·              lehill and Rattar,  in the  partsh of Dunnet,
                                                          to  the Traills of Cast
                                                                          hIr  ·
                                                          Caithness-s       .  e  scotland.                                                                                                           IMMIGRANTS  IN  OPS,  18               29

                                                             Children of Jo      h  n  & l\IarJ  (Cohoe)  Manson:                                                                                     C.  Gordon  Cr ouse,  G. R. s.,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Shawville,  Que.

                                                                   ·  Jeanette L        l\·I  son  1847- 1883,  married  George G.
                                                                                 .  t.
                                                                   1.     Farnng on,        son  of  Harvey  &  Ann (Faville)  Farr-                                            The  following  r~cord,  found  in the  Upper  Canada  Sundries
                                                                                                                                          .  .
                                                                                     H  erved three years durmg the Ct vil War
                                                                          .  mgton.  es                                   .                                                 at the  Public Archtves of Canada,  Ottawa,  is  headed  "List of
                                                                          with the  121st N. Y.  infantry  unttl  he was wounded                                            Emigrants located in the  Township of Ops  by Mr.  A.  McDoneU
                                                                                  t  1 anl ·a in May 1864.  (His  twin brother John
                                                                          at Spo  sy v                                                 .  .        .                        up  to the  15th of October 1829."  The  paper is endorsed: "Num-
                                                                          was  killed  in  1864).  After  the  war  he  JOt~ed hts                                          ber of  persons located on 100 acres each,  39.  Total number of
                                                                          father in a  cheese factory business at Norwteh and                                               per sans about 127.  York,  29th  October 1829,  Peter Robinson."

                                                                          retired to Buffalo in 1895.  He  and his wife are bur-                                            Ops  is a  township  in  Vic toria  County;  the  Town of Lindsay
                                                                          ied at Norwich.                                                                                  nearly  in  its  centre.  The  document  states  the  number of the
                                                                      G          Ma  son  b  1850  md.  Mary Alice Martin dau
                                                                 ii.  eorge          n      '  ·         '                      .     f       t                            lot and concession granted  to each settler and in many instances
                                                                          of William & Elizabeth (Snyder)  Martm o  Eas                         0  x-                      adds sorne details  regarding the  settler's family.

                                                                         ford Tp., and  they farmed  in East Oxford until they
                                                                         moved to South Dakota in 1883.
                                                                                                                                                                              FRANCIS  McCABE,  w!  Lot 11,  Con  10;  Family in  Ireland,
                                                                m.  Lydia Manson,  b.  1853,  died young.                                                                  will join him next spring.
                                                                 iv.  Emma Manson,  b.  1856,  md.  Henry Park.
                                                                                                                                                                              DUNCAN  FISHER,  s! Lot 13,  Con 8;  Catharine, his mother;
                                                                  v.  Ella Manson,  b.  1856,  md.  Richard Leonard Burgess                                               Anne his sis ter; Margaret,  wife; Peter 4!; Donald 2!; John  1.
                                                                         son of Edward &  Ann  M.  Burgess of Burgessville.                                                   PETER MORRISON,  w!  Lot 14, Con 8;  .1\Iargaret, wife; John

                                                                                                                                                                          10;  Hugh  3!; James 1.                                                                  .
                                                            45.  William Cohoe,  1824-1914, md.  Eliza Griffin.  They re-
                                                                                                                                                                             ALEXANDER McCARTHY,  e!  Lot 15,  Con 5;  Elizabeth,  his
                                                         mained on his father's homestead,  Lot 9  Con 2 of Norwich Tp.                                                   wife;  John 19 yrs;  Margare t  15.                                             .
                                                         They bad children:
                                                                                                                                                                             JAMES  NARNEY,  w!  Lot 15,  Con 5;  Catharine,  \nfe;  Jane
                                                                                                                                                                          19; Anne  18  (d.  24th Sept);  Charles  14; Thomas  6;  Ma_ry  3·                        .
                                                                  i.  Ambrose Cohoe,  1846-1911,  md.  Mary Wilson, 1843-
                                                                                                                                                                             SAMUEL  PARKINS,  n!  Lot 14.  Con 4; .1\Iary, his wif:; Ma.IJ
                                                                         1906,  dau of Andrew &  Mary A.  Wilson.
                                                                                                                                                                          19;  Anthony 11· Anne  9·  Martha  7· Charles 3:  Hannah 1~ ·                            .
                                                                 ii.  Lydia Cohoe,  1848-1933,  md.  John Park.
                                                                                                                                                                            WILLIAM  L~E. s~ ~ot 14,  Co~ 4.  (d.  Oct 1): Elizsbeth his
                                                                iii.  Seth Cohoe,  1851-1939,  md.  Carrie Petch.
                                                                                                                                                                         Wife; Mary 15 ·  Sam 'l- &  Hannah 8  (twins); John 3.ged  6·                           .  t
                                                                iv.  Jackson Cohoe,  1853-1932,  md.  Hannah Corbin, born                                                   JOHN FALLEN,  si Lot 10,  Con 5; 1\Iary.  18 '                            '
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            h.  \ife· 1\Iargs.Ie
                                                                         1855,  dau of John &  Sarah Corbin of Norwich Tp.                                               5
                                                                                                                                                                           Yrs;  Bertrand 2.                                         "       .•  wife:  Thomas
                                                                 v.  Mary E.  Cohoe,  born 1862, md. Arthur Briggs.  TheY                                                   TERENCE  BRADY,  n!  Lot  10.  Con v;  Mai~ ·
                                                                         moved to Saskatchewan, and descendants  are living
                                                                         in Vancouver,  B. c.                                                                            aged 3; Michael  aged 1 and 3/ 4.                               .       ·• wife· James
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 t . c·~tharine
                                                                                                                                                                           JAlVIES  PAYNE  Lot 12.  Con ~~:  Cathnnne.                         1  118
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        •  ~·
                                                                                                                                                                        a                           •                             ,..,  1\i 'l ro-·l re.   9 , .  •
                                                                                                                                                                          ge  19; William  18; John 13:  Thomas  t;  l
                                                                                                                                                                        S; Johanna 11
                                                                                                                                                                                           2  •
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