Page 5 - index
P. 5

1988 GRD

                                  ENTRIES CLOSE 31 OCTOBER 1987

                                   ENTRY FORMS - will be posted to every Contributor in
                                  July 1987
                                  Additional Entry Forms can be obtained from any of our Representa-
                                  tives lisied on page 4.
                                  SUBJECT ENTRIES
                                  A new  section will  appear in the  1988 GRD which will  list subjects
                                  which  contributors are researching.  Entries  may  appear under  any
                                  subject name. e.g.
                                      Immigration to Canada from Germany.  1800-1900,
                                       ~in~;of Denmark,  1600 +
                                       Brandiston Parish, NORFOLK, ENG.  1500-1650.
                                       American Civil War Veteran's Graves.
                                       Russians in  North America - any.
                                       Silversmiths - Worldwide 1500-1800.
                                       Gold Fields - Western Australia - 1890's.
                                       Black Convicts, West Indies to Australia  1788-1860.
                                       St. Helena Island - Any  Residents of.
                                       California - Early Spanish Missionaries.
                                  The  19#98 Entry  form  will contain  provision  for  making  SUBJECT
                                  ENTRl ES.

                                  PLEASE REPLY TO LElTERS 81 SEND POSTAGE
                                  When writing to a contributor who has entries listed in this Directory
                                  the  Editors  recommend  that  as  a  courtesy  you  enclose  a  self  ad-
                                  dressed  stamped  envelope  or  2  International  postal  coupons  if
                                  writing outside your own country.  Please do not bother contributors
                                  if the geographical location you are searching is remote from that list-
                                  ed in the Directory.
                                  People receiving letters are requested to reply even if  not able Io as-
                                  sist.  It  !;hould be  remembered  that even  if  two correspondents find
                                  that they are not related they at least become aware of one another's
                                  field of  research and can keep this in mind  when researching  in the
                                  future.  A number  of  contributors have  reported  that  some of  their
                                  best clu'es came from people who were not directly related to them but
                                  who hati kept notes in the past. on unrelated persons sharing the same
                                  surname and in the same region.
                                  If al1 elrie fails you may make a new friend!
                                  Remember - if you want assistance, try to assist others.
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