Page 139 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 139

The Ontario Register
                                                                                                                                                                                     American Pensioners in                   ta  .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          0  n  no
                                                DAVID  LUSK                                                       ·         k                                    1891.  [File# W.C.  34, 603]
                                                   1\Iay  19  1871     .   Pension application of  Dav1d  Lus  ,  aged 76
                                                                                                                                        .  '
                                                        .d  t  f  Bowmanville  Durham County.                          e  1s  marr1ect
                                                a  rest  en  o                          '                                                   '                    pETER  S.  REXFORD
                                                                     ·den  name  was  Mary  Schoultz,  and  they  were
                                                his  w1  es mat                                                                                                     April 7,  1871.  Pension application of Peter s  R xf
                                                        .f  1
                                                        ·  d
                                                marne  on        5  October 1830 at Darlington, Durham County.  He                                               ?6,  of Armada,  Macomb County, Mich.  He  enlistedat Norwich
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ·  e  ord, aged
                                                        d m  e
                                                serve      ·  th  New  York Militia in which he enhsted at Canan-                                                N. Y.,  in  Capt.  N.  Taylor's Company of  New  York Militia  i~
                                                   ·  a  as a  substitute in  December 1813;  he was  d1scharged
                                                d  atgu                                                .            t  h'       .                                which  he  served  from  Sept 8,  1812  to  Nov  2  1812  H
                                                at  the same  place in  March 1814.  Wltnesses  o  1s  Signature                                                                                                                     ,        .    e  was
                                                                                                                                                                 present at the Battle of Queens ton Heights on Oct 13, 1                            . He
                                                were George Shoultz Shaw,  of Darlington,  and Samuel Wihnot                                                                                                                                     812
                                                                                                                                                                 is married,  and  his  wife s  mai den name was  Mary Dodge  to
                                                of Clarke Township.
                                                                                                                                                                 whom he was married 12 August 1821 at Oxford,  Canada West.
                                                   May 9,  1878.  Pension application of Mary E.  Lusk, aged 72,
                                                                                                                                                                 Witnesses  to  his  signature  were:  Ira  Spencer  of  Richmond
                                                of Bowmanville, widow of David Lusk who died 25 Aug 1875 in
                                                                                                                                                                 Mich.,  and  Cyrus W.  Humphrey of Armada,  Mich.                                        '
                                                Darlington. Her application was attested to by George Haines,
                                                                                                                                                                    Sept 14,  1876.  Affidavit of  Sophia Thornton  of West Oxford
                                                aged  57,  and  James  McClung,  aged  55,  both  of  King Street,
                                                                                                                                                                 Township, Oxford County, Ontario, wife of Benjamin Thornton,
                                                                                                                                                                 that she was  present at the marriage of Peter Sylvester  Rex-
                                                   1Iay 9,  1878.  A  joint  affidavit  of  Dorothea  Burk,  aged 81,
                                                                                                                                                                 ford to Mary Dodge in the Township of West Oxford in 1821.
                                                and Henry Shoultz,  aged 70,  residents of Darlington, that they
                                                                                                                                                                    July 8,  1878.  Pension application of Mary Rexford, aged 76,
                                                witnessed the marriage of David and Mary Lusk.
                                                                                                                                                                 of Plainwell,  Allegan County,  Mich.,  widow of Peter S.  Rex-
                                                   Mary  Lusk  died  21st December 1887  at  Bowmanville.  The
                                                                                                                                                                 ford who died  7 January 1872  at Armada,  Mich.  Her husband
                                               youngest daughter of David and Mary was  Naomi E.  Lusk who
                                                                                                                                                                 enlisted in Broome County,  N.Y.,  in which county he was born,
                                                was living in 1888.  [File# W.C.  25, 488J
                                                                                                                                                                 and  at  the  time  of his enlistment he was  about  19  years old.

                                                                                                                                                                 She and her husband were married  12 August 1821  at Oxford,
                                               JOSEPH  MICHENER
                                                                                                                                                                 Canada West,  by  Peter  Teeple,  J. P.  After  their  marriage,
                                                   Jan 7,  1881.  Pension application of  Joseph Michener,  aged                                                 they resided in Oxford for five years and at Zorra, C. W., for
                                               87,  a  resident of  Clinton Township,  Lincoln County,  Ontario.                                                 twenty-three years, and in Clyde and in Armada the  remaind~r

                                               He was drafted 5 September 1814 at Plumstead,  Bucks County,                                                      of  the  time until  her husband's death.  Attesting to her apph-
                                               Pennsylvania,  and he served three months and twenty days as                                                      cation were Albert S.  Pierson,  aged 39,  and Amelia J.  Pier-

                                               a  private  in  Capt.  Nathan  James'  Company  of  Pennsylvania                                                  son,  aged 40,  both of Plainwell,  Mich.                                            _
                                                1'~iliti.a. At the time of his enlistment he was a  carpenter. After                                                Feb 21  1879.  A  joint  affidavit  of  James  Flower,  aged                       1  0  •

                                               his  dtscharge  he resided about  five years in  Plumstead,  and                                                  and  John Neeper,  aged 53,  both of  rma  a,                      J.Yiich  ·'  as to the
                                               then  came  to  Canada  where  he has ever since resided in the
                                               town he now lives in.                                                                                             death of Peter S.  Rexford.                                            d was  Beach-
                                                                                                                                                                    In 1883 the post office address of Mary Rexfor                              t..·    t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         h ·  Oxford Coun.J.  n ·
                                                   July 17 • 1~86.  Pension application of Margaret Michener of                                                 VIlle,  a  village in West OXford Towns  tp,                                         0
                                               Campden,  Lmcoln County, widow of Joseph Michener who died                                                        [File# W.C.  21, 886J
                                                          8 18
                                               March  •          86  aged 92  yrs,  5 ms, 10 days.  Her maiden name
                                                was  Margaret Hippie,  and she was married to Jos  Michener
                                               2  7 Feb 1821 by a  ·  ·  t                                                 ·                                    BOSTWICK  SQUIRES                                  .    .    of  Bostwick Squires,
                                                Her  a  l'        .  mtms er of the Church of England at Grimsby.                                                   March 21  1871.  Pension  apphcatwn                           t  Oh·       He  ser-
                                                        PP ICahon  was  witnessed  by  Jacob  M'  h                             A  later                                          '                                    on  Conn y,        10  ·
                                                entry  in  the  fl       8  t                                   1c  ener.                                       aged 83,  a  resident of Norwalk,  Hur                                       181"  His
                                                                      e    ates that  Margaret Michener  died  Jan 24,                                          Ved  during the  War of 1812 from                   Julv 8 to Dec 13.            ...
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