Page 138 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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 The ontario Register

                             American Pensioners .                       .
 t   1856.  Application of  Lewis  House,  aged 60,  fo       In  0 ntar10
 Augus   21  ,   .  t  .  C   r                                                              133
 additional bounty land.  He  served as a  pnva  e  m   apt.  Hull's
            August 22,  1875.  Affidavit of  Benjam·  R
 Company of  N. Y.  Volunteers  for six months from April 1 814   of  Portland Township,  Frontenac  Cou  tm  eynolds,  aged 67,

 to November 1814,  and he was discharged  at  Buffalo.   .   .   .   n Y·  As  a  child  h  h  d
        res1ded m  Western, One1da  County  N  y                                          e  a
 Feb 15,  1879. Application for a  pension  of Catharine House   of Julia  as  the wife of John Keech.'  ·  ., and he always  knew
 aged 78,  of campden, Lincoln County, Ontario,  widow of Lewi~
           Dec 31,  1877. Affidavit of Albert Keech  f F  d  .
 House. She stated that her husband was born in New York State.   .   0     re  er1eksburgh
        Addmgton County (post office  Napanee)  H                                   b            '
 She married him in the Church  of England at Grimsby, Ont. on   '   ·  e  remem  ered that
        during  the  War  of  1812  three  of  his  broth
 16 June 1818.  (An extract from the  pa rish register in the file       ers,  one of whom
 '      was  John Keech,  went  to  Sackett's  Harbor ;  that  in  the same
 however,  states  that  the  date of marriage  was 16 June 1816;   group were seventy year old Revolutionary War   ld'
                                                                               8 o  1ers,  one
 both parties were  described  the r ein as  being of Clinton).  She   of whom was h1s  father.  On September  16,  1879  Alb  rt   d
                          .d  ·t
                                                                                     e  ma  e
                   d  ff
 stated  that  her maiden  name  was  Catharine House,  and that   a  sec on  a  1  av1  .  He was still a resident of Fredericksburgh
 she  and  ber  husband  lived on  a  farm at  Beamsville from the   but  the affidavit was made in  Jefferson County  N  y   h  '
                                                                             ,  .. ,  w  ere
 time  of  their  marriage  until  his  dea th  on  Nov 7,  1867.  The   he  was  visiting  a  son  and  also  a  brother.  He  stated  that he
 witnesses to ber application wer e  John A.  Huff,  aged 63,  and   was  a  brother of  John Keech,  and  that  he  was  aged  13  at the
 Mathew Hagerman,  aged 68,  both  of  Clinton.  [File WC  240211   time of his brother's marriage and so believes that it occurred

 In 1883 the post office address of Catharine House was Beams-  in 1813  or 1814.
 ville,  Ontario.   Feb  25,  1881.  Affidavit  of  Mr s.  Marcia  Hart,  aged  81,  of
        Ameliasburgh,  Prince Edward County (postoffice, Rossmore).
 JOHN KEECH   She has known  John and Julia Keech  from her earliest recol-

 On  March 10,  1851,  John Keech  of  Camden East  Lennox &   lection; she was reared in Western,  Oneida County, N. Y.  She
 Add~ngton County,  ("aged 70") applied  for  bounty la~ds, and on   was  present  at  the  house  of  the  father  of  John  Keech,  viz:
 Apri121,  1855 he applied for additional bounty land ("aged 71").   James  Keech,  and  she  witnessed  the  marriage  of  John  and
        Julia  which occurred on  4th July  either 1813 or 1814  but she
 Nov 16,  1872.  Pension application of  Julia Keech  aged 75
 of Sh  ff  ld  c   '   '   believes the latter. Among those present at the said marriage
 .   e  le  •  ounty of Lennox & Addington (post office  Centre-
 VIlle)  w·d   0  f  J  hn   '   were:  Nancy  Haynes,  sister of the  deponent,  who  afterward
 y   '  .  .  ~w   o   Keech.  Her  husband  served  in the New
 .  ork Mlhha from  3 September  to  16  November 1814  At the   became  the  wife  of Albert  Keech,  brother  of  the  said  John
 tlme  they  were  res'd  t   f   ·   Keech;  Calvin Keyes  who,  with the  above  Nancy,  stood  up  at
 state'd that th   1  en s  o  Western,  Oneida  County.  She
       the  wedding; John Turklot and Debbie his  wife the said Debbie
 and that her: .wdere married July  14,  1814 at Western, N.Y.,   being a  sister of the claimant  [Julia]:  Van Ransalaer Haynes:
 a1  en name was J ul·a c   h   .  d
 Jan 27  1864 in C   d   r oue  .  Her hus band d1e   Olive  Keyes  who,  if now  living,  is the widow Haynes: and also
 '   am  en East  As a  la   ·   d
 to  widows  who  h  d   ·   rger pens wn was gran te   Alanson Key es .  She added  that  among  those  who served with

 were  obtained  to ahe~a::~ed be.fore  1815,  several  affidavits   John Keech was  Daniel Prosser who after  became the hus band
 married in 18  .   P   stanttate  that  John  and  Julia were   of the deponent  but  who has been dead for  many years  80  that
 August 12,  1875.  AffidaVit  of   she  married  afterward  William  Hart  who  is  also  now  dead.
 Camden East  (post off'   E   Mrs.  Anna Davy,  aged 63,  of   With  them  also  went  George  Prosser,  a  brother  of  the sald
 lee  nterpr·s   0
 Davy.  Rer maiden nam   e,   nt.),  widow  of  HenrY   Daniel.
                                                                .  r  ch \\"aS  Trafford
 were Charles and Elen e wRas  Anna Reynolds,  and her parents   In 1883  the post office address of Ju  1a  ,ee  .  <   ,  •
 N  y   or  eynolds of w  t   .                     .    L        x &  Addmo·ton Count\ .
 ·  ·  She always knew of  Jul ·   es ern, Oneida County,   a  VIllage  in  Sheffield  Township,   enno.   ~   ·
 la as  the wife of John Keech.   [File #  W.C.  29,  867]
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