Page 232 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 232

The Ontario Register

 Feb  3   James  Chesne\!  to  Katherine Davis
 l\Iar 17   James   Fl ·nch  to  M  Reynolds
 Il  30   Philip Rains  to  Ann Cameron
 'd li,.lson  to  Susanna Stone
 Apr  9   Dav1   n   1  .         CENSUS OF BASTARD TOWNSHIP,
 private 41st Regt.  - fee  ~emltted                                                     1804

 Apr  26   John Campbell  to  Eliza Bouville

 May  2   John Langstaff  to  Lucy Miles   The ontario Archives  has  a  large  collection  f
                                                                                            o  census re-
 May 10   Thomas Williams  to  Elizabeth Jobbett   turns and assessment roUs  for the townships of th  J  hn
                                     1  D
 Il  30   John Muchison  to  Frances Hunt   an d  Newcast e   IS  rte s.   Th                  e  o  stown
                                            .  t  .  t
                                                               e  great ma ·  ority of th
 July 25   Michael Troyer  to  Mary Holly                                     3              e census re-
                   turns  name only the  head of the family giving a statistical ab-
 Aug  8   John Powell  Esq.  to  Miss  Isabella Shaw
                  stract of  his  household.  The  return presented here is unusual
 Sept  2   James Ross  to  Elizabeth Wells
                  in  that  it  not  only  names  all  the  members of each household
 Il  12   Hugh  Heward  to  El iza Muir   but gives  their ages as well.

 Dec  28   James  Fenwick  to  Elenor Thomson   There  are  many  other returns for Bastard in  the collection
                  at  the  Ontario  Archives.  The  return  for  1800,  included  with
 Jan  16   John Wilson  to  Mary Cumor   Kitley,  lists  heads  of families.  The  return  of 1801,  also in-

 1\Iar  2   James Woodward  to  Mercy Hale,  widow
 6                cluded with Kitley,  lists all  the members of household but does
 John Jordin  to  Jean Marian,  widow   not give ages;  it appears to be incomplete. The  return for 1802
 Jan  30   James  Fulton  to  Eliza Munshaw
 Il   Il         lists  heads of families while that of 1806 names each member
 Joshua Munshaw  to  Caroline  Fulton   of a  household although it does not give ages.
 Mar 14
 William Kelp  to  Phebe Dexter
 Il  29             Mr.  D.  F.  Mcüuat,  Archivist  of Ontario,  has  kindly  given
 John Dwyer  to  Jane  Cooley
                 given  permission  to  have  this  record presented here,  and he
 private 41st Regt. fee  remitted   was most considerate in expediting the copying of the  records.
 Apr  1
 Richard House  to  Ann Sytes
                    The  record  is  headed  "Inhabitants  of  the  town  of  Bastard
 drummer,  41st Regt.  fee  remitted
 Apr  14        made out the  1 Oth  day of May 1804."  In  the  listing  below,  the
 Nicholas Hagarman  to  Polly Fletcher
 Il  19         double  bar  ( ==)  indicates  the divisions  betweer  households as
 Thomas Simpson  to  Elizabeth Smith
 May  4         marked by the enumerator.  Bastard  is in Leeds County.
 Il  18   Thomas Adams  to  Sarah Mills
 William Cornwell  to  Rhoda Terry   Smith,  Jehiel
 June 15                                                 52                  Elizabeth                 14
 H  19   John Kingsley Simons  to  Ann M.  Fraser   Elizabeth   49           Polly                     12
 John Ashbridge  to  Sarah Mercer   Timothy
 "  21                                                   28                  Phebe                     10
 Jonathan Ashbridge  to  Hannah Barton   Henry
 "  30                                                   25                 Stephen                     ~
 July 12   John Evans  to  Mary Linning   Elizabeth Jr.   19                Hannah                      6
 Il  15   Henry Castover  to  Mary  Caffer   Jehiel  Jr.   17               Siviah  (female)            4
 Orrin Hale  to  Hannah Barrett
 Aug  5                Samuel                                      =        Thomas Jr.            infant
 Henry Drean  to  Jane Brooke                           15
 "   8                 Silas                            13         Chipman.  Ammi                     39
 "  29   John Hoff  to  Elizabeth Miller   Morris                           Sarah                     3S
 Dec  11   Peter Miller  to  Susannah Gilbert   ::::   Sabina   13                                   17

 David  Francis Burke  to  SarahKnowles   1\nowlton     11                 HC'lll:ll1                15
                           '   Thomas                  42                  Isaac
                      Mary                                                                           13
                                                       3S                  Harry
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