Page 8 - index
P. 8

Square Brackets I:]     NUMBERS IN SQUARE BRACKETS a[  ihe end of cach
                                                      resesrch  segment  in  the  I)irr<r<iry  rekr  Io  THE
                                                      WE  REMIND  ALL  CONTRIBUTORS  TO  FUTURE
                                                      DIRECTORIES  TO  CHECK  ABBREVIATIONS
                                                      APPEARING  ON  THE  CURRENT  ENTRY  FORM
                                                       BEFORE ENTERING DETAI1.S.
                               Place Names and Codes   Wc are gratelul  tu Culin Chapman for his agreeriient in Ihis
                                                      Counly Codca for Brilain and Ireland being adopied  in this
                                                      DireiMry. Mdrgarel Audinmd FriedricliWollrnershiuur have
                                                      upplied  the  abbreviati<ins  for  France  and  Germa""
                                                      Duringediting mÿny thuurandsofalter~iir>ns andcorrectinni
                                                      were made; aome were <>fa niinur ndNre, huf uthen. mainly
                                                      niisspellings of placc names, werc eorrcctcd toasaistusers and
                                                      contrihutors alike.
                                                      JohnBanholi>mew'sS~irvuyGoruiruur~~theBriti.~h (9th
                                                      cditiun 1950) ha been the sourceu.d forcorrectionsolBritish
                                                      place nrmes. The Cenerai Al~~ticolle folk Townlurd~
                                                      unri Towns, Parirherondiùtronier ofIrelund in la.$/ and thc
                                                      Topgr~/,himl Dicii<,nar> r~jlruland by Samucl Lew ia (2 vols)
                                                      have  been invaluahle  lor corrections  ol Irish place  namer
                                                      subminedon fnrms. Somc citics are locatad in mure than ime
                                                      county. eg. Bellari: ANTandD0W:Bristul:  SOMïndGLS;
                                                      Birmingham: WAR and WOR:  Lundon: MDX. SRY. KEN
                                                      and HRT. These citics Irequcntly  appeïr  in rhe  Direciory
                                                      without acounty abbrcriïlion folliiwing  The  1984iVo~ional
                                                      FiveDigUZip C<>deur,dP. O. Dirrcroq. iupplied by the U.S.
                                                      Postal  Seruice,  ihe Canadian  Pur~ol Code  Direrior>  and
                                                      Ausiralia  Posi's  pis1 ïodc  listi  have  been  consulted  as
                               Faniil!  nanie,        \;imc\  hcirig  icre;iichcd  :ire  Iirted in \trici :ilpli;ihelic;il
                              alpha \equenrr          corder  p~i~pi ihore  prilitcd xiih  M<;iiid  MAC which
                                                      h;ivc   hccii   i<iitrd  Iiigrtlicr.   Nanie,   cori1;iinlng
                                                      piinclii;itii>n riixp;icc*e.c  O'HR1rN:ind  I1F 1 A  1'01<  1 F
                                                      havc  heïn iirtcd ~prioi-iiig tlic  piinctii:iiir>ri ;aiid  ip;ico
                                                      ;iihoiiph  the  n;iiiici  1i;iic  hccn  piinicrl  in  rhcii proper
                                                      loriii   Thrrcli~rr I>ti  1 A  POR l r  oppc;ir\   ol,cr
                                                      !)FI  ANI  rhi,  is  ;f  ch:ingc  fiiim picbii>ii,  I>iir~riori<~i.
                                                      Niimc~ iirifiii:ill\  picfi~ed with IF. VAS. 1 Aeic. m:i!
                                                      haie drvppcd ihr. prcfi~ ;incl  rill hc lihtcd iiridcr ihc fir.1
                                                      letter  <il prlnc~pill pitrt  of Ihe ,name  Hoih ~ari;iiir>rir
                                                      rh<iul<l hc conriiliïd   Family  namea such as  JOLLY -
                                                      JOLLEY - JOLLlE have nul ken erpanded 10  al1 variants
                                                      wiihr lieeeniry]. Alleontributorsare roquesied inïulure
                                                      toreeor<l onaspparsle linevarialiansofnamoralhor than
                                                      clulier up a parlicular ontry rilh lwa or three variants in
                                                      As ihe pruporiion of eniries in ihc 19RI- 1987 Diredorie5
                                                      re-submirted  is  luw,  ir  is  cseotial  ia  chcck  al1  pari
                                                      Direcroricr to ensure thal eniries are no1 missed. Copie5
                                                      arc available fioni agcnis liated on the rnersc side ol the
                                                      iitlc page.
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