Page 134 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 134

The Ontario Regis ter
                             The Ontario Register

 Series A  - Co nt' d

          Volume 2
 Pre-1858 English Probate Jurisdictions:                                             Number 3

 - Bedfordshire   20 ·  - Suffolk
 7.  -Berkshire   21.  -Durham
 22.   -Cheshire
 9.  -London
 10.  - Cambridgeshire   23.   - Lancashire
 24.  - Nottinghamshire
 11.  - Buckinghamshire
 12.  - Huntingdonshire   25.  - Derbyshire

 13.  - Lincolnshire   26.  - Westmorland
 14.  - Oxfordshire   27.  - Worcestershire   SOME U.S.  WAR  OF 1812 PENSIONERS
 15.  - Northamptonshire   29.  - Warwickshire       IN ONTARIO

 16.  - Wiltshire   30.  -Hampshire
 17.  - Hertfordshire   31.  - Northumberland
                                                Thomas B.  Wilson
 18.  - Norfolk   32.  - Cumberland
 19.  -Kent

            As part of the westward expansion of North America,  many
 Major Genealogical Record Sources:   Americans  settled  in  Ontario as is weil known.  It is perhaps

         less  well  known  that  sorne  of  the  earlier settlers  had  been
         soldiers with the "patriot" or whig forces during theAmerican

 B,  No.  1.  United States   D,  No.  2.  Iceland   Revolutionary War and that la ter settlers included many Amer-
 c,  No.  1.  Germany   D,  No.  3.  Sweden   ican veterans of the War of 1812.  Conversely, many Canadians

 C,  No.  2.  Switzerland
 D,  No.  4.  Finland   served with the  Union forces during the  American Civil War.
 c,  No.  3.  Netherlands
 D,  No.  5.  Denmark   The  majority  of  these  were  probably residents of the United
 D,  No.  1.  Norway   States at the time,  but many residents of Canada,  actuated by

         an  abhorrence  of  slavery or  imbued  with  an  admiration for
        Abraham  Lincoln,  also  served.  (See,  for  example,  p.  98  of

        this volume).  Many of these Civil War veterans received pen-
        sions,  and  their  applications  are  on  file at the  National Ar-

        chives,  Washington.
           It is  doubtful  that  any  of  the  Revolutionary  War  veterans

        resident  in  Canada  received  pensions  - at  least  that  is  the
        opinion  of  officiais  at  the  National Archives  which  is where
                                                       t  d  Full genealoaical extracts
        A  mencan penswn files are loc a e  .                                  1:>·
        h  ave  been  made  from the files o  a  ew                  of the American Yet-
        erans  of the  War of 1812  who  resided  in  Ontario,  and  these
                                                                       thanks to l\fr James
        are presented here.  I  wish to express my                          d  .  f  ·t·tat·ng
                                                        .       f    his ai  m  ac1  1       1
        D.  Walker  of the  National Archtves  or                         •
        access to these files.
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