Page 230 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 230


 The Ontario Register

 PA TRICK HANNO  RAN  sl.  Lot 10,  Con 5;  Br idget,  his  Wife·
 .   4  •rs·  John 2 yrs;   .   .
 Catharme  J   '  ,  sl Lot  9,  Con 4;  Catharme ,  Wtfe;  Patrick   MARRIAGE  LICENSES ISSUED AT TOR
 DENIS TOOH~Y  . Daniel  11; Denis 8; James 5; Julia  3.   1806 -1809                    ONTO,
 21; John 19;  l\1a  Y  i  t  p   Con  5;  John  &  Michael ,  brothers·
 PATRICK DUNN,   o  ...   '
                      The  fo llowing  list  of  marriage  licenses  .                           .
 other·  Mary.  sister.
                                                                                      ts  contamed  ·
 Mary,  rn   '   L  t  9   Con 5. Mary  mother;  James,  Philip   account book  which  forms  part of  the  Robinson f   '1   man
 MURRAY   0   •   '   '   '   ow housed a t  the Ontario Archives  Toronto  Th  ad~ Y P~pers
 JOHN   .  k  l\f.  tthew  brothers; Catharine,  Ann,  Margaret.
 p  ter  Patnc  ,  a   '   ·   · f   n   .                             '             ·    e e  1torw1shes
 e   ·   ,   t  Lot 11  Con 4·  Mary,  hts  Wt  e ;  Cathar ine   t o expres s  hts  tha nks  to  Mr.  D. F.  McOuat  Arch·  .
                                         .    .                .        .           •        IVIst of Ont-
 4  yrs. Patrick Ü  ·   ·  h   ario,  for pe rmts swn  to. publtsh. thts  record.  It should be kept
 PATRICK   HOE- v   sl Lot 11  n Lot 10,  Con  4;  NlC  o  as and   l ·n  mind  that  the  dates  m  the  ltst indicate the day th  •
                  was  issued  and  not the  date of marriage.                                    e  1 tcense
 Thomas Hoey.  brothers.   .   .
 ROBERT  1\IILLER,  st  Lot 8,  Con 4;  Famtly,  3  m  number,
 in Ireland.
                 Sept 13
 THOl\IAS 1\IILLER,  n! Lot 7,  Con 4:  Family  in Ireland,  3 in   P a ul  Mar ri an to E.  Butterfield
                 Nov  25
 number.                                G.I.  Batchelor to  Mary Osborn
                   Il  26
 OLIVER  BURKE,  s!  Lot 7,  Con 4;  a  s ingle  man.   Stephen  Heward to  Mary Robinson
 DA't'-IIEL  HYDE,  s! Lot 10, Con 3; family  in United States,  5   Ely  playter to Sophia Beman
 in number.      Dec  11               Geo  T .  Deni son to  E. B.  Lippincott
 ---- [blank in record] n!  Lot 10,  Con  3; Hyde's son-in-law,
 family of 2  in  U.S.A.   Jan  31     Abija  Jones  to Susanna Brown
                Feb  3
 WILLIAM JONES,  n!  Lot 6,  Con 3,  a  single man.   Jordan P ost to M.  Woodruffe
                  Il     4
 WILLIAM JOHNSTON,  n!  Lot 1,  Con  11; Mary,  his wife.   Ge rmain Noir  to Catherine Page
                Mar 21
 MARTIN  HOGAN,  n!  Lot 5,  Con 4;  family  is at  the  Rideau   William Myers  to  Sarah Chambers
                                              s e r vant  to the C.  Justice - fee remitted
                June 19
 JOHN QUIGLEY,  s! Lot5, Con4; his fam ily  is at the Rideau   Thom as Waught  to  Sarah Giles
                                             s e rvants in Col.  Sha\\ s  family - remitted
               July 13
 CORNELIUS  HOGAN,  e!  Lot 6,  Con 3;  his  family is at  the   Hiram Kendrick  to  Rester Vanderburgh
 Rideau Canal.   Aug  11
                                      Samuel  Whites ides  to  l\Iary Vinton
               Oct  21
 BARNET CLARKE,  s!  Lot 13,  Con 3; a  single man.   William Washer  to  Hannah Beek
               Nov  2
 JAMES CLARKE,  s!  Lot 6,  Con 3,  a  s ingle man.
                                     Henry  Carpenter  to  l\Iary l\Iercer
 MICHAEL  SMITH,  s~ Lot 13,  Con 3; a  wife  and 1  child.   "  28   Moses  Dewar  to  Nelly l\Iorrow
 BRIEN SMITH,  Lot 13,  Con 2; with  John Smith.   Dec  22
                                     Ethan Daggatt  to  Fanny Kendrici\:
 PA TRICK  BRENNAN,  s} Lot 14  Con  2 · a  wife  & 4  children.   "  28
 JAM   .   '   '   ---               Jarius Ashley  to  Dorothy l\IcDougal
 ES  BRENNAN,  n!  Lot 14,  Con  2;  a  single man.
                                     Thomas  Killun  to  Margaret Clunes
 ROBERT MARTIN,  sk Lot 17,  Con  4; family  in Ireland,  theY
 are expected next spring.   1808           priva te  41st Regt.  - fee  renHtted

 --- JONES,  s~  Lot 9,  Con 3; a  single  man.   Jan   4
                ,,                  Charles Cameron  to  C\<11 • 11                 ::o
                                                                      co.  .. 1 Houo·hton
 ~              ,,    6             Va lentine  Es nor  to  Ca thE IlllC           Brown   ·
                                                                           , .·
                    13                                                  .,  Il  , Ann  Robmson
                                    D'Arcy Boulton J r .  tt)  ~;l  )  •
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