Page 222 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 222

The Ontario Register
 216                                               Franc is  Wasley

 b  1814  md.  Jonathan  Sprague.                                                                        217
 +42.  Phebe Cohhoc.  b.   ;  md.  Dyer  Woodard.   J oseph  Wasrey,  farmer         Pres  .
 ther Co  oe,  ·   181  '                                                      31
 +43.  Es   b   182 o.  md.  John  Ma nson.   J os eph 4 ;  Mar y  2; Wi!Iia~  .'           · •  Mercy  29;
 44   "~~Iarv Cohoe.  ·                                                         1
 +  .  l\   J   b  18?4    57.
 +45.  WillianlCohoe ..   OJ  .   Henry  Wasley,  b.  1842,  md.  Elizabeth M
                                      c ensus of  Whi tchurch  Tp.  for 1871  .  a~heli.  The
                                       h  .  h        h  ld ·                               tndtcates that
 ,  1791-1860, md.  Mary Millard.  They lived   t  ts  ouse  o  mcluded his moth           h"
 13  John Wasley'   h"   Ch"l                     h                                  er,  ts older bro
 t  d  in Whitchurch  Towns  1p.
 on  the famlly homes ea   1  dren:   ther  Jo  n,  and  two  of  the  child                 f  .      .    -
                                                                                            Q  k
                                      Hannah:  HenryWaslev. farmer                    reno  h1s  Stster
                                                                                         '  ua  er; Eliz-
 r  sley  b  1817  md.  William Wallis b.  1806
 46.  Esther  a   •  ·   '            abeth 26 ;  Fred  3;  Mary 72,  b.  in U  S  .  J  h  _
 in  England.  In  the  1861 census of  Whitchurch the   Phebe Willis 21; Joseph Willis 17.   ·  . ,  • o  n <:lÜ·
 children are shawn as:  Rachel  26;  Mary 22;  John
 2o;  Thomas  17;  James  11;  George 6;  Phoebe 3;   4.  Henry Wasley ,  b.  19 April  1793 in Bucks Co., Pa., d.
 and  Silus!; In 1871 Rachel  is Rachel  Hill; Esther   Sept 1864 and  is  buried in Nor wich Tp;  He md.  Ann  Tool  b.
 is a widow; Thomas is not shown; George becomes   Nov  1790,  d.  14 Sept 1872.  She  was  dau  of Aaron and  Rachel
 Walter,  and Silus  becomes  Henry.   (Haworth)  Tool  who came  to Upper Canada in 1ï99 from  Bucks
 47.  Hannah Wasley,  b.  1819, md.  F.  Willis.  In the 1871   County,  Pa.  Joseph  Webster  and  Peter  Willson  the  Friends
 census of Whitchurch  Tp., Phoebe Willis 21,  and   appointed to attend the m arri age of Henry Wasley and Ann Tool

 Joseph Willis 17,  resided with HenryWasley (No.   repor ted that  "it was  in  a  good  degree orderly  accomplished
 57);  residing  with  Mordecai  Starr  (No. 18)  were   (though  not without sorne small  exception)" [Min.  Yonge Street

 William Willis 20;  Henry 14; and Albert 8.   M. M.  14th 10mo.  1813]  Her  father  Aaron  Tool  and  his  four
 48.  John Scott Wasley,  b.  1821.  d.  unmd.   minor  children,  Mary,  Mahlon,  Aaron  and  Rachel  were  re-

 49.  Mary Wasley,  b.  1823, md.  J oseph Davis.  They are   ceived  into membership of Yonge Street .Meeting 12th 9mo ls:!11.
 shown  in  the  1871 census of  Whitchurch Tp.  as:   His  wife  Ann  (probably a  second  wife)  had  been  received  the

 Joseph Davis,  farmer,  53;  Mary  48;  Joseph  18;   month  before.  [Min.  15th 8 m o 1811]  Henry  Wasley  removed
 Lydia Ann 15;  Sarah 12.   from  Whitchurch Township to  Norwich about 1840.

 50.  Jemima Wasley,  b. 1828, md.  Joseph Winterstean.
 51.  Timothy Wasley,  b.  1829,  md.  M.  Thompson.   Cht!dren of Henry &  Ann (Tool)  \Vasley:
 52.  Phoebe Wasley,  born 1831,  md.  Henry Machell.  The
 1871 cens us  of Aurora, Ont., 1 ists: Henry Mac hill   Sidney Wasley,  born  1815.  She md.  James Cook and

 43;  Phoebe  39;  Nancy 19;  Nelson  17;  Jessey 15;   was disowned by  Yonge Street 1\I.i\I. 4mo 14.  1.536
 Hattie 8;  Richard 7; Anne  6; Albert 4; Lilley 3.   for  marriage  out  of  unity.  There  were  se,·eral
 53.  Lydia Wasley,  b.  1833,  md.  Jacob  Ross .
 54                               children by this marriage.                             •      •     .
 ·  Michael Wasley,  b.  1835,  md.  Caroline  Cleland.  In   59.   Solomon Wasley  b.  1816.  The  census  ~ Jr  i\orwlCh
 th~  1871 census  of  East Gwillimbury  are listed:   Tp.,  1851,  indicates that he  an  d  h.  r  1ilv were
                                                                                      ts . .an
 Mtchael  Wasley, farmer, 35,  Pres. ;  Caroline  25 ;   were  residing in hts  at  er  s   ·
                                                               .  f  h  ,  home·  Salomon oJ:J,
 1  5
 55  H  ~ohn  ; Norman 3;  Henrietta b.  July  1870.   F  ree  res . ,   •                   ·  •)  The
                                                    .  Elen 29  born in  Engl~md; .i\I:.ll'y  11:
 5~ ·  J u  ah Wasley,  b.  1837,  md.  George Graham.   Henry 9;  Daniel  7;  Rosanna v. ·
                                                                           '. ·md  Francis ... ·
 ·  os:ph Wasley,  b.  1840,  md.  Mercy  Cleland.  TheY   children were all  born in the  U. S.   ;:; ·)  ·H
                                                                                               1 4
 ppear in the 1871  cens us  of  Whitchurch  Tp.  as:   60.   Mary Wasley  born  1 Sept  1~ ~.   ld  4  Jan  "  -  <
                                                                        "1 ,  11
                                                 .                                  TheY  'll"e  1   l"'-1
                                 Yonge Street.  Thcodorc  .i\Iinthorn.                   ·  ·
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