Page 143 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 143

The Ontario  Register

                                                                                          t ,  widow of Zimri  Tilden  Who diect                                                         American Pensioners in Ontario
                                                       7                  Essex Coun } ·                            d  b  t  4
                                                        6  of 1\Iersea.          ·           ed  88  years  an  a  ou               :months.                                                                                                             139
                                                          ·              3 July 188  ag                                            h '
                                                      in 1\Iersea on                      married  in  Oxford  Towns  1p,  Ox-                                      Wilson,  aged  51,  of  Walsingham,  Norfolk  County,  widow  of
                                                                      h  sband  were
                                                      She and  ber  u           .  b  one  Teeple,  J. P.  Her  Signature  to                                       John Wilson. Rer  application was witnessed by Martin J.  Mc-
                                                      ford  County.  Ontarw·t y  sed by Jonathan Hilliar ,  aged  49, of
                                                               l .  t'on was  w1  nes
                                                      the app  te a  d J  E  Jo  nson,      aged 40  of Leam ington .                                                   May 15, 1855. Affidavit of HesterC. McMaster of Charlotte-
                                                                                                                                                                    ville,  Norfolk County, to the  effect that she was  present at the
                                                      Mersea.  an        .  ·ff.d  ·t of Harriet Fishell,  aged  68,  of  Lea-                                      marriage of  Fanny  Bartholomew to John Wilson.
                                                        N  3  1884  A  1 av1
                                                          ov  ·  Essex  oun  .
                                                        ·  gton         ·  C     ty  sister of Rachel  Tilden,  to  t  e  effect
                                                                                                                                                                       April 16,  1878.  Pens ion application of  Fanny Wilson,  aged
                                                     that  she  was  presen                                                                                         7
                                                                                 t  at  the  marriage of her s1ster to  Zi:mri
                                                                                                                                                                     4,  of  Lynedoch,  Ontar io,  widow  of  John Wilson  who  died in
                                                                                                                                                                    Wals ingham  10 December 1854.  Rer maiden name was  Fanny
                                                     Tilden.                                              l    T 'ld        n     h  1 d'  d
                                                        A son of Zimri and Rachel  was Char es  l  en.  nac  e                            le                        Bar tholomew,  and  she  married  John Wilson  at  Ovid,  Seneca
                                                     April  13,  1893.  [File# W.C.  34, 016]
                                                                                                                                                                    County,  N . Y.,  on  19 January 1819.  Her application was  wit-
                                                                                                                                                                   nessed  by  Jesse Rice,  aged  65,  and  Thomas William Walsh.
                                                    ROBERT  WILCOX                                                                                                 aged  59,  both of Simcoe.  [File# W.C.  14, 774J
                                                       July 13,  1878.  Pension  application  of  Robert Wilcox,  aged
                                                    81,  of South Norwich,  Oxford County (post office,  Springford).

                                                    He  volunteered  at  Crown  Point,  Essex  Co. ,  N.  Y. ,  and  was
                                                    discharged  at Salmon River,  N. Y  He served as  a  priva te in

                                                   Capt  Salmon Cross'  Company,  New  York  Militia,  from  2nd
                                                   to  13th September 1814  during  which  time  the  company  was

                                                   engaged  m  the  Battle of Plattsburgh.  One of the  officers was
                                                   Amasa Wilcox.  At the  time of his  enlistment  his description

                                                   was:  "in his 19th year, born at Crown  Point, a  farmer." After
                                                   his discharge he lived at Crown Point until  1824 when he moved
                                                   to  Canada  then about 1854 to Minnesota  about 1856  to  Mi chi-
                                                   gan  and about  1865  to  Canada.  His character was  attested to
                                                  by Ebenezer llaley, aged 73,  and Nelson Brown, aged 66,  both

                                                  of South Norwich,  who  stated  that  they knew the applicant 50
                                                  and  20  years respectively.  [File g s. c.  24,957.  Note:  there
                                                      no lllenhon of a Wife  in this file.  There is a  pension file for
                                                  one  Electa Wilcox  of s  ·  f  d                                                      11
                                                  .  ln 1883 as a widow·  he  f'l                  ·
                                                                                 Prmg or  ,  Who  was on the  pension ro
                                                                           ,    r  1 e number is W.C.  24, 594]
                                                  JOHN  WILSON

                                                     June 2,  1853  Bounty 1  d

                                                                                   an  application of John Wilson,  aged
                                                  57  of  Norfolk ·C    oun Y  Onta  .
                                                  Militia from  6 A            '        r 10 ·  He  served  in  the  New  York
                                                  Ovid,  N. Y.  and ~~s~i~~: November 1814.  He  was drafted at
                                                     May 15  1855  A  l'             arged at Batavia,  N  y
                                                              '       ·  PP tcation f        d  ·  .             ·  ·
                                                                                        or a  dthonal bounty land of Fanny
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