Page 224 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 224

The Ontario Register                               I~rancis Wasley
 in  the   185 1 census of  Norwich Tp.  as:  Theodore   15.  susannah Wasley,  b.  1795  md  W'Il'
                                                                                  1   •am w·u-
 l\linthorn,  farmer.  34,  Quaker;  Mary 33;  Ann  ;   the  census  of  Whitchurch  Tp.   '   •   W'lt·   1   •amson.  In
 9                                                                    1871
 Ellen  ; Henry J. 6;  Huldy 3;  Agnus 1.  Hulda Min.   l ·sted as a  retired hrmer, aged  78   w'   1   •am  Williamson  is
 thorn was the mo th er of Herbert Hoover.  (See p,   ·n England.  Susanna is shown as aged  es eyan Method·
                                                                                                   Ist,  born
 204 of this volume)·   1                                                           orn m the u. s.
 John wasley,  b.  1820.  On  Mar 24,  1862  part  of  the   69.  John Williamson,  md.  Agnes  Lund
 Gl.   family property in  Norwich  Tp.  was  transferred   and Hannah (Starr)  Lundy  (S   Y,  dau  of Samuel
 tohim by hisfather. On Sept 22,  1863  John trans-  at Vandorf,  Ont.        ·  ee no.  B3).  Theylived
 ferred this property to his brother Francis.  This

 may have been the time he  returned to Whitchurch   17.  Elizabeth Wasley,  1799-1888  md  J  h  Gill
                                                                                .  o  n
 Tp.  where he appears in the 1871 census as: John   3mo 1792,  the eldest  son of Joshua and Ann  (T   am  b  ?3rd
                                                                                                      •.  w
 wasley,  thresher, 50,  Quaker; aged 45;   .                              e     ay or) G1llam
                  Joshua G1llam came to Canada from  Middletown  p                                    d      ·
 Francis 23; John 20; Jemima 18;  Charles 15; Lydia   d    .                               ,  a.  an  was
                  a son of Lucas an  Anna G1llam of Bucks Co  Pa  A
 12; Joseph 10; Walter 7;  Mary 3.                                                  ·•     ·  nne  Taylor
                  was  a  daughter of John and Hannah Taylor who came toCanada
 62.  Henry Wasley,  born 1822, md.  Harriet Palmer.  The
                  from  Tadsbury,  Pa.  [Marriage  and  Certificate  Registers  of
 1851 census for Norwich Tp. lists: Henry Wasley
                  Pelahm M. M.  1799-1856,  Univ.  of Western Ontario]  John and
 farmer,  30,  Quaker;  Hariet  30;  and  Caroline d.
                  Elizabeth Gillam moved to  Norwich about 1833.  Children:
 1851 age 4.  Mrs McLean's Genealogy of the Her-
 bert  Hoover Family,  p.  16,  indicates  that  there   70.  Hannah Gillam.

 were daughters: Amelia Wasley,  and Lisetta who
                          71.  Simon Gillam.
 married Charles Crew.
                          72.  Jane Ann Gillam.
 63.  Rachel Wasley,  1823-1830.
                          73.  Wesley Gillam,  b.  1819.
 64.  Job Wasley,  b.  1825.
                          74.  Lydia Gillam.
 65.  Ann Wasley,  1827-1872,  md.  William Dawson.
                         75.  John Gillam,  b.  1825.  In 1859 his father transferred
 66.  Hannah Wasley,  1828-1865,  md.  Henry MeLees.
                                     to him 80 acres of Lot 7,  Con 2 of N.  Norwich Tp.
 67.  Abner Wasley,  b.  1830.  His  family  is  listed  in  the
                         76.  Joshua Gillam,  b.  c. 1830.  The  1871 census of Xor-
 1871  census  cf  Norwich  Tp.  as:  Abiner Wasley,
                                     wich  Tp.  lists:  Joshua Gillam..  farmer.  Quaker.
 farmer, 41,  Friends; Jane 43, b.  Ont.  of German
                                     40;  Rachel  43;  Anna  18;  John  16:  Elizabeth  12;
 descent; Sarah A.  15; Margaret 12; Hosea 13; Ab-
 iner 10; Mary 7;  Bertha 3.         Harriet 10.  In 1859 his father transferred to him
 68                                 60 acres of Lot 7,  Con 2 of N.  Xorwich  Tp.
 ·  Francis Wasley,  1832 -1897,  md.  Susan  Thomkins.
                         77.  James Gill am,  b.  1831.
 The  1871 census of  Norwich Tp.  lists his familY
                        78.  Alfred Gillam,  b.  c. 1835.  The 1871  census of Nor-
 as:  Francis Wasley,  farmer  39  Friends· Susan
 E  36  b  ·   '   '   '            wich  Tp.  lists:  Alfred  Gillam.  farmer.  ~uaker.
 ·   •  ·  m the  U. S.;  Maggie  13  and  Helen 11,
 both born in U. S.;  Anne  widow  '80  b  U  S.  Of   35; J.  Eliza 24.  b.  U. S.: Ida  7: JohnS; Elizabeth
 th   h   '   '   '   .   .
 ese c  ildren,  Helen Wasley,  1860-1902,  md (1)   73,  widow,  b.  u. S.; \Vesley -!9.          .  ,  .
                        7 9.  Michael  Gill am  b.  c. 1837.  The 1871 cens us ot. ~                  01  -
 Charles Hammond;  md (2)  W.  Bennett.
                                                       '                          .  :'II"chael  Gtllam
                                   wich  Tp  lists his  household at<:               J   1            .
                                                '                      .    d  .~ . \VillÜIDl 9; Ahce
                                   farmer,  34,  Friends:1\1trHn  :1.:>  •
                                   5;  Fred 8 mos.
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