Page 218 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 218

The Ontario Register
 212                                               Francis Wasley

 h.  farm  in that township  as well  as his land
 d  he mentwns  1s   9  Huldah Wasley,  b.  12mo.  14  1 o [F                           .
 an   .   H   ames his wife Hannah;  sons John,  Henry and   •        '    7 3      amlly B'bl
 in Uxbndge.  e  n   El"   beth  ·   W asleyJ md.  Feb 5,  1801 Joseph Randall        h       1   e of John
                                                                                '  sc  ool  teach
 l t
 1\Iichael· daug 1  ers  J ane Jacobs, Sarah Star,   1za   Gtlham  '   moved  in  18  01  f  rom  M  uncy,  Pa. to Whitch   h   er,  and
 '  nr·Jt·amson  Lvdia Cohoe,  Huldah Randall  and  Mary
 Susanna  n  1   1   '   ,   ·   f"  Id   county  Upper Canada.  They  became  rn  urbc  Township, York
                                                                                em  ers  of  the  y
                                   hl  M
 Millard. He name  d as executors Henry Wtdde te  ,  John Westy   Street  Mont  y   eetmg  of Friends  when  't   onge
 W  Sle v  The witnesses were  Chnstopher Beswick
                                                                                     was establish  d ·
 and  Henry  e   J  •   •   '   18o6.  Joseph Randall  was a  son  of  Comlu R  d                      e  Ill
 d Eleazer Lewis ali  of Whttchurch  Tp., yeomen
                                                                                     an  a
 Asa Rogers an   .   .   ·   of  Francis Was ey  m  Muncy Tp.  (See  "Th  F                11  a  netghb  or
 M .  hael wasley.  son of Francts,  dtd  not  marry,  and as his   .              e  amtly of  Comi,
 lC   .  t  t   .   Randall- a  Pwneer of Muncy  Township"  · N                              d              )
 will  names  his  sisters  it would  be appropna e  o  gtve an ab-             10   ...  ow an  the  193
                 IV  245;  also,  Lundy famill (1902)  by Wm  CA---E_,                                      1
 stract of it here.  The will  is dated  12 Jan 1842  and  describes   '             ·  rmstrong]
 the  testator  as  Michael  Wasley.  of  Whitchurch,  yeoman.  He
                         20.  Mary Randall,  b.  1801,  d.  1867  unmd.
 willed  that  all  his  property  including  "a lot  left to me by the
                         21.  Hannah  Randall,  b.  1803  died  1836  md  h  r·
 will  of mv  father  Francis Wasley  being part of  Lot 34  in the   .   '             ·     .  er  rrst
 3rd  Conc;ssion  of  Whitchurch"  be  sold  and  the  proceeds di-  cousm  Samuel  Lundy,  son  of  William and Aznes
 vided among  "my seven sisters,  viz:  Hulday  widow of the late   (Randall) Lundy.  William Lundy b.  1770 \Vho c~me
 Joseph Randall,  Mary  wife of John Millard,  Lydia wife  of An-  to  Canada in 1800 was a son of  Samuel and Sarah
                                    (Webster)  Lundy  of Hunterdon Co.,  N. J.
 drew  Coho,  Susannah  wife  of William  Williamson,  Elizabeth
                         22.  Phebe  Randall,  1805-1823.  d.  unmd.
 wife  of  John Gilham,  Sarah wife of  Mordecai Starr,  and  Jane
                        23.  Comly Randall,  b.  1805,  d.  infancy.
 wife  of  John  Jacobs."  Witnesses  were  George  Ballard,  John
                        24.  Joseph Randall,  b.  1807,  d.  infancy.
 Randall  and  John Collins.  Probate was granted 13 March 1849
 to  John  Millard,  Mordecai  Starr  and  George  Playter,  all  of   25.  John Randall,  1813-1894,  md.  Ellen Dales.  The  1  ïi
 Whitchurch,  yeomen.  [York County Surrogate's Office]   census shows  them living in Whitchurch Tp.  with
                                    the following children: Agnes  17; Mary 13: Robert
                                    10;  Huldah 7.  The 1861 census had shown a Jos-

 Children of Francis &  Hannah (Scott)  Wasley:   eph  P.  1,  with  Agnes  8.  and  l\Iary  4.  E!len  ts
                                   listed as 33 in 1861,  42  in 1871,  b.  in Engiand.

 +  9.  Huldah,  b.  1783,  md.  Joseph Randall.   26.  Agnes  Randall,  1814-1842,  unmd.
 10.  I\Iichael,  1787-1849,  d.  unmd.  in Whitchurch.  An   27.  Edward Randall,  1817 -1900.  md  (1)  Mary A.  King:

 abstract of his will  is  given above.   md.  (2)  Sarah Sexsmith.
 + 11.  Mary,  b.  1789,  md.  John Millard.   28.  Huldah Randall,  1818-1902,  md.  George  Sexsmith.
 +  ·  Lydia,  b.  1789,  md.  Andrew Cohoe.   The  1871  census  shows  him as a  merchant.  42.
 + 13.  John,  b.  1791.
                                   in  Whitchurch Tp. ,  Wesleyan .:\Iethodist.  born in
 + 14.  Henry,  b.  1793.
                                  Ireland ·  wife and children listed as Quakers: Hul-
 + 15.  Susannah  b  1795   d   .  .          '
 16  S   1   '  •   •  rn  ·  Wtlltam Williamson.   dah 52;  Edward 16;  Phebe 12.
 .  o ornon,  b.  1797,  d.  1816  unmd   29.  Joseph Randall  1821 -1900.  md.  l\fary  Lundy.  The

                                                                                     . ·n \\'hitrhurch
 + 17.  Elizabeth.  b.  1799,  md.  John GiÎiam   1871 census shows htm as a  "ume1    1
                                                                            f·  •
 + 18.  Sarah  b  1801   d   ·                                                                23
 19  Jan  '  ·   '  rn  ·  Mordecai Starr.   Tp  aged 49  Methodist;  l\Iary 45:  Jl)hn          : Eben
                                                                                         h  1·) · \\'alter
 .   e.  b.  1804,  md.  John Jacobs.   ezer 22;  Edward 20;  l\Iary 14: Jt)sep  - ·  ·
                                  8·  Franklin 6·  Rachel  ~.
                                    '                  '              •        J  John  Httt"hes.
                      30.  Gulielma Randall.  1822-1Sh5,  11H1.                              eo
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