Page 6 - index
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The Cenealoeical Reseirch Dirmorv IC.R.D.I has become an im~onant international re-
search taol. k'e believe it to he theCheaaes~and mast conveniekt means bv which Der-
~ -~~
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sons may exchange rcsearch data with distant relatives.
We are oleased with the woivorldwideoafiicioation of familv historians in this 8th Dlrec-
tory. Some 5778 individual contribulors from twenty countries have submitted more
than 100,000 entries to the Dlrectory. If is larger in size, with 860 pages, ihan the 7th Di-
recbry (784 pages) published in 1986, and becamc available to contributors worldwide
within five months of the closing date for receipt of entries.
WC again record our thanks to Our agents, Margaret Audin (FRANCE), Amy Lewis
(NZ). Neui Schreiner-Yanlis (USA), Elizabeth Simpson and Philip Simpson (UK),
Elizabeth Thorsell (SWEDEN). Jeannette Tyson (CANADA). Patricia Goldsmith
(AFRICA) and Friedrich Wollmerihauser (GERMANY), who not only assisted greatly
with the promotion of the Dirmory and the subsiantial amount of mail received. but
also soned out variour problems and gave us useful advicc. Thanks also to Allison Allen,
Janet Robinson and John Pickett, for their assistance with the preparation of the prelirni-
nary pages and society listings and Philip Graham for his expen layout work wirh the
advenisements and the listings, and also Karen Bradley, Brenda Dennis & other staff
members of Photoset Computer Services.
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the many genealogical societies which seni
our foms Io their memhers in rerurn for a financial contribution tawards mailing en-
penser. As a service to there Societies and to genealogists worldwidc we list societies
alter the addresses of contribuiors towards the back of ihis Dlrectov.
30 January 1987 K.A. Johnson & M.R. Sainiy.
Thoughi and care should be exercired whena reader of this Direclon wirhes to contact one of the
coniributors listed.
Points to Note:-
I Nhrrrdrcr>lny the :n\cl iw. \pl1 inr.c.iJntq ofdcsl.~l..m >UI in l~ll if 1.i ~n.iihcr
.;iunir) Wriiethc lull ddrrrt r-rh<>uii crcn if iidu<n.~t mdke x.nrr.t.i)iu. inc p..\( .>iti:c
.II Jcstln*t.cin *.Il unJrr,uiiiJ or pan.. ~li(rl) .krr .n u 81.1 p>\ldl .(>.I.s
2. Da noi make your initialconiact with contribuiora by lelephone, you may bc intmding on their
privacy and valuable lime.
3. We suggest you $end a postage sianip for local reply or tvo international siamp coupons if
çorresponding with overseas contributon
4. Send al1 inicrnatiunal mil by AIR.
5. Eiiclosea simple family mechan ifpossible as it can te understoodfar more easily than pages
of enplanationa.
6. Donoiwritetoeve~personresearchingapriicularnanieunlessyoiiareinierestedinihalname
worldwide. Itcan te irritaiing forcontribulors toreceivequeries which Dbviously donot inany
way relatetotheirentriesin theDirecloq. eg. Ilacontributor is ~eaiching the name MULLER
in SNngart, Ge-y 17U11750, donotwile tothcm about ynirMULLERancestor, who arrived
InNewYork USAin 1875 or Brisbane AUS in 1880unless yui belicvehi IxcamehmSNRgan.
7. 11 you enpecr help try Io helpothers. If the family names ofyour anceslorsare no1 listed in this
Dir~croq. then you obviously have no1 eniered paniculars of iheni.