Page 226 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 226

The Ontario Register
 220                                               Francis Wasley

 'llam  b  c  1839.  The  1871 census of Nor
 80.  Henry  G 1   •   •   •   .   -   Harris  (28  Mar 1752  _                 J                         221
 .  h Tp  shows· Henry Gtllam,  farmer,  Quaker                             31    uly 1802)
 \\'lC   •   •   ,                     of J ohn &  Sarah (Deaves)  H                  .        was the son
 32 ; Isabella 28; o.  Lydia 7;  H. Edgar 2.    .                                arns  [R
                                       of Fnends  Library  Eust                         ·     ecs.  Society
                                                                              ace Street  D b .
 81.   .1\Iary Gillam.  b.  c.1840.    Wetherald was a daughter of John  '                      u hnJ Jane
 82.   Harriet Gillam,  b.  c.  1842 ·   Yorkshire,  England  Who                        Wetherald from
                                                                     '       cameto p  1·
                                       with  four sons  (one of  wh                        us  Inch in 1835
 18  Sarah wasley,  1801-1870, md Mordecai Starr, third son                    orn was  Wlt·
                                       erald  the revered educator)                   d      1   Iam Weth-
 of Ja.mes Starr who  came to  Canada from Cata~issa,  Pa., Who
                                       [Arthur G.  Dorland  Rist  S a~  four  daughters.
 received a  Crown grant of Lot 19 Con 4  of Wlutchurch  14 Dec      '        .  0Cletr of  F  .  d
                                      Canada (1927) p  18 ] -Ch -                          - _rien  s  in
 1804.  For notes on the antecedants of James Starr, see Albert   ·        ar es H.  Harris  b  -::::
                                      the second son of Samuel  & Susan  S                       '  ·   18 1
                                                                                                          . '
 Cook  Myers.  Immigration of the  Irish Quakers  into  Pennsl!_ _
                                      is still 1 iving at Rockwood,  Ont.  (  tarr) Harris,
 vania 1682-1750 (1902,  reprinted 1969)  p. 328.

                    42.  Phebe Cohoe,  1814-1892, dau of Andrew & Lydia (WasleY)
 Children of .1\Iordecai &  Sarah (Wasley)  Starr:
                 Cohoe,  md.  in 1832 Jonathan Sprague b.  c.1804 in the u. s.  He
                 was a farme r  and a  member of the Baptist Church  H                                  ·  d
 83.  Hannah Starr.  b.  1820,  md.  1838 Samuel Lundy, son       1                        •  e  rece1ve
                 a Crown grant  3 Aug 1848  of N2  Lot 5,  Con 1  of Rorwich.  He
 of  William  and  Agnes  (Randall)  Lundy.  (See No.
                 was  probably a  brother of  John  and  Hiram Sprague  from New
 21).  She  was  his  second wife.  For an account of
                 York State who  were active members of the Baptist community
 the  ir family.  see William C.  Armstrong' s  Lundy
 Family (1902).   of  East Oxford  Tp.  Children:  Lydia,  1833-1898,  md.  in  F50
                John S.  Palmer 1829-1916; Emmaline  b.  c. 1836,  md.  James
 84.  Sarah Starr,  b.  1821,  md.  James Sisler.
                Jeffery b.  1833,  moved  to U. S. ; Nancy b.  c.1838,  md. Emory
 85.  Francis Starr,  1824 - 1904,  md.  Mary  Cody.  They
                E.  Fountain b.  1826 son of Elisha and Mary A.  Fountain  from
 appear in the  1871 census of  Whitchurch Tp.  as:
                Nova Scotia to  E.  Oxford Tp;  Huldah Sprague b.  1841, married
 Francis Starr, farmer,  48,  Quaker;  Mary43; Wm
                --- Butcher; Adelia  Sprague b.  1843, md. Albert Corner (Cas-
 1", Stephen 16; Mark 14; Mary 10; Joseph 6;  Em-
                ner  ?) ;  William  H.  Sprague b.  1846 md.  Ophelia  Bingha.m  and
 eline 5; Hannah 3; Albert 7 mos.  The 1861 census
 shows  Mark as  Mordecia.   moved to Jackson,  Mich.; Olive Sprague b.  1849. md ---Slough?

 86.  James Starr, 1826-1893, md. Mary Bogart. The 1871   4

 census of Whitchurch Tp.  lists: James Starr, 46;   3.  Esther Cohoe,  b:  1817,  dau of Andrew &  Lydia (Wasley)
               Cohoe,  md.  Dyer Woodard b.  1815 in the U. S.  They purehased
 Mary 40;  Robert 16;  Eliza 14;  Lyman 10; Henri-
 etta 8.       July 30,  1849 8!  Lot 4  Con 1,  Norwich Tp.  Ther had  children:
 87.  Huldah Starr,  1828-1885  unmd   William  Dexter Woodard,  b.  1841,  md.  Frances l\Iary Palmer;

 88.  Charles Starr,  md.  Han~ah Heu.lter   John Woodard  b.  1843,  md.  Jeanette Dowsv.ell.  and Margaret
 89.  Jane Starr  b  1840   ·   Woodard,  1847 -1939,  md.  Austin Canfield  b.  1S41.  a farrner
 90  s   '  ·   • md.  Alfred Faulkner.
 ·  usan Starr,  b.  1843,  md.  in 1875 Samuel  Harris of   of Oxford Centre who re ti red to  Woodstock and  \rho  ''as a  des-
              c  d                                                                        A  0 ·f  ·dT
 Rockwood,  Ont. •  b.  c. 1841  fourth son of John &   en  ant of Samuel & Lucy Cantield earty settlers 01  x  01   p.
 ~an; (We~herald)  Harris  of  Eramosa.  John  was
                                                                                     b  1..:; 1 s  son of
                 4 4
 b~rlin Aprll  1_789  son of  Thomas  &  Mary  (Cham-  w·  . Mary Cohoe  b.  1820  md.  John .1\I~lllSl)n  .   '-.  . .  'Cl
              'To  llHam  and  Janet' (Levack), 1\Ianson  who  came to  Eastk?xt~s~-
 )  Harrts of the city of Cork,  Ireland.  ThoS
              .tp  f                                                                 t  Le,·ac  s s1
                 ·  rom Wick,  Caithness-shire. Scotland. Jane
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