Page 141 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 141

The Ontario Rcgister
                                                                                                                                                                                       American  Pens ioners in Ontario
                                                                              t  . d  and  he  was  exchanged  at  Montreal
                                                                Y  was  cap ure  ·                                                             ·                                                                                                        137
                                                      compan             .             was Abigail Sturdh-ant whom  he l'har-
                                                      Ris wife's matden name                                            .                                             oct 9,  1878  in E lgin  County. Affidavit of El'
                                                        .        Ell'  burgh  Jefferson  County,  N. Y.,  ln  March 181                                            74                              .                                  IZa  Graver  aged
                                                      ned  at        1S        '                                      .  d                   9  •                        of  Rodney,  Ontar w,  that she was present  t  th                         '  .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             e marr1age
                                                                                                                                                                                           •  182  ·
                                                                 .  now  e
                                                      and  she 1S          d  ceased  He  has not remarne  .  He now re-                                           of the  Thayer  s  ln            6 m  Cramahe Township  N  rth                 b
                                                                'th h'  daughter Mrs  Abigatl  Gnggs  at Norwalk,  Ohio
                                                      S1des  W1      lS                                                      .                '                   county.                                                            •  o     um  erland
                                                                .  t  d as  ht's  attorne''  to apply  for  the penswn  Charles
                                                     He appom e                            J                               •   •                                      Jan  13,  1879.  Affidavit of John  Tillotson  ag  d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               years,  of
                                                     B.  Stickney.  His signature  was  witnessed  by  LIZZie Lobdel!                                             Ameliasburgh,  Prmce Edward County,  that he was present at
                                                     of Norwalk.
                                                                                                                                                                  the ma rriage of  Frances Drewry  at her  father's bouse in the
                                                        March 5, 1878. Application for  an  increase in the pension of                                            Township  of  Cramahe,  Nor thumberland County,  to  Nathaniel
                                                     Bostwick Squires.  aged 89,  of  the  Township of  Maryborough,                                              Thayer ;  they  were  m ar r ied  by a  clergyman of the Church of
                                                     Wellington County (post office,  Rothsay)  Ontario,  a  pensioner                                            England.
                                                     enrolled at Cle\'eland,  Ohio.  He appoints  W. H.  Lowes,  J. P.,                                              The  post office address of  Frances Thayer was Brighton in
                                                    as his attorney to apply  for  the increase.  His  application was                                            1883.  She died  9 August 1893.  [File # W.C.  18, 811J
                                                    attested to  by Thomas  Holmes  and William  Philip.  In 1883 his
                                                    post office  address  was  Bosworth,  a  village in  Maryborough                                              ZIMRI  TILDEN
                                                    Township.  [File=- S. C.  14, 691]                                                                               Nov 2,  1871.  Application of Zimri Til den, aged 75,  of l\Iersea

                                                                                                                                                                  in  Essex  County  (pos t  office,  Blytheswood).  He  enlisted  at
                                                    NA THAt-.lEL  THA YER
                                                                                                                                                                 Stewart's  Town,  New Hampshire,  in Capt Rufus  Stewart's Co.,
                                                       June14,  1871.  Pensionapplication of Nathaniel Thayer, aged                                              31st Regt. ,  U. S.  Infantr y,  in  which  he served  from  l\Iay 20,
                                                    80,  of Brighton,  Northumberland  County,  Ontario.  He stated                                              1813  to  July 29,  1814.  He  was taken prisoner by Indians who

                                                   that  he  enlisted  as a sergeant in  June 1812  at Sterling in the                                           wer e  attached to the  British forces at the  Battle of Schadigee
                                                   Lancaster Artillery of Massachusetts under Capt.  Lewis  Park                                                 in  May 1814.  He was  discharged at  Plattsburgh,  N. Y.  He  is
                                                   and that he was  discharged in 1812 at South Bos ton .  (The audi-                                            married  and  his  wife's  name  before  marriage  was  Rachel
                                                   tor. was  only  able  to  find  record  of a  Nathaniel  Thayer  who                                          French to whom he was married at Oxford, Canada. His char-
                                                   enltsted as a private in the  Massachusetts Militia on  Sept 11                                               acter  was attested toby Donald Cameron of Windsor, Ont .. and
                                                   1814  and was  di ~ch           d                                                       '
                                                   .         .           .,  arge  on  Oct 29,  1814).  He stated  that he                                       by David Moon of Rochester,  Ont.                                                      .
                                                   D is marned and also that his Wife's  maiden nam e  was  Frances                                                 Jan  23,  1872.  An additional  statement of the applicant.  His
                                                     rewry  to whom he wa                  .
                                                                                                                                                                parents were born             .  m  Connectwu  an  re         I                     .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            s'ded in that state and
                                                                                                                                                                                                             .  t
                                                  A second application w s  marn.ed ~August 1826  at  Brighton.
                                                                                                                                                                Vermont until about one month before the birth of the apphcant
                                                  time he was descr'b  d as submttted on March 11, 1878 at which                                                when they  moved from Milton,  Vt.,  toSt. Armand just acrot~~
                                                     April 20  1878 a~ '~r·  ads  aged 88,  of Brighton.
                                                  Th             ,           n ln  sor  Ontario  A  l'                                                          the border  in Canada where his father and mother su~sequen J'
                                                      ayer,  agect  71  of B  .  h  '                ·    PP  tcation of Frances                                lived  and died  His father was  a soldier of the Amenca~ a~~J
                                                  of Nathaniel Tha,yer  rhtg  ton,  Northumberland County  widow
                                                  Th                          w  o  died at  B  .  ht                          '                                during  the  Revolution,  and  both               h'  f  th  r  and  mother  \\ ei e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The appt ·cant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         a  e
                                                      ey Were married        24  A                rtg  on on  16  March 1878.                                                                                         ·t d States.                 1  ·
                                                                                                                                                                Revolutionary  pensioners  of the  Um e
                                                  Ontario.  Witnesses to ;:;:st.           1826    at Cranoke, now Brighton,                                    h                                                 hire  Vermon  an        d Connecti-
                                                  and Edgar  Bartiett,  both of  Stgnature  Wer e  William  Bartlett                                             ad  many realtives in New Hamps                              f h's  time before he
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ·ct  able  portion o
                                                     Sept 7,  1878.  A  joint  ff·64  Goyeau St. '  Windsor.                                                   cu ,  and he spent a  cons1  er                                 t  hool  among· his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    k  and  a  sc
                                                  and  Fann  S                     a  tdavit of  G                                     9                       entered  the  army  visiting,  a  wo~                         li\'ed in  New  Hamp-
                                                  of deat  Y  olomon,  aged 39,  bot                  eo~ge Drewry,  aged  7  ,                                relations.  After  his  military service he
                                                           h of Nathaniel  Th                  h of Brtghton  as to the date
                                                                                 ayer.                            '                                            Sbire and Vermont for many y~ars:                          f  Rachel  Tilden.  aged
                                                                                                                                                                  Oct  10,  1883.  Pension  apphcatwn °
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