Page 135 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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The Ontario  Register
                                                                                                                                                                                       American Pensioners ·n                  t  .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1   0  n arw

                                                     VERETT  BRISTOL                                                                                                  July 2,  1856.  Affidavit of David Cory of B                       t
                                                 LE                     A  l'cation for bounty land of Leverett Bris-                                                               .  .             .                             a  s  on Spa, N. y
                                                    Oct 19.  185  .  PP                                  .                               .                        as to the m1htary serviCe of Pitkin Gross  In                       1  d  d  .         . .,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     c u  e  m the f1le
                                                 tol  aged 55,  o    fR   o}  ralton  N. Y.  He enhsted at New  York Clty                                         is an aff1davtt o  the sarne date made by Eli Barn                     am an  Moses
                                                                                                                        d'  h
                                                 in Ca pt.  Samue     1  Sw  rtwout's  Company  and was  1sc  arged at                                            Willia_ms,  bo~h of ~a~lston Spa,  N. Y.,  that  they each became
                                                 th at place.   Th  e o  ffl .cial record indiCates that he served m  that                                        acquamted  wtth  Pltkm  Gross  in  1810  when  he  was  stud  ·
                                                                                                                                                                                                P'tki  ·
                                                                                                                                                                         .  .
                                                                                                                                                                                    'th D
                                                                                                      .  .
                                                company o      f N  ew  York 1\Iilitia from  28  July 1814 to  1  Nov 1814.                                       medwme Wl                r.  1  n m the said village.
                                                         ·1  2
                                                   Apn       5  ,   1855  Application for addltwnal  bounty land.  Aged                                               May 23,  1871.  Pension application of Dr.  Pitkin Gross  age
                                                59  years  resident of Niagara County,  N. Y.  The witnesses to                                                   79,  of Brighton,  Northumberland County.  He  is  married'  his
                                                his signa~ure were John Sybrandt and Wilber H.  Bristol.                                                          wife's  maiden name was Rebecca Cory, and theywerema;ried
                                                   June 10,  1878  before the  U. S.  Vice-Consul at  Toronto,  an                                                12 October 1815 at Balston Springs, N. Y.  His signature to the
                                                application for a  pension of Elizabeth A.  Bristol, aged 77 yrs,                                                 application  was  witnessed by  Christopher English Bullock,  a
                                                presently residing with her son at 21  Sullivan Street,  Toronto,                                                 merchant, and Albert V.  Hodges, gentleman, both of Brighton.
                                                widow of  Leverett Bristol who died at Royalton,  Niagara Co.,                                                    A  second  application  was  subrnitted  on  Nov  21,  1871  giving
                                                N. Y.,  on 20  June 1856. Her name before marriage was Eliza-                                                     information similar to the above,  but at which time his signa-
                                                                                                                                                                  ture was  witnessed by  Freeman Schemerhorn Clench  of King
                                                beth A.  Cowles,  and  she  was married to  Leverett Bristol on
                                                                                                                                                                  Street,  Cobourg,  and Albert Gross of Brighton.
                                                31  January 1819 at Cheshire,  New Haven County,  Connecticut
                                                                                                                                                                     March 27,  1878.  Pension application of Rebecca Gross, age
                                                by the Rev.  1\Ir.  Noyes.  After their marriage they resided at
                                                                                                                                                                  80,  of Brighton,  widow of  Pitkin Gross  who  died at  Brighton
                                                Cheshire,  Conn. ,  until  1821  when  they removed to  Porter in
                                                                                                                                                                  20 Sept  1873.  Before  marriage  she  was  Rebecca Cory;  they
                                                Niagara County,  N. Y.  In  June  1848  to  Royalton.  About 1865
                                                                                                                                                                  were married by a  Baptist minis ter at Ballston Spa, N. Y.  The
                                                she  removed  to  Virgil,  Ont.  In 1870 to  her son's  in Toronto
                                                                                                                                                                  witnesses to her signature were Eliza C.  Clench,  aged 76,  of
                                                and in the same year to children in Kankakee, Illinois. In June
                                                                                                                                                                  King Street,  Cobourg,  and Mr  Charles B.  Kemp,  aged 41,  of
                                                1877  she returned to her son's in Toronto.
                                                   June 10, 1878.  Affidavit of James M.  Bristol,  aged 58,  and
                                                                                                                                                                     April 17,  1878.  Affidavit  of  Eliza Clench,  aged  76,  and of
                                                Mary M.  Bristol  his  wife,  aged  51,  both  of  Toronto.  James
                                                                                                                                                                 Cory Clench,  aged 50,  both of Cobourg.
                                                Bristol, eldest child of Leverett Bristol, was born 12 Dec 1819
                                               at Cheshire,  Conn.                                                                                                   Nov  15,  1878.  Affidavit  of  James  C.  Kemp,  aged  76,  and
                                                                                                                                                                 John McAlease,  aged 62,  both of Brighton.
                                                   July 27,  1878.  Affidavit of Mrs.  Ellen M.  Tryon of Wilson,                                                   Included  in  the  file  is a  letter dated  19th April  1876  from
                                               Niagara  County,  N.  Y.  She  was  present  at  the  marriage  of                                                Benjamin S.  Cory,  M.D., U. S.  Pension Surge.on, of \\~:ega;~

                                                Leverett Bristol to Elizabeth A.  Cowles at Cheshire,  and she                                                   Illinois  to the  Pension Bureau  making enqu1ry rega                              g
                                               was  also  present  at the  funeral  of Leverett Bristol  [File#                                                  necessary  procedure  for h1s  s1ster  e  e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         R  b  cca Gross  to follo\\'
                                               w.c.  20, 032]                                                                 .                                  .                                     .         .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             c  13  855.  Note: Re-
                                                                                                                                                                 m  order to  obtain a  penswn.  [File #  W ·  ·.                    '             \\'hich
                                                                                                                                                                 b                                        th       11  of penswners,       1883  ·
                                               Dr·  PITKIN GROSS                                                                                                   ecca Gross was  named on  e  ro                            ram  ton  rather than
                                                                                                                                                                 states that her post office address was  B                         P
                                                 f Ma! 11,  1855. Application for bountyland of Dr Pitkin Gross                                                  Brighton]
                                                   Bnghton, Northumberland c                    t             .
                                               indicate that h                             oun Y,  Ontar10.  Official records
                                               ader  D.  Colde:,:ez;:~ a::urgeon 's. ~~te in Lt. Col.  Cadwall-                                                  LEWIS HOUSE                                      .    .    of Lewis Ht"'use.  aged
                                               Steel of Saratoga S  .g  ·  .  N. Y.  Mtht!a  under  Surgeon  John                                                   Sept 8,  1851.  Bounty land apphcatwn
                                                                          prmgs m  the military hospital in New York                                             55,  of Beamsville,  Ont.
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