Page 220 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 220

The  Ontario  Rcgister
 214                                             F rancis Waslcy

 11.   Marv Wasley,  1789- HH>O,  md.  John Millard.  They hact   Lydia  (Wasley)  Cohoe had children·   215

                          40.   John Cohoe,  1809-1855,  md.  in                          Amy P  kh
 31.  Susan Millard,  b.  1815,  md.  E~war~ Randall.  In 1                       1836
 871                                 1814-1892,  b. in  the  U. S.' and they had  he'cld  am
 he  is shawn  in the  census of Whltchurch Tp.  as a
                                     Edwa rd 1837- 1917 md  M                                    c  I  ren:
 sawyer, age 63.  His family  is listed as:  Susan 5 ;                 .    ary Jane Derenz,_, 1839
 6                                   1908;  Mary Jerusha  1841-                   ~  d            J        -
 Asa,  farmer,  36; John,  sawyer,  34;  Salina 18.   ll  d                   191 1
                                                                                     rn  ·  1863 George
                                     P o  ar  ,  1834-1918,  son  of  Jos  h
 32.  Joseph Millard,  b.  1817, md. Susan Hollingshead.  In
                                         ll  d
                                     Po  ar  ;  Jo  ,  1848 - 1888  md               ep  and  Rebecca
 1871  Joseph was a  cabinet  maker in  Newmarket   .                       '      ·   1 74   at  Augusta
 Ont.  His family  is listed  in the cens us  as:  Susan   Mteh. '  Jane  R.  Kelsey  and  settled   In  Kansas·
                                    and  Andrew  1852 -1925  md  Lavina De  b                          .  '
 43;  Elizabeth 22; Adelia  20; Alexander19; Martha
                                    1852-1934.                                                  r  yshire,
 13;  Silena 9;  and Franklin 5.
 33.  Jane Millard,  md.  Stephen  Howard.   Francis Cohoe,  1811-1863, md.  in 1838 Elizabeth
 34.  Timothy Millard.              W~llson 1816-1853 dau of Justus & Sarah (Holms).
 35.  Hannah Millard,  md.  ---- Howard.   Wtlls~n who  came .to Norwich from Dutchess Co.,
 36.  Samuel  Millard.              N. Y.  m  1817.  Chlldren:  Harriet c.  b.  July  16,

 3ï.  l\Iary Millard,  md.  Harrison  Proctor.   1839,  md.  Isaac  Ba rker b.  1833;  Andrew Wilson

 38.  John Scott Millard,  born 1825.  In  the 1871 census of   Cohoe  1841 -1921,  md.  Elizabeth Rounds,  1  43-
 East Gwillimbury Tp.  he  is  shown  as a  farmer,   1916,  and  settled in  Rochester,  Essex County in

 aged 46,  with his family:  Esther  45;  Samuel  21;   1872; . Justus 1844-1907,  md (1)  Marion Farring-
 Tammy Elizabeth 17;  Brooks  15;  David 13; Mary   ton  dau Harvey  &  Ann  (Faville)  Farrington,  md.
 11;  Rachel  9;  Harriet 7.       (2)  Gulielma Stover  b.  1848 dau Albert Carey and
 39.  Rachel  Millard.             Elizabeth (Webster)  Stovert;  John Cohoe b.  1 ~47

                                  md.  Elsie Farrington  dau Harvey & Ann,  and  he

 12.  Lydia Wasley,  b. 1789, d. Sept  20,  1860 aged 71.  [Grave   assisted in opening the Mesabi iron mines in 1\finn-
 marker,  Quaker  Cemetery,  Norwich,  Ont. J She  md.  Andrew   esota and retired  to 1\Iemphis,  Tenn;  Daniel  Be-

 Cohoe  who  died  Dec  23,  1872.  He  was  a  son  of Andrew  and   dell  Cohoe  b.  1849,  md.  Miranda Sto\·er  (sister
 Deborah (Heacock)  Cohoe  who  came  to  Upper Canada  in 1787   above).  H€  was  ordained  as  a  Baptist  mimster
 from  Bucks  County,  Pa.,  and settled  in  Thorold  Tp.  near the   and held charges at Aurora,  E\·ers e?,  Burgess-

 present location of Fonthill.  Debor ah  Heacock was the daughter   ville  and  Hagersville;  Francis C1h'--e  born 1 ~53.
 of Jonathan and Susannah (Morgan)  Heacock of Richland Tp.  in   md.  near Ann Arbor.  1\Iich. ,  Sarah  Jane  StO\·er

 Bu?ks County.  [See,  Clarence V.  Roberts and W. S.  Ely Earl.Y   b.  1858,  dau of  ---- &  1\Iary (Nott~ngham) Stm·er.
 Frtends  F   ·1·   f
 amt  ~ ~ Upp~ Bucks  (1925) J  On  31st  July  1806
 Andrew Cohoe  r   ·  d
 26   6   .   ecetve  a  Cr own grant of 200 acres being  Lot   t[Albert C.  Stover  was  a  son of  Frederick  and  3   g-randson of
 m  Dxbridge.  In  1810 both he and Lydia applied for
 '  Con.
             ~·Y. in 1811.  Adam Stover  was  a  son  of Jacl 1b s~:wffer w~o
 an  were received ·  t   Ada:rn Stover who came to  Norwich Tp.  from  Ddciess County,
 ing of Fr·  d   m  membership in the  Yonge Street Meet-
 ten  s  They h  d th·   16   ltved                                          El'  . l.p·h Webster s
 when  th   ·   a   18   membership transferred in 18   .   near  Mill brook in Du tc hess  County.   t:Z.l  t '·   .   .
 ey  moved to  N   ·  h   .   h
 4 mo.  1816·  lVI'   P  orwtc  ·  [Mm.  Yonge Street  M. M.  18t   Wtdowed mother  Isabel  (Smith)  \\'ebstcr md.  James Hlught  ut
                                                                               .  1  u • .  Haicrht's  to
 '   m.  elham  M. M.  6th  6 mo.  1816]  Andrew  and   Nor ~·~tngton,  N. Y. ,  and  El izabcth :tccmn pUIHt'u  Ule  '  ~
                 Wtch from  that pl ace]
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